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Fritta and Turner

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Everything posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. As long as it is not played in the parish of Bumbang
  2. Right, you have just been dropped from my Best 22 Posters 😁
  3. No. Still traumatised. Was only a small kid and I reckon the string was longer than me. 2nd go the yoyo hit the ground and broke in 2. The rest is history. Explains everything really.
  4. Should change his first name to Norman
  5. True but unlikely. You cant even change a light globe at Caulfield without going before the heritage committee. (how they allowed electric trains i will never know)
  6. Sparrow at pick 27, Rivers at pick 32, Petty at 37 and ANB at 40. We can find them
  7. We have given up 14, 27 and 35 for 11 Sparrow at pick 27, Rivers at pick 32, Petty at 37 and ANB at 40 clearly shows we are hopeless with late 2nd early 3rd picks If we dont grab Reid this deal is an absolute stinker.
  8. Sunny boys - used to do similar though I remember the printing on the seam used to be slightly different. One thing is the same; been thrown out by the shop keeper when they worked out what we were doing.
  9. Need to revamp the onfield leadership team. Off his own feet and hands Max had a chance to put us into the prelim and he didnt.
  10. Things said in extreme anger are a sign of passion not intent. 99% of the time anyway.
  11. There may be increased capacity interstate but WC and Freo were woeful most of the year and Adelaide and Essendon dint even make it to 9th. Agree as a % of the population attendances are down and the MCG now only holds 100k, down from 120k before they got rid of standing room. But it was record attendances this season. People are turning up to see the game live. They like it. The issues for the AFL are the MRO whose deliberations seem to be taken straight out of a Monty Python script and the standard of umpiring. Perhaps the rules need to be simplified (somehow).
  12. Record breaking crowds which is remarkable in the age of online entertainment
  13. Fascinating. Has the AFL never not given compensation for a required player?
  14. Out of the (playing) game for too long? Would prefer someone who finished up in the last 10-15 years max.
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