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Fritta and Turner

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Posts posted by Fritta and Turner

  1. 54 minutes ago, WalkingCivilWar said:

    I knew the Lions were in trouble when I saw their banner. It looked as though it was slapped together using faded red plastic tablecloths and blue garbage bags. 😝


    I have been reliably informed that we have far superior banner makers.

    Did you sit with anyone famous, did you have a Big Head?

  2. Can I just clarify that I was never really off the bandwagon, I just had to go for a comfort break so can i have my seat back please?

    What an emphatic win.  Still stunned.

    Mind you I think we may have used up our quota of kicking majors out of our posterior.

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  3. 9 hours ago, DeeSpencer said:

    Not struggling, but he’s fumbling some tough ground balls and losing some winnable aerial contests

    Um I dont think Bowey is in the side to win aerial contests. Often he stays out of them.

    I think his form of late has been ordinary, perhaps Rivers in.....

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  4. On 6/19/2022 at 1:45 PM, adonski said:

    This thread will hit the 400 page mark arguing about his height

    Yep....and to add my bit Patty Cripps is 195cm and he is a mid fielder; so our possible selection for a key position player is shorter than.....

    And if I may be allowed to mis quote J Stalin 'Height has a quality all of its own'

    • Thanks 1
  5. 14 minutes ago, Little Goffy said:

    Reading the initial responses in this thread I just got the most uneasy sensation that we've all been replaced by simulations.

    Why do you say that....

    Why do you say that....

    Why do you say that.....



    • Haha 2
  6. 22 minutes ago, BDA said:

    Must be a very desparate club if Jordan de goey is the one player you would take. Must be north 

    Obviously have a vacancy for the organiser of the end of season trip away.  Sure does know all the pitfalls.

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