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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. I don't deal in opinions, only facts.
  2. I have quite a few myself and have had for decades
  3. rumors, rumors, rumors some people thrive on them, I just ignore them.
  4. I think the problems of this year are more involved than perhaps a few players being *issed off with each other.
  5. You are believing someone you don't know?
  6. So is so called info given to you in confidence and you are just taking it upon yourself to break that confidence or is the so called source of your info breaking a confidence that they should not be.
  7. Or he could just be taking the mickey out of everyone, an anonymous poster on a internet site coming out with a heap of " I was told by my contacts", who are the contacts? I will wait to see what unfolds over the next few months.
  8. Knock yourself out over the off season thinking of them
  9. You should be ashamed to use an avatar like that.
  10. A lot of baseless assumption in this thread as per usual.
  11. Yes it will be just like excitable 13 year old schoolgirls on parade around this site.
  12. Don't know what your on about, I just want to know what is happening at training this week or any other week of the year when training is on, if I still lived in Kensington I would go myself.
  13. Not it all, appreciation of someone posting training reports is what it is about.
  14. Someone will no doubt, even if they weren't there
  15. Kev martin it is good to read a positive post rather than all the garbage in other threads.Thanks
  16. I reckon your percentage is off by 99%
  17. It would only be a fact if Goodwin told you directly, otherwise it is only your opinion and that is a fact.
  18. Just stick to thread title and don't keep bagging Goodwin in every thread.
  19. I keep telling you, it's Braybrook Parkside in the Footscray District League, my son's side.
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