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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. Instead of banging on here all the time about how bad the club is, toodle off to the meeting and ask a few questions.
  2. He posted that he had already left, which he hasn't
  3. Having been involved in boxing for decades, I can tell you it doesn't take a heavy blow to cause a concussion.
  4. They diidn't say that at all, Tom Morris reported Viney was leaving at the end of the year of his own accord to take up interests outside of football.
  5. I reckon you just might be doing a little bit of that yourself along with the rest of the posters on this site, with the exception of swyl { sorry swyl but I just had to throw that in.}
  6. I think you need to lie down for quite a while to recover from the illness you have
  7. You ought to try it some day, giving back to the community, it gives perspective to life rather than sitting on a computer whinging about why a football side is losing games.
  8. You can have the last word tonite, I have a big day at the Salvo's tomorrow and I need my beauty sleep.
  9. You are missing the point, if the board has had the discussion with Goodwin it needs to stay inhouse not blabbed all over the internet. if the board is leaking all we are doing is going backwards when the club was run by the types as Glenn Archer so aptly refers to as linament sniffers who pee in their pants at the first sign that their plan is facing difficulty.
  10. I can understand about ready for change, any fool could work that out, but for an insider within the club letting out that Goodwin has been told can and would cause trouble but if you cannot see that you have a problem.What the hell have those videos after the game got to do with the way the team plays.
  11. Because I never blab about what conversations I have with contacts within the club. And I say it again I would expect if someone gave you that info it should be kept to yourself.
  12. I would be amazed that someone inside the inner circle at the club would provide that info to another person to allow them to blab it out over the internet.I say inner circle because they would be the only ones that would if this was the case.
  13. That is in stark contrast to what I have been told, and if some idiot inside the club has told you that he needs to be kicked out.
  14. That's exactly why clubs delist players every year, up to a dozen sometimes
  15. Regardless of how you feel about him as a player or captain there is no need to denigrate him, sure you can criticise him for a bad game but for some posters to suggest he is selfish or doesn't care about the club is just way over the top.
  16. Wow, must be true then, does the tooth fairy still visit you.
  17. He doesn't know a thing and he thinks it is the players that have been mentioned on this site
  18. A back injury restricted his preseason especially prior to christmas and he was unable to do those sprints
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