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drysdale demon

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Everything posted by drysdale demon

  1. You wouldn't dare to question Lord Nev would ya?
  2. Rigged by the AFL after Chris Scott begged them to and they agreed, to stop him crying.
  3. Which would you prefer, I do have a Zimbabwean half crown lying around somewhere.
  4. Is our bet still on mo64?. Only problem is as Ethan Tremblay alluded to, I don't own anything, in fact I have no assets nor bank accounts in my name but I found a dollar coin this morning which I will put aside just in case.
  5. Yeah over celebrating for sure, probably think it atones for the grand final loss, they won't make finals this year.
  6. Seems to me you get upset pretty easily.
  7. We may not be as fit a side as we were last year, but it appears to me that the majority of other side are fitter than they have been in previous years.
  8. They both won and both lost, I see giggling gerty liked your post.
  9. That is what a reporter said but I don't pay any attention to what those wankers say
  10. I was under the impression as quoted by poster's on this site that Brayshaws manager was the same as Jacksons who was supposedly in Melbourne within the last 10 days to talk about Jacksons contract, why wouldn't he do both at the same time.
  11. You just bag the the players and club continuously.
  12. NO, you are just carrying on like a little kid, go to bed.
  13. one side wins the other side loses that is what happens in sport.
  14. I did post back in 2018 that reading this site was like being trapped on public transport with a pack of schoolgirls, it hasn't changed.
  15. Like last years premiership win. Other than that I see all the school kids have been allowed to have internet access tonight.
  16. There is one in every crowd and I am not talking about Jackson
  17. I could repeat what I think of the media for anyone that wants to know.
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