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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Great day for it. The drills were done at a high skill level. The boisterous vocals continued, as was the running to the sheds side when the drills/sims finished. The drills seemed to emphasise handball, tackling and fighting through the tackle, working in crowded areas, and releasing the receiver into space. The sims had a very compressed field, forcing them into short kicking and defending those short kicks. Looks like we are going to use a high press at times. Goody was giving regular instructions about how he wants them to defend those short hit ups. A bit of zoning the centre and quick close down, if the ball is delivered to the boundary side. AMW is training well ground balls tackling positioning. Bowey is starring. Rivers is building. Verrall is making a few mistakes when rushed, though never two in a row as he continues to learn. Hore must be a chance for the big dance. Chaplin, was instructing JVR with his leading patterns and body work to create separation. Troy was happy with what he was creating. Jefferson was getting some explosive leads happening. McVee is hitting his straps, lovely mover and delivery. Turner is impressive, he has a bit of X-factor happening. Laurie is having a mass of involvement. Getting to many contests. Windsor was a touch low key. Kentfield has the occasional fumble, though showing some agility at the ground ball. Woey is a bit inconsistent with the disposals, he is looking strong and big. Tholstrup working on getting separation and moving off the defenders blind side. Brown looking a bit bigger, moving well and getting plenty of involvement. Oliver is going about second gear, having to work with plenty of pressure and minimal space, that's what Viney puts onto him when they match up (got away from him a few times). Had a chat to Richardson about tonight's draft. He reckons they usually know what the other clubs are probably going do. Tonight they are relying on hope, as they are unsure who will go where, but are very happy to be getting the two high picks.
  2. I don't believe the ban is the right way to go. Being more anarchist minded, I believe in self direction, though understanding the framework and pitfalls, create tools to navigate the complications in this world. "Need to encourage critical thinking, free thinking, making good decisions, gathering a balance of opinions, and avoid the narcissistic." I believe this is required in order to cope with the socials. Means developing great communication between those that have their best interests at heart which takes more time then making decisions for them. The government will use broad mechanisms that will not work. A VPN (virtual private network) will bypass any blocks. The intention is because of the damage socials can do. They rely on rhetoric, persuasion and self interest for power as well.
  3. I have had personal attacks with some of my posts on this little site. If you aren't expressing the popular voice they can go hard at you, whatever the size of the site. I have learnt never to post on game threads (it is "owned" by the one eyed, group think, haters). Many footballers, and minor or major celebrities don't post because of haters and trolls, and the negative effect they have on you. The socials are a minefield, in my opinion and experience. Glad I am not a juvenile, I can disconnect, and put the hate in the appropriate place.
  4. The Government is trying to dissuade the young from engaging with social media. Apparently an anxiety producing product that has fake news and emphasises the negative for the "clicks". Down with the influences and those being paid to change my thinking. Mainly because of the illusion of popularity, and playing up to our psychological inadequacies. Many are or become disturbed, they get further away from joy, as they search for external acceptance and consumerism. Worry about what others think, the young. Don't care what others think, the adult. They don't think about us at any time, the wise. Judgement is the opium of Socials. Self approval is the elixir. Need to encourage critical thinking, free thinking, making good decisions, gathering a balance of opinions, and avoid the narcissistic. Not sure where our club's promotions sits in that, but would prefer open and honest as a start. Unfortunately that is where the socials start, then end up in the gutter. Many end up hurt. Fan engagement has to be more practical. Being a follower of the persuaders, rhetorical at best and harmful in general. Not worth the collateral damage.
  5. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times AFL Monday, November 18 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 11:30am Wednesday, November 20 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 11:30am Friday, November 22 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 12:00pm Tuesday, November 26 Mansfield Recreation Reserve 9am - 10am: Open Training 10am - 10.15am: Player Signing Session
  6. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times AFL Gosch's Paddock Monday, November 18 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 11:30am Wednesday, November 20 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 11:30am Friday, November 22 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 12:00pm Mansfield Tuesday, November 26 9am - 10am: Open Training 10am - 10.15am: Player Signing Session Mansfield Recreation Reserve
  7. I like being down at the track watching them go through the rigours. They are still into skills and drills. The running component of previous preseasons is minimal. They did a few sets of boundary 250 meters hard runs, just enough to get them on their hunches, after the sims finished. A few got extra runs. My guess is they are getting the kilometres via the drills. At one stage Goody hollered for them to sprint back up the field after a sims action. They did it willingly. The run to boundary area after completions, and as a group, is encouraged. They were a bit off in the sims. That gusty wind caused miss-hits and fumbles. The coaches really want them to do the basics well. Viney is ready to go. His efforts and running are exemplary. Petty is vocal, wants the ball and is setting up many of the plays that come out of the backline. JVR is warming into the training. Looking better every time I see him. Bowey not missing anything, some beautiful hits up through the centre, no room for errors kind of passes. Adams was trying to do the same thing but got picked off or missed the target a few times. AMW is nearly always first to the ground ball. Brown is moving very well when he gets the ball. Finds that space that allows him time to make good decisions. Jefferson and JVR were looking for leads off the back of the defenders blind spots. Lever was running with a funny gait. Maybe protecting his achilles tendons. Campbell is large, he has maturity about him, and moves with some agility for a big man. I can see him being a bit of a protector. The vocal levels were boisterous, at one stage in the sims just about every one of them found voice. They are enjoying it.
  8. I assumed that the info from the Ghost has them travelling after the Nov 18 for their camp. Which could be in Bright and on the way home, perhaps they are dropping into Mansfield, or they are in Mansfield the entire time. Draught night is Wednesday 20th and Thursday 21st. I imagine the new draftees would go camping as well. Leaves us speculating from the 18th to 25th November about what they are up to. Perhaps the camp is after the 26th Nov?
  9. "They’re training at Gosch’s on Monday morning, they leave to attend the camp in Bright the following Monday and at this stage (because of the draft next week) there won’t be any sessions for the remainder of next week." Ghostwriter out 👋 As posted by @Katrina Dee Fan
  10. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times Monday, November 18 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 11:30am Mansfield 9am - 10am: Open Training 10am - 10.15am: Player Signing Session Mansfield Recreation Reserve Tuesday, November 26
  11. Those hands of Clarry are working well again.
  12. Got down for a quick look. Had a tennis game to go to so only got a glimpse. One particular drill involved a keepings off via kicks. They were looking for space and accuracy. One of Choco's gems was "see the space before you get the ball, so you know where to move to" Saw some sims. They players love it. Once into the bibs and no bibs, I could see the joy on their faces (let's get into it kinda joy). The backline passed it around until a lead up field was "on". Goody was hanging in this area. Then they were getting a flood going. Often finding another pass or an outside run. Bowey was doing some beautiful passes. Looks like he has really matured in his execution, good vision and decision making. The ball went quickly into the forwards. There were three of them and doing hard leads in all directions, though with the pattern that Chaplin wants. I get the impression that they may resort to getting as many mids around the contest as possible and having a very high forwrad set up. Petty is strong, healthy and having plenty of involvement. Rivers has filled out, looking big and fit. JVR is working on creating separation, seems to be getting off the blind area of defenders, as he makes leads towards the goal from a high up field position. I thought Tholstrup's kicking is improving. His greatest assets are the intensity, the leadership and support. When Kentfield had a error he was the first and only one to get over to him with reassurance. Laurie is moving and executing those disposal well, AMW is the same. Woey is playing very sturdy footy. K.Brown has lots of upside, speed and a natural footy brain. Unsure about Sestan. Good skill set but is he going to be able to get to the ball and perform when the speed increases from VFL to AFL. He was getting rushed. Would really like to him develop some explosive 5/ 10 meters runs. I've only seen the one gear. Going to be lots of pressure for spots, as I reckon the the second tier of players are looking great.
  13. Tap your name and not the avatar, in the top right area. A menu with attachments come up, tap that. Delete the attachments and you can post more pics. There is limited space and when full you cannot post files. You need to continually delete previous attachments so there is space for the next file.
  14. I am not that kind of tracker. Occasionally say gidday to them, not much more. I do barrack and offer my thoughts and support when I see something, with the players. Rarely to the coaches, other than a thank you for the work. They know better than me what gets the best out of the players. You could always email the club. Probably get put into the spam folder though.
  15. Going straight down the alley when someone is defending infront of the lead was a problem today.. They often attempt the long get over the back kick, which is good in sims, but is easily defended during a game. That angle kick seems to be done by the skilled. Some get rushed, others as you say don't see the play, or just not good at this aspect. Angles are definitely encouraged, as well as kick to advantage by the coaches. Execution is the what makes a genuine star out there.
  16. They had the scoreboard out and running today. They used it during full sims. It seems the score is based on more than just goals and behinds. There is also a reading for possession of the ball. Today the possession percentage in the first 3 minutes was 6% bibs and 65% non-bibs (some time in dispute). Bibs came back at them as the sims continued. Amazing that they are getting their competitive juices flowing early. This pre-seasons training is similar to when they are in home and away mode. Skills, structures, and processes are emphasised. They are doing very little running, and seem to have come back in great shape. Perhaps they all had a running program during their break.
  17. I thought the same thing. Looks like Chaplin gets along well with Goody. Last Monday they were seen walking off into the setting sun together, or at least crossing the Yarra from the Paddock. It is a Goody/Chaplin team at the moment. Be interesting to see how the "oldies" adapt to the new methods. Seems like Chaplin will also have a fair bit of say in how he wants the mids to deliver the ball. It was the group he was hanging around with when the forward structured sims begun. He would talk and instruct the forwards after the action.
  18. From today's forward structure in some sims. Looks like they are going with a 4 man set-up. 3 marking players high up, well spaced. One leads back, one leads forward and the other towards the boundary. When the ball transitioned in, Chaplin would call "go", he wanted the energy and acceleration to his system. The fourth (Sestan) was just outside the fifty and central to the game as he became the first receiver from the mids, and became the kicker. Though they only had two defenders in there, AMW and Petty, they stuffed up a few times. Mostly they were supportive. Early on in the stuff ups, a few got serious (Turner and JVR, "basic kicks" needed) and pushed Sestan (who responded well) to get it right. There was also a flood of players (small flankers) into the area after the first entry, often into the straight out and 30 infront, which worked once the ball became a ground ball get. Tough conditions as these sims happened in the rain and wind. I hope Chaplin has an abundance of plays in his "scrap book", as the players seem to be responding to him, with clear understanding of purpose and intention. Execution on the other hand, may take time. I reckon repeat, repeat and repeat again.
  19. My impression is that most of them are looking lighter in the upper-body and skin folds are minimal. Hoping it relates to a faster game speed from us. Judd was looking spindly. His arm, maybe longer 😄.
  20. I saw him in the forwards group. May have missed Verrall's backline work. Perhaps he will be a swing man, or as a possible ruck backup, so needs to be training everywhere player.
  21. Laurie and Fritsch Didn't see Salem.
  22. 24 in the squad today. Fritsch doing his own program. He has put on a fair bit of upper-body muscle. The Sparrow and Rivers have turned up. Sparrow has very little fat, his skin folds must be near zero. Riv's has also filled out, looking strong. Unsure about Jed Adams, pulled out of the squad to do some work with the trainer, could be calf/Achilles awareness. Windsor, Tholstrup and Bowey, were pulled from the contact craft sessions. All participated in everything else. Bassett was much more vocal this time. Jones was animated and giving plenty of directions, it was Chaplin who was doing most of the work as Goody again sat back and observed. Troy was really active in making sure the forwards lead and make space. He was also instructive in the outside 50 area, making sure they get the right patterns and delivery. Petty (unhindered, body is in good shape) in the backline, as was TMac (focused on outside run). Forwards included Kentfield, JVR, Jefferson, Verrall and Sestan in the sims. AMW, has impressed me, gained plenty of confidence, side stepping them all, and tackling/pressurising well. JVR a bit rusty. Jefferson was marking well in the wet, unlike a couple of the others. Brown looks like he is only in second gear untill he gets the ball. Sestan is difficult to tackle. In the drill, a little hip swivel and a tight body turn, they fall off him, including Viney who had surprise all over his face, like grasping for the wet soap. Got a feeling they will rotate McVee through the mids.
  23. What a contrast to Monday's weather. No rain for the first hour (though was wet), then it came tumbling down and got cold. Hardens then up and makes them concentrate on execution of skills.
  24. Interesting that they aren't using Casey. The Tracc influence? By the way, the surface of Gosch's is looking and feeling great. Plenty of give, and the scuff marks and divots have been worked on (filled over during the men's off-season).
  25. Judd appears about the same size as last season.
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