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Everything posted by Kev

  1. Yes Though Choco does need a bit more empathy, in my opinion. He can be quite abrupt and self indulgent. As a qualifier, he loves giving his time and insights to anyone.
  2. The kicking drills ran by Choco were quite extensively and the first after the warm-up. 15 meters apart and in pairs they kick right and left foot. Then variations occur. Spin (360°) to the left, kick, spin again to the right, kick, place the ball on the ground, pick up and kick, place the ball behind, spin and kick. Repeat at 30 meters. At one stage they included two balls, but only one kicking over the top as the other ball is handballed flat. The next kicking drill was more complicated. They had six starting positions. Three on two lines. The middle group in bibs, attempted to intercept the passes, by those in the outside lines. The outside lines would pass to the other line, down the line, or diagonal. I think they had a system going so it wasn't haphazard. It created a variety of kicks. Choco empathises that he wants the ball to spin well, and for sharp, direct actions. I think he will create even more drills with a variety of difficulty and skills.
  3. Forgot to mention Marty Hore. He was looking good and working hard on his fitness, leading in some of the group runs. Would imagine he is going to do all he can to give himself a chance to play or at least be ready if he gets a call up to the main team.
  4. No Sparrow's present.
  5. Sorry, not Brayshaw. Gus the training assistant/volunteer, a Veteran who the club has wrapped their arms around.
  6. Beautiful morning. Joy all round, they look like they wanted to be there. 21 in the squad. Looks like the leadership group is TMac, Viney Chandler and Petty. They have slimmed down, especially the top half. Perhaps less upper-body work in the gym. Viney's thigh are huge. Nathan Jones brought the exuberance to many in his interactions. Chaplin was stamping his method into the forward work. Three across the line, the flankers staying wide, though with some synchronising as they turn and run. The delivery, then getting a flanker to be front and centre, as the other stays wide. Appears he wants them to turn quickly and make angles or direct/sharp runs at the ball carrier. Bassett going about it quietly, working on getting the outside run happening at the stoppages. Gus (the training assistant), led the Remembrance (lest we forget) ceremony for the minutes silence. Teared up as the RAAF jets overflew us on there way to the shrine, good timing. The squad was doing the basics well. In a few of the drills barely a ball hit the ground. I was impressed with the camaraderie, vocal noise and connection, we have a good lot of youngsters. Jed Adams looks like a leader, learnt some lessons from the Lever in the shape of being vocal. TMac was in boots, that's the first time in ages I have not seen him start the pre-season in runners. Foot problems are well behind him. The only one who looked little rusty was, Windsor. Jefferson is my tip as a big improver. Often led the running group he was in. Some of his handballing was great, with the ball being delivered 10 meters out, with precision to running players Sestan has slimmed down and looking good. Turner and Howes are getting bigger, and as was pointed out by another tracky, so is Verrall. None of the new players, Campbell or Sharp were there. There were 6 technicians lining around the computer screens. Seemed like many of the Administrators and powers that be, turned up (No Green). When they did some contact drills, both Tholstrup and Bowey disengaged from the group. The main effort in tackling drills, was as Choco called out, 'drive them low and keep going at the arms'. Salem and Fritsch were running laps. Fritta was looking fantastic as he out did Salo, who was straining at times. Goody was watching them very carefully, I had the impression he liked what he saw, as did I.
  7. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times AFL Gosch's Paddock Monday, November 11 Gosch's Paddock 10:00am - 11:30am
  8. We need a Locket, can sit under the fall of a bombed ball, and not be moved. Also, has a kick that works under pressure.
  9. Hope they haven't inadvertently disclosed a Casey relocation strategy to Far North Queensland. Would much prefer them in the MCG precinct or Caulfield.
  10. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times AFL Gosch's Paddock AFL pre-season is set to commence in mid-November. Training dates will be confirmed shortly.
  11. I been watching Goody as a tracker for a while now. Early in the 2024 season he was much more aloof and was regularly and openly frustrated with the team. As I Ieft track watching in the middle of the year, so I cannot say how he was later on. The seasons before, he was very much in the positive feedback mode, with a softly softly approach to them. I believe he was altering his style so as to see if that would propel us to success. He was conscious of his style change. I hope the review has more to offer than Goody's style. Any Fred or Jane would have been able to see that Goody consciously changed his style. I expect he will change again, not because he has been instructed to do so, but because he will continue to find a way to get the best out of himself and the team. Smoke and mirrors!
  12. There was only me as a spectator at the Tuesday open training. I hope a few turn up to show support to the MFC AFLW, at their possible last run for the year. They deserve it. AFLW TRAINING Thursday, October 31 3:25pm - 4:45pm Gosch's Paddock
  13. Could be last time to see them on the track, this season (Though, hoping the Boos do us a favour, and we also get through the Woods)
  14. A lovely late morning run, they were very chirpy and enjoying session. Not training, but down at Gosch's was Goldrick and Colvin, Harris and Beasley also on the boundary or assisting. Hose was rehabbing, doing sharp, short, change of direction runs and some jogging under trainer's supervision. Light duties (all in runners) included, McNamara, Paxman, and possibly Rigoni (ran some drills but didn't participate in sims or structural drills). Hore did some running and short sprints. Joined the group for some structural sims, but didn't do the full sims. Looks like she will be right to go. Twenty-four players that are fit and in full training. The goal kicking practice started well, though deteriorated as they went. Skills were very good in the structural sims and the sims. They were working on the short passes in the forward area and creating overlap run through the corridors. Standouts Hanks, Heath, Zanker, Gillard. S.Taylor, and Gall.
  15. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times AFLW Gosch's Paddock Tuesday, October 29 10:55am - 12:25pm Gosch's Paddock Thursday, October 31 3:25pm - 4:45pm Gosch's Paddock
  16. Check the MFC website. https://www.melbournefc.com.au/teams/training-times Sometimes they post only the next sessions and sometimes will post a few weeks in a row. I find they get a routine going that you can predict where they will train. I know some track watchers will ring the club and ask them. They have family days with training and entertainment, usually during school holidays. These are best for engaging the youngsters. Last season they began post chrissy, Monday, January 15th and posted the times soon after. Gosch's Paddock 2024 Wednesday January 17 9:30am - 11:30am Wednesday January 24 9:30am - 11:30am Wednesday January 31 9:30am - 11:30am Casey Fields 2024 Friday January 19 9:30am - 11:30am Monday January 22 9:30am - 11:30am Friday January 26 9:30am - 11:30am Monday January 29 9:30am - 11:30am My guess is they will do Gosch's again on the Wednesday.
  17. Found a radio station 3wbc from the match centre.
  18. No free to air or free streaming. I cannot find a radio program, can anyone suggest a station that is broadcasting? I think the AFLW is dropping the ball for the Demons. Such an important game for us.
  19. AFLW Cairns Wednesday, Oct 23 3:30-4:30pm Cazalys Stadium, Cairns Entry via the Tills Street gate entrance (northern end of the ground) Are there any D/L's having a look. Is Colvin training? Is Hore training? Has Rigoni got a chance for selection?
  20. Gall gave Colvin a big hug when she came back to the shed.
  21. Colvin was lying on her back for a few minutes as the assistant assessed her. She stood up and rested on the fence, she was teary, the collision must have hurt. Had a slow walk around the boundary (the long way) as she chatted to the assistant. I'm sure they will asses further as she had some distress. Hoping that the shoulder involvement in the collision may have lessened the blow to the head. I didn't see her lose consciousness.
  22. I had a look at the AFLW team train on Gosch's. The temperature was increasing, and the wind a bit gusty. Pisano and Colvin both in full training mode. Paxman, was not running at all, though lingering around the area. My guess is that they will test her tomorrow. Beasley was hobbling around, Johnson rehabbing with short change of direction runs. Hore left training early, no obvious hindrances. At one stage, Colvin ran off the blind spot of Gall when the ball went over the back, head collision occurred. Colvin came off worse. I heard the assistant say she caught it on the shoulder and head. Both stopped training. I think they should be OK. Rigoni was training well. Ben Brown was working with the forwards, at the ball up situations and participating in the sims.. Goldy has only one speed at training as well. B.Mackin was getting to the majority of ground ball contests. Zanker's marking was sharp, with hard running to create links down the wing. Forwards running patterns caused space to open up. Plenty of focus, support, teamwork, and professionalism on display. Heath was doing some great outside running and connections. Pearce dominated the ruck and consistently tapping to the advantage of the mids. Some transition from the full back and defensive wing simulations were clean and fast. They were looking good.
  23. Much more of a power mover, low centre of gravity, with heavy hips and shoulders. Explosive speed is good, whereas sprinting is not Sestan's friend, yet.
  24. Oliver was half a step behind the trainer, some gasping for air, working hard. Appeared a touch underdone, like he hadn't had a run for awhile.
  25. Sestan with shirt off has that contoured muscle shape, working hard on endurance and speed.
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