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Neil Crompton

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Everything posted by Neil Crompton

  1. Tony, I think Mark is the type of bloke that inspires initially but after a time he may tend to irritate - particularly the other coaches. I think he has a shelf life of about 3 years.
  2. Here’s a left field selection. How about we replace Fritta with Joel Smith. Finally give him the opportunity to play forward that a number on here have been wanting to see (me included).
  3. A lot of angst over a player we should be trading, eh Pickett? ("Misses far too many gettable goals No intensity! Trade")
  4. Watching that 10 min clip you could be mistaken for believing the club would have to be insane to get rid of Watts, Stretch, Tyson, Bugg, Pedo and OMac.
  5. Dear Mr Webber, on behalf of Demonstone, it's Jordon, not Jordan.
  6. For the first time in too many years I am beginning to trust and believe in our current playing group, to the extent that I believe they can achieve something special. So at this stage I am perfectly happy with the current group and would go as far as to say I don't think we need Merrett. Mind you, I might change my mind if we put in a shocker against the hawks.
  7. Please don’t change your current betting system. It’s working for us.
  8. My reading is that Brown will have at least another week at Casey, and the Weid will be there until he bangs the door down.
  9. I hope you realise OD that the only reason we allowed you back into the state was because of the positive comments you made while you were in banana land. Please do not revert back to the old negative you or you might find yourself being deported.
  10. What could have been: David Schwarz Liam Jurrah Allen Jackovich Garry Lyon Harley Bennell
  11. If they are not going to release teams on a Thursday night, then it should be compulsory for Werridee to release his side on a Thursday night. Has he even submitted a team this week?
  12. Who translated this piece for you Pinball? They did a good job.
  13. is it the merlot again tonight your dworship?
  14. Not a fan of you trying to point score Dr D. And how can anyone say definitively after only 8 games whether he is or isn't a forward? But for the record, I don't think we have seen him played in what might be his ultimate position. It might take a couple of years but I think he will end up being a better version of Darcy Moore at CHB.
  15. Hey demonstone, an easier solution to this problem might be to get James to change the spelling of his surname.
  16. I think you mean "accept", not "except". And by the way, what a horribly nasty, mean post that was.
  17. There is talk that Saty read this article and immediately had a coronary.
  18. Is there any way they could both lose? - that would be my preferred result
  19. Further to your comment Werridee, I notice Vanders has been singled out as one of our best players in the last 2 VFL practice games - so I would imagine he is busting down the door to be selected.
  20. Do you think he will be ready come finals time? It would be good to have both he and Weid ready by then.
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