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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Just now, Red But Mostly Blue said:

    Haha this will either sail through the middle or go nowhere near it

    such is max 

    Such is Max 🤷‍♂️


    Our midfield has been quiet and easily bested by Port tonight. Hopefully they make amends this qtr with some clearances and some of our quieter guys like JVR Fritter and Kozi get involved. We’ll need them because Port aren’t going anywhere and have generally looked dangerous and more consistent than us. 

    We can do it!! 

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  2. 5 minutes ago, Nicko said:

    What I have also loved seeing from BBB over the last couple of weeks is the pure enjoyment he is getting from seeing his teammates’ success. He cheers and celebrates everything with them - it brings a smile to my face each time I see it ❤️💙

    From everything I have seen, BBB looks to be the nicest guy on and off the field.

    When he hangs 'em up, I hope he hangs around and eventually takes the forward coach role. Would love to keep him.

    But not yet - he deserves another premiership medal. 

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  3. 14 minutes ago, leave it to deever said:

    May has been in stellar form too. Yes we have good depth. But losing May with Lever is a very big blow. These two that have played so many games together would have a significant symbiotic relationship. That said I've been impressed with Tmacs form and I thought Petty was moving quite well. So it's not complete panic stations. The timing isn't great with the two consecutive SA games.

    It just had to be us to score a SA team in gather round or whatever it's called. It is in essence another interstate match for us. I wonder if this was a concession for finally getting a reprieve from playing at Kardinia.

    Anyway, I hope the two of them are back asap. Like it hasn't been bad enough that our fwd line has been devastated by injuries. Maybe Tommo will get the nod. Most of us agree he played well in last game. As much as we will probably need Petty in defence, I love seeing him play fwd.

    Yeah the synergy between them is a critical piece of our gameplan. It's great having the luxury of Petty back - and to know he can play up forward or back. Would also have loved him up forward, but tbh if it means a little more stability to have him out back, to find his feet again for a few weeks before returning when May/Lever return, that's OK. TMac and likely Tommo will do a solid job. 

    But yeah not lost on me either that our forward line was decimated, then in one half of footy, we lose the backbone of our backline. Footy Gods are nuts. 

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  4. On 25/03/2024 at 11:33, Mazer Rackham said:

    The problem with losing either of May/Lever is that they are our generals in defence. It's like having an on-field coach.

    The problem with losing both of them is we also lose the on-field coach aspect. We're not exactly back in Frost/Oscar territory, but the cohesiveness our of defence relies on having at least one of them on the ground.

    Oh I completely agree. I don't think enough has been said about losing May (huge out against quality oppo, at their home) and potentially Lever. If both are our - we lose the 2 pillars - and as you say our generals, and on-field coach. We have depth, but it's limited, and certainly not to their quality/experience. 

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  5. Worst timing to be without May/maybe (in my mind, likely) Lever. 

    With our forward line/goal scoring ability is still settling/being developed, we can't really afford our backline to be anything less than fortress-like. And yeah we we kept Hawthorn to a goal after halftime, but that was Hawthorn. Not Port Adelaide, in Adelaide. Big difference. 

    Realistically, I think we'd be happy to come from Adelaide 1-1. Pre-injury to May/Lever, I'd say we can beat Port (tough ask) and Adelaide, but 3-2 heading into our bye will be an OK result - and something to work with once we hopefully get May back, and maybe McAdam etc. 

  6. The less we hear about Lever, the better, I think (hope). Although it wouldn't surprise me if he's just a quiet, late out for the Port game. But if he's in, it'll make it easier to plug that hole. May isn't really the sort of guy you can cover, and he was in good form, but Tommo can do it, which allows us to keep Petty up forward - but if the sentiment is BBB can still cover at forward (and he's looking OK), then we at least have Petty - although not as big a body as Tommo. Conundrums! 


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  7. Immensely talented, and yes he came to the Dees in our darkest days with an unfair weight on his shoulders. But by all accounts, lacked discipline - was always 'potential' and the 'could/might have been' mystery . I am not sure he would necessarily have thrived in our current improved culture. You could argue others would spur him on, or you could argue the success of the others could have given him extra room to maybe party? (like every other club, we may well have some more inclined to party - no judgement, and no rumours, just a reality based on life/young kids with lots of money and free time). So I am not sure he would necessarily have succeeded in another, more successful era. Success takes two parties, and there are other examples of players succeeding in poor cultures/teams. 

    Anyway, seems a nice enough guy, who I hope has accepted some accountability and now looks to be doing well selling swim stuff, given his fondness for swimming. Wish him all the best. 

  8. Much better and there’s still improvement - like fritta not missing what he’d usually kick. 

    Billings and Chandler great (let’s hope it sparks momentum, like his work out back as well), Clarry awesome to see. Tmac handy and BBB looked good. Maxy immense. 

    Generally kept them at bay and monstered them at the end.

    103-44 after the 20-6 fast start to the dogs. 

    Let’s consolidate against the hawks next week to give us confidence and momentum for a tough few weeks after that. 

    Go Dees!

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