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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. 1 minute ago, Heart Beats True said:


    Well, we do need people who can do that. If we can get this guy back to something close to his best on the cheap.


    If not, he's good value depth for Casey, to replace losses there. 

    But I would rather him close to best in the 1s, as we sorely need those skills, particularly going forward.

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  2. Just now, Travy14 said:

    yeh a lot saying different numbers, this week on trade radio most have been saying round that 600k mark, which if we end up paying around the 500k mark for him id be fine with that.  500k is the new 350k

    Very true, it's actually kind of 'reasonable' (noting the alarm in paying half a mil per year to someone who has been patchy for the last 5+ years). But if it were to come to pass, I would trust the FD that they think he has a home, and can bring him back to potential or very close to it. 

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  3. 8 minutes ago, Travy14 said:

    700 a year is reported at least 650.

    there is word that Saints are willing to pay some as long as they get a better draft pick in return

    The Zero Hangar article linked a few times here suggests $500k. Which is not too bad, and likely reflects form. If they took something off that, may make it more interesting. 

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  4. It's probably already been posted, but this is a good article on Jack - why he hasn't been chased harder during the trade period, and also does a deep drive into his performance to date.


    In the article, it's mentioned that he's clearly talented, but seems to have regressed and has definitely failed to live up to the hype.  Lots of the chat here reminded me of one of our most famous 'never-met-potential' Jacks. 

    BUT - it is also mentioned that he has been a little unlucky with injuries, 3 coaches and a lack of certainty about club direction, where he plays. So he would benefit from clearer positioning/role and some luck with injuries etc.

    He's on approx $500k, contracted for the next 2 years.

    I guess the question is do we need another small/medium half forward??? Who goes out? 

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  5. I'm no mathematician, but I am pretty sure that Petty "100%" being with us next year leaves no additional % to argue the chances of a trade. Good. The debate for the trade was wild. 

    Cornes, go home. 

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  6. We have been patient with JVR, really taken the time to develop him...

    ... He plays a solid 28 goal debut year, and there's the possibility we trade him for a MAYBE (midfield) star and a KPF who kicked LESS goals this year than a kid on debut????

    JVR will increase his output next year. Hell, we may even start to kick to leading forwards in 2024. Lower the eyes etc. Could be 40-50 goals if we don't keep bombing it on his head. 

    Silly trade thought.



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  7. 3 minutes ago, Demonland said:

    The nightmare is finally over


    I know there were arguments to be made in relation to his experience/forward footy craft big body in the 50 being of value to us etc, but seriously, I don't think I could have gotten over that punchable face being in our colours.

    A good day, all is well in the universe. 

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  8. 1 hour ago, Mickey said:

    Won't consider offer of extension is concerning though.

    True, but hopefully by then we have won 1 or 2 more premierships, and in the intervening period have resolved the issue of finding 1 or 2 more KPFs (and replace/plan to replace May/Gawn as the case may be). 

    Then he can go back to SA (can't stop em going home) a triple premiership medal winner. Not bad!

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  9. Not at his best the last couple of years, but we'll always have Harmes to Fritta. 


    With a bit of a refresh/more game time, hopefully he can get back to his best footy. Will be great to see him do well, aside from against us obviously. 

    Although I don't mind if he keeps up those direct i50 passes to Fritta.

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  10. I hope we're also looking at trading/drafting some new psychologists to get our guys' heads right in big games. 

    I know I'll be torched by some, but torch away. Truth is, we've gone out 2 x straight sets and the last 2 in particular were embarrassing wastes. Yes we had injuries (like other teams), but the horrible misses tell me we either genuinely can't kick for goal (which I don't believe), or we crumble under the pressure of the MCG cauldron - which is understandable. It's a lot. It's loud and intense. But we're not inexperienced. We're recent premiers with nearly the whole team still there. The Pies did not wilt, they kicked the goals they needed to, when they needed to. An interesting stat - would love to see if the Pies' total winning margins is the lowest ever for a premier - 7pts, 1 pt and 4pts. Shows how close everything it, but also, in line with my comment, shows that they handled the pressure.

    Anyway, in all seriousness, I hope we're looking for a mental edge and obviously a new forward coach, as we do actually need help there, as well. Can't hurt to increase the goal efficiency/accuracy. I know this is also impacted by sloppy kicks in the midfield. Something Yze's replacement should address. Quickly. 

    • Like 4
  11. 7 minutes ago, godees said:

    Set shot kicking wasn’t the issue though. The issue was rushing ‘in play’ shots. We lacked composure.

    I agree with that, but that doesn’t explain the set shot misses. Like Fritter’s out on the full and Maxy missing from 25 out. I know they can’t all go in, but it was not all rushed in play shots. 

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  12. 6 minutes ago, Green Demon said:

    The other issue is discipline. That can be fixed. Kozzie - don’t give away a free when Joel Smith is about to kick for goal. JVR - don’t stick out the elbow. If we had JVR against Carlton, we would have been better.

    Discipline is the right word, thank you. I agree that can be taught and learned over the summer. Let’s hope!!

    • Clap 1
  13. Just now, Bang Bang Bang said:

    Our boys spent A LOT of time practicing goal kicking last summer. Brodie Grundy mentioned it on the Demonland podcast. Sadly, the pressure cauldron of finals football can’t be replicated and we just need to wait 12 months to hope it doesn’t happen again (assuming we’re good enough). 

    Yeah I remember hearing that. It’s fair enough I guess, it is a cauldron. Sadly then it means we’re not good enough under pressure and that gives ammo to idiots who say our premiership is an asterisk. Don’t know how we practice goalkicking in those conditions but what I do know is that if we make finals next year, the pressure is going to be MORE, not less given our recent dual straight sets exit. So maybe goalkicking practice and some daily affirmations in the mirror. I’m at a loss, it’s all in the head it seems. 

    • Like 1
  14. I hope this result burns in our guts.

    We should have beaten the Pies in the first final. Not sure we would have beaten a spirited GWS but if we had our kicking boots on, maybe. And probably would have beaten a pretty effective but boring Lions outfit today. 

    The Pies are a good side obviously but I think we’re better, even without our forwards (as shown by some of our best missing terribly in that game). 

    Anyway, huge missed opportunity. Hope the boys know it and practice kicking over the summer, and maybe we pick up a new forward coach and think of some. We ideas to capitalise on the team.

    Would love to be there in 2024 to win it at the G.

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  15. I love the reality and positivity of this post and thread, I really do.

    But the only things that still don’t sit with me, and never will, is yeah I get there is a lot of competition and we got smashed with repeated destabilising injuries, but that doesn’t explain why we keep losing the same way with the same learnings, how guys who are paid to kick goals completely crumbled under the lights at the G to an inexperienced Blues side in finals, and what the hell happened to our structure and system in the last 90 seconds?? Mind you that’s ignoring the brain farts all over the ground last night like the silly undisciplined 50s, Maxy’s own-spoil, the sub debacle. There are serious elements of what happened this year and in particular the finals which suggest we wasted a golden opportunity, given our list, age etc.

    We can certainly take some positives, but we can’t put those in the trophy cabinet. And if we don’t learn from them NOW (and even then it might be too late), we’ll have to wait many more years to be in the window again. 

  16. A new forward/kicking coach and a psychiatrist to sort out what’s going on between the ears. We have wilted badly in 4 consecutive finals at home with big crowds. Pressure? Enormity of the moment? But we don’t seem to handle them well (anymore?). 

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