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Red But Mostly Blue

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Posts posted by Red But Mostly Blue

  1. Couple of things, anyone questioning Clarry’s fitness or readiness to play, there is your answer (if you still need it), or ANB, refer to his goal. Good to see Chandler find some footy even if a little was fortuitous. But took chances. Seems a confidence player so maybe this is what he needs.

    lastly, big Benny Brown, you can’t not smile when he kicks one. Magnetic. 

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  2. Good to see a Victorian team handle the warm conditions up north, and not use it an as excuse. Especially given that the blues were seriously undermanned. 

    Does not bode well for us this year. We had a stronger list against the swans and spent the night dropping the footy all over the place and wasting chances, doing the same [censored] we did last year and the year before. Lots of our guys went, or stayed missing. 

    Kind of sobering tbh 

  3. We really need to resolve how many small forwards we need. 

    There's no way we needed/need Spargo, Chandler and Laurie (especially with Kozzie to return) in the same team.

    Particularly given how bad each of those above were. Chandler played a few good games early last year and has NOT BEEN SIGHTED SINCE - but still gets picked. Why? Spargo has fallen off in a BIG WAY. I'm sorry, I know Laurie is highly regarded and he "trains the house down" - but he hasn't shown anything other than 'potential'. Sorry, fam. I don't see it.

    At least two of those guys out next week - probably Spargo (suspension) and Laurie - for a long time, please. Maybe Chandler to remain with Kozzie, but on a lifeline. He has to earn his place. 

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  4. 37 minutes ago, DutchDemons said:

    Charlie Spargo has fallen off a cliff. Incredibly disappointing match. 

    It's crazy how far he's fallen.

    Even crazier that he was picked given a) we didn't/don't need that many small forwards and b) he hadn't played any game time previous to this and could have done with a run in the 2s. Given his performance, he definitely needs a good many runs in the 2s. 

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  5. Don’t know what to say about that other than we ain’t it. No flag. 

    Maxy given a towelling by Grundy. Too many passengers. Chandler, Laurie and Schache vvv poor. Even with a few ins I don’t know how we win games like this

     Pretty deflated tbh. 

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  6. Sweet Jesus that goal was a slog.

    The whole quarter. 

    I don’t want to say much for that half other than I think Howes has looked good.

    Otherwise dropped marks galore, sloppy strange kicks to nobody/wrong team, wasted chances, terrible i50.


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