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Mel Bourne

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Everything posted by Mel Bourne

  1. Look he’s rubbish but at least he’s expensive.
  2. We should replace all of our players with those guys from the first quarter.
  3. If you regard chickening out of a question with childish, cliched insults “winning”, then yeah I guess I “lost”. Anyway, you’re about to become the first person I’ve ever put on ignore here, and ignorance will indeed be bliss.
  4. Dude. Enough. You’re embarrassing yourself.
  5. Always best to avoid the twittery #MAGA jargon, if possible.
  6. The poster is literally saying “defund the ABC” and you’re telling me that nobody here is saying they don’t do anything well.
  7. You’re suggesting Sky News is an impartial news source. The same Sky News Which employs Andrew Bolt and Chris Kenny to voice their “impartial” views to the country on a regular basis. That Sky News? FMD.
  8. So the 4 Corners story which instigated the Royal Commission into aged care wasn’t enough to convince you the ABC is a worthwhile entity?
  9. Let me guess....property developer?
  10. Most DJs turn to water if presented with more than two stereo channels or a gig that that they haven't pre-loaded onto a USB stick, but it really shouldn't be that hard for a professional audio engineer to mix better than last night's game. I dunno, maybe booing/objection sounds have been banned due to creating negativity/hostility towards the umpires or something. Pretty silly though, as that is a huge part of the game's atmosphere whether the AFL like it or not. The missing crowd-outrage from some of those free kicks (and unpaid ones like Lynch's mark in the last quarter) were extremely weird and gave the game a very surreal feel, and made it almost seem emptier than a game with no crowd noise. I think they should hand out 100,000 remote control devices to the public with "hooray", "boo", "ball" and "are you f*&^ing kidding me?" buttons.
  11. “You need a tracker to track him” - Wayne Carey
  12. People say the world started turning to [censored] when Bowie died, but I think it was Dennis Cometti’s retirement that got those wheels turning.
  13. It’s aaalmost ok. Like I said earlier, the sudden mood-shifts from post-goal jubilation into non-plussed ambience are a bit naff. Would be kinda hilarious to watch the sound effects person “mixing” this.
  14. The cheering crowd very suddenly going quiet after the first goal was a real mood-breaker.
  15. Hibberd has been a huge contributor and his AA inclusion was a proud moment for the club, but Lockhart is the future and must be played as often as possible. Hibberd is depth now, but quality depth indeed.
  16. More referring to “dud”, “spud”, “poison”, “richard cranium” etc to (74 pages later) “finally an elite player! Yay for our new hero!” It’s a wild ride. I hope the “drugs r bad” people I was engaging with a few months back are a little more enlightened by the whole thing.
  17. Understandable, sure. But if he ends up becoming on of our star players, then their justification is somewhat nullified. Anyway, what his success (and to get this far I'd call it a success of some notable degree) tells us is that there are people at the club who are way ahead of us when it comes to assessing a player's potential to make positive changes and put the work in. This is obviously a very good thing, and perhaps gives us a reason to put some trust in the people making the decisions next time a contentious player is flagged.
  18. Wowsers. I accidentally opened up this thread on Page 1. Some verrrry interesting posts from some you folks!
  19. I’ll freely admit that I’ve held much doubt and displeasure in the coach’s performance over the years. But I will also happily eat a slice of the most delicious humble pie on earth if he can take us all the way. As for calling Melbourne supporters “damaged goods” well....yeah.
  20. It would be interesting to know what percentage of the supporter base has faith in the coach at this stage. The closest thing to praise he seems to receive these days is a respectful changing of topic.
  21. Melksham and Lockhart are not VFL standard. And the name you've given yourself is wretched.
  22. Yeah, when you factor the pandemic in with what’s happening in the States right now, the saying “dysentery happens” seems more fitting.
  23. Perhaps I got the context wrong but I read it as “it’s important the club has ethics so that young woke hipsters will think it’s cool”. If I got that wrong, I humbly apologise.
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