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Everything posted by Dr.D

  1. petracca to spend all pre-season learning to kick would be nice. seriously though, we need an improved game plan. we get burnt on the outside far too much. so we need a game plan that brings the ball in closer yet also enables numbers to be back in the case that we lose the stoppage. forwards need to convert better in front of the sticks and weideman needs to lift otherwise Petty can take his place.
  2. I'm sorry but that's so hypocritical. our club probably leached for PP's more than any other team off the back of failed picks and poor development. (Morton, watts, maric, Strauss, Blake, Bate, Bennell, Tapscott etc.). I dont think stkilda will get one but we, as a club, should shut up on this issue.
  3. still cant believe we picked up sparrow in last years draft. he's exactly what we dont need. another inside mid with questionable skills.
  4. positive is that joel smith will be back next year. I rate him very highly and his management was totally inept. petty is good but needs to improve his speed. he is very very slow. I'm looking forward to Goodwin having a good hard look at his game plan and actually coming up with a game plan that doesn't expose our lack of outside run or put our worst kicks for goals deep inside 50m.
  5. serong looks too slow for me. 'decent pace' isnt good enough for me. we are so slow that we need blistering pace. Ash for me.
  6. you put a guy that cant kick in front of the goals and of course he's going to miss. it's really the coaches fault for playing him there. he should be nowhere near forward 50m and I've said this all year.
  7. needs to work on his goal kicking to be taken seriously.
  8. he's the same as tom McDonald. an awful defender that cant handle the pressure of defensive 50. Totally different forward.
  9. if we weren't so damn slow I'd say kemp but I can't see how we can say no to lachlan ash due to his speed.
  10. why would we contemplate adding players that aren't fast? we're so bloody slow that we need probably another 4 players with elite speed to be competitive. Ed langdon would be 1 so we need 3 more.
  11. he's clearly a forward. terrible move by Goodwin to contemplate putting him down back.
  12. lol the article says nothing about us trading clarry. so misleading
  13. dude, you do realise our club was handed down the biggest sanctioning in modern afl history for tanking games? theres so much hypocrisy in this thread.
  14. makes no difference to our season. hope tom McDonald recovers and works on his goal kicking in the off season.
  15. also, fritsch had 7 uncontested marks in the first quarter playing back flank. I'm convinced you dont even know who fritsch is at this stage. up your medication dosage
  16. yeah. No! he's been back all year and is still back. setterfield just marked and goaled on him u fool!
  17. umm he's playing defence. what are you smoking!
  18. fritsch has always been a dead eye in front of goals. also, I'd prefer any misses to be in the forward line instead of defensive 50m. it was people like me that wanted tom McDonald forward earlier. you would have said the same thing about him as he butched it for 5 years in defence
  19. I'd just like to say that I've been screaming for fritsch to be played forward all year and also, can tom McDonald stop smiling. you're in a rabble of a club playing another rabble. smile when you start playing like a top 100 afl player.
  20. most idiotic move by Goodwin. especially when u have hacks like weideman, ANB and petracca missing simple shots that 95% of suburban players would kick
  21. you dont miss a shot from 30m directly in front and say he's had a good game. bad kicking is bad football.
  22. thanks petty for that stupid free. how dumb can you be. like seriously.
  23. couldn't give a stuff if we lose. theres nothing to play for. Goodwin never tries anything new. How about Lockhart start in the centre square or fritsch forward where he belongs. How about weideman as a floating defender, or May as a forward. So many things he could try but he doesnt because he's a bloody simpleton.
  24. As polarising as Frost is, we cant afford to off load any quick players at the moment. we are so darn slow all over the field we need to keep the likes of frost and gawn. If we have a top 5 pick, I'm convinced we'll pick up Ash for this reason.
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