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Everything posted by danielE288

  1. I've got 5 hours to kill yet. Cant wait
  2. I like it. Gawn cant do everything against those eagles behemoths and Frost and Omac will need all the support they can get. Seems sensible Fritsch unlucky.
  3. Behind the goals with the Demon Army at Optus Stadium.
  4. Yeah I got a ticket. Will load up on party pies and sausage rolls have a coffee and maybe a 1130am beer.
  5. Drop about a grand at the Burswood.
  6. Like the dude above im on a jetstar flight arriving 1am Saturday morning. Hit me up if you are too.
  7. I might go.
  8. And 2 of his Dees supporting mates.
  9. Confirm this bloke is a legend. Bought my tickets too!
  10. I actually could help you here. Was thinking of wearing it myself, but I could don the polo instead.
  11. I have 2 for sale. Would prefer to sell together though.
  12. The club is putting on a pre match function at the Burswood for $55 a ticket. https://oss.ticketmaster.com/aps/melbournefc/EN/buy/quickbuy/493.
  13. Do you need tickets?
  14. Someone buy my tickets plz.
  15. Mine are also 146. Will sell them at face value for any dees fan. I'm with the Demon Army.
  16. Got 2 cat A for sale. PM.
  17. See you there. I got mine too.
  18. If you're that dead against it I'm sure there will be other allocated Melbourne areas. Youll be most likely be heavily outnumbered tough. Cant imagine more than 5000 or so Melbourne fans travelling, Could be wrong though
  19. The surrounding pockets would be your best bet. It should automatically allocate you to a demons section anyway
  20. I'd select best available. Someone will buy it off you if you dont want it (me)
  21. True. Hoping my application with the Demon Army is successful. Those ones'might only be $65..
  22. Yeah I am happy to try for you tommorow. But I would need cash in my bank account tonight for this to work. Here are the prices for the match, as you can see theyre not cheap! Category 1 $187 Category 2 $164 Category 3 $148 Category 4 $128 Category 5 $112 Category 6 $90 Category 7 $65
  23. These go on sale 11am tomorrow VIC time. 1 ticket per membership.
  24. Wont be the only one.
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