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Everything posted by deebug

  1. Should make a post where every one has come across other Dee's fans, be it over sea or here in Australia. I come from the northern suburbs of our great city and i thought i was the only one here wearing my Dee's swag but one day i saw a car with Dees stickers all over his/her car as well as those car flags. Sadly haven't seen it in a while, but it made me smile.
  2. Don't let go Jack fingers crossed.
  3. Saw him at training one time when he was our coach, he came and said hello to both my self and my son, i thought wow that was so nice of him to take the time in his busy day to come over and speak to the both of us
  4. I hope if we can win the flag Roosy comes onto the G with the boys
  5. At season end lets all remember Dane Swan,and have a great laugh when they, finish no where near the eight
  6. Be good to hit 40,00 before the first game
  7. Going to miss seeing him play R1. Will look forward when he comes back.
  8. Love big Maxey, needed a laugh
  9. This reminds me of a story some one told a few years back. The guy and a few of his mates were going to GF so they thought they would start the day, with a few beers before the they got to the match. The only problem was the cops nabbed them at the gate and they spent the whole GF in the M.C.G cells for the whole match, they let them out at the end of the match.
  10. Have you tried JB hi fi ? They have VFL/AFL on DVD.
  11. Gone to far to stop now. Lets just hope maybe just maybe this is the year. Keep the faith guys.
  12. He always gives a 100% on and off the field. On ya NEV.
  13. This brings me back to when are great Jimmy Stynes was just a raw Irish lad and still learning our rules and at that s*#$ hole Wavely park. When the great one went over the mark. Coming home on the train it was packed with the red and blue. One guy started to sing our great club song and i kid you not we all joined in, even though we lost we came together to try and lessen the pain. As the train pulled into Flinders street station there was this girl who was a dawk supporter and as my boyfriend at the and i were making away off the train she shoved that stupid dawks scarf into my face, i said if you don't stop it you know where that thing will end up, she tried it again and my boyfriend grabbed so i couldn't shove it in it's rightful place. I hate them of all the teams in the AFL bunch of BLEEPS! So yer i feel your pain.
  14. Merry Christmas to all on Demonland. Hope you have a great day and stay safe.
  15. My son who is now 26, still hasn't let me forget when he was younger and he wanted to go on one of those rides at the shopping centres where they would move and play music, i would say that it was broken and that maybe next time he could have a turn? Well a couple of years ago a women had her son and the kid wanted to go one of these rides and i said she should tell it's broken, my son's reply was wait so they weren't broken? So as long as you can bull#*&% your way out of it, i say go for it just don't tell him you were when his an adult.
  16. Good rest over Christmas break should help him, that and a few good gifts from Santa
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