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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Agree about Burgoyne at the present moment but I have the belief that his skills outside match-play and early practice scenarios could develop to an impressive level once he is 'systemised' with experience, mentoring and the stabilities of stepping stone functionalities. At present, he seems, from reports, to be rather predictable and thus limited.
  2. ' #15 maestro ' sums up Stan to perfection. I'd always thought that it was highly unlikely to see another exponent of that quality - perhaps there is a chance of that recurring once again. Let it be.......
  3. Good series of questions that apply to nearly all of our potential team given the depth of player options for selectors at the current moment. Amongst the newbies, still untried, I can see reflections of past greats and reliable winners; ain't it great to in this position? Amongst our improving players recruited in the past couple of years, more than a handful of them are starting to set precedents of readiness and that is what is going to be so exciting about the '23 season, for me. It really is intriguing across the board, making hopeful questions of up-coming success and sustained competitive strengths more realistic than ever.
  4. Trent, with a bit of team experience, is going to be a thunderbolt with clear and present evidentiary poise that displays exceptional pace, ball-handling, great evasion, straight-line passing, goal-sneak moves and thus, will be a very good asset for the future. He has a great mentor and strategist in his dad, as well - couldn't ask for more provided Goodwin gives him a real chance as he further develops.
  5. They certainly were fit, Daz. I rather liked the low-key crowd at the training session, keeping out of the way but close to the action. It complemented the very purposeful intent of all of the boys undertaking some really hefty interval training focussing mainly on the upper torso - yet it was comprehensive, and everyone egged everyone else on to work very hard and complete the tasks against the clock. The fieldwork was also low-key but the players were all committed including the rehab group working at the far end of the ground. The teamwork, teammatey nature of the lighter drills were impressive, as was the universal commitment to achieving one's best in the shuffle drills. Interestingly, there really was no particular stand-out group or individuals. The 'team' is absolutely welding and working together and with this endeavour, comes elevated performances and team-wide acknowledgement. Some of the young blokes remain unknown to me at this point; however, I was impressed with the levels of performance across the board. This was also an extremely good PR exercise for the adoring fans and locals around the area - quite a few, too - and for the diehard Demon supporters, many who came from miles away. Nice to see nearly an entire school dismissed yet supervised to observe the mighty Dees in such glory. A resounding 'GO DEES!' or three at the end with the players intermingling with the kids occupying the grandstand was really touching. Sorry to have missed you, by the way - one gets talking to other Demon supporters who '...don't let go...'
  6. Looks great in terms of depth, looks a nightmare at the Selection Table.
  7. Seeing I am in Bendigo, this week, I might just pop across to Yea to see the training run - might even see ya there if luck is on my side. I'll leave Bendigo around 6am to combine the accommodation of a 'Yea pie and sausage roll' with a long black coffee before the action begins. How will I identify you, Dazzle?
  8. Can't see Yze standing for that! Those needing to train - even for progressive evaluation scrutiny - must have been called to bear arms.
  9. Just an opinion when prompted by an article to consider his footballing role. I do rate Hunter whilst at the same time consider him to be very suitable for HFwd Flanking and using his good kicking to score on occasion. That left me thinking about the other wing and the speculation that he could fill it; or, was there someone else who could do the same? Tomlinson once again came to mind, simple as that in the argy-bargy about who, what, where, when ('23 season), why ... etc.
  10. I still reckon Tomlinson should get back on the wing - with his increased fitness (even greater running ability across a game), build and two seasons of decent backline skilling and nouse, and an increase in his professional footballing hunger, he - the space maker - is going to blossom as one of our greatest receivers and playmakers into the forward line. No kidding, I reckon he's got it and could very well bring it out this coming season.
  11. Stop it, you guys. It hurts to remember ... such great players, such memories and then we realise their demise and the silent years that followed. Oh, it was absolutely fabulous, so continue. Just reading the above four sentences everything they did floods back at that is a real pleasure. What about Vagg, Bourke and others including the excellence of Norm the Smith?
  12. Good summary, km. Depth is actually astounding and it really does include highly positive 'form improvements & developments' that put us in somewhat of a luxury cruise - provided injuries are minimal, and selectors provide those necessary opportunities where warranted.
  13. Well put, so ...f.. a. ... d, why do the umpires let them play that way with one reward after another?
  14. Midfield roles will knock him about - most probably often as he has to be stopped and thus, will be stopped. He could easily be regarded as skilful enough to hold down a midfielder's role but in all honesty, he is small and susceptible, unlike his famous uncle. His true upside is what he can do in attack from almost any position within the forward line. That includes sticky fingers for the ball, tremendous positioning and passing by hand and foot, kicking remarkably well for goal and opportunities for other teammates, reading the play and predicting when, where and how to come into the fray and the road home at 1000 mph.
  15. Apparently, Tomlinson won the time trial run. That is impressive. I am still keen to see him out on the wing as a spaceman specialist - capable of running, running, running with the addition of height and impressive up-skilling. Could be a smokey?
  16. Yes, each will have a fascinating journey, I expect...talented blokes, no doubt. Let's hope the Club can allow these two to be further experienced and developed - enough for regular selection in the big time to display their improving wares.
  17. I really have high expectations on this young fella. He has, in cameos - and there have been plenty of these - really impressed with poise, muscle and thoughtfulness - even though he has had some clangers, as well. He must use clangers to guide his learning and experience. Reckon he could closely watch Clarrie and Tracca this pre-season, picking up a trick or two. Sparrow is going to be a very important nut in a short period of time.
  18. How could anyone see Clarrie not being in the echelon of the 'all time greats'?
  19. Spot on! All we really need now is some of that alleged video reporting to protect Gawn with the indented skull and back of the neck, Clarrie with total bodily evidence of physical abuse during and behind play, and a medical appointment or two for Fritta to rid him of elbow marks to the jaw, temples and lower back.
  20. Matthews was a violence adherent onfield, yet still, he remains in my memories as one of the top 5 players to grace the game, for a variety of 'other reasons', of course. He seldom stood toe-to-toe with his onfield adversaries, selectively going the bash with an unexpecting physical lesser. Assault is the accurate term - I just wish he'd run into Biffin once or twice, or the intolerant-of-that-type-of-behaviour in Rodney the Grinter.
  21. Something rings very true in this idea - I would not be surprised if Dogga did not perform as well in the future as expected.
  22. He really is a priority retention for the Dees; lock him in - we, the fans, insist. Already one of our favourite footballers.
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