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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. There is the depth available. Any combination of that depth, minus OMac, will be effective for absolute defence, attack from defence and run from defence to the midfield.
  2. Just wondering, but how might we use AVB on various opponents (specifically McGovern, Darling, Allen) to our advantage across a whole game, as it is as good as a practice run. As his (AVB) role in the Club is to rest opposition players by helping them to get down on the ground for a rest with a tackle - or even checked-out by their doctor for an integrity audit - and to win the ball for his MFC team, AVB might prove a theory or two about the attractiveness of the Australian Football Code for all to enjoy.We might also win the game!
  3. Doesn't the still photo of Hannan's kicking action look poised, balanced, meticulous? Very impressive - and I hear he has started to be training freely and very well....
  4. 'Carnage' is the effect and worthy of praise for the effort, but not the correct mindset. I'd rather say that AVB's commitment to the footy for the sake of the team is first rate, reliable and executed with aplomb! We don't want him to become a marque of green snot goblin attrition or disfavour - although his first responsibility to the Club is to put opponents down on the ground whilst winning possession cleanly - and every time. I am looking forward, instead, to the opponent(s) '...nullification...' with all the plurality that he can muster.
  5. Several years ago, I had the same, repetitive service ethic thrown in my face and those of my guests; other patrons were experiencing the same thing at the BC so after the third week of disappointment, dissociation was the only way to respond. Never been back since and sincerely, never missed the experience. Sporting Globe in Richmond - excellent, friendly, service-oriented, committed Demons and laid-back for a few colds with the footy.
  6. Yep, get him to bring the ball to the ground and then play run-on for a teammate.
  7. Not much love for the Dees in that crew. Using Bennell as a scapegoat or frontman for another failing Demons' year, that is all. Had Bennell gone to The Filth, they would now be outright Premiership favourites and Bennell would be the graceful archangel to carry them to a flag inside the six months of game readiness during the 2020 season, all in the eyes of cant and journalistic desperation. Stuffem and ignore.
  8. North displayed their limited depth today. Their dependency upon those who were missing is eye-opening, and affects the style of their gameplan which I have often thought to be haphazard and umpire-reinforced (yet sometimes rewarding) over the past few years. They, too, had a hit-out today, as well, so underneath, I'd guess that the North throng would be happy. For the Dees, it was a great hit-out, a brave hit-out and one in which the future now looks quite bright - all that young talent to develop and deploy.
  9. Always a big worry but it's OK, he did one punch at the ball with eyes closed - and that one, worked.
  10. Puts opponents on the ground, takes them out of the game; scares the sheet out of them when chasing, simultaneously promising the threat of going down to the ground rather heavily with this big bloke on your tail; gives strong indications that he ain't the bloke to mess with so stay out of this steam roller's way. Yep, like the bloke - he does it all so modestly and kicks a few rippers, as well.
  11. I also noticed the highlight reel for Kade Chandler - this is the first time I have seen him in the jumper. I recognised quite a bit about his game, albeit a reel of 'seconds' football or two, nothing in the senior team as yet. Still, my recognition, amongst his peer group of opponents - and with his interaction with teammates, particularly up forward - is distinct in my mind to be very similar to that of Leigh Matthews early on. Except, he has greater pace, is a more accurate kick for goal and seems to run on with the ball in good opportunities up forward. I hope these qualities are being nurtured, and can be seen more easily by regular viewers of his performances to date.
  12. Hope? Not for me. He really does have these great skills and I see him using them in the red'nblue to our great advantage; currently, he is just in a 'refresher' mode at present after re-energising his commitment to football. I'd just like to think that he is relishing and enjoying his new home, and the dwellers within. Recuperation is past, it was just in a timeframe outside the end of one season and the beginning of another. He's going to shock the naysayers and us, as well.
  13. I question Goodwin's loyalties to the Club ... is he even qualified to represent the MFC despite being the Coach? Imagine Barassi saying something like this! Certain things may well be thought, but certain things remain unsaid by the elite (eg: RDB, RF, PR, etc).
  14. The start of the new season (yet another). How inspiring is this photograph of Ronald Dale? He is canonised in our hearts, minds and hopes. 'Carna Dees!
  15. Let us hope that Petty's fitness is a leaf out of Petracca's efforts and results. He is at least hungry for the ball.
  16. Many observable things, such as: getting to where the ball is - consistently late; being behind the play and respective play-makers, missing tackles and positive ball possession opportunities; slow motion sightseeing tours around opponents who are clearing the ball with relative ease and/or disposal being '...where the ball ain't...' for most of the game; and very possibly missing marks in contests and/or trailing a leading opposition forward so badly that all that one could do is to watch that opponent take an easy mark with the usual conversion to a six-pointer. The latter point does produce some interesting facial expressions (poor thing) suggesting a role could be played in a far-away Under 12s competition. There are other examples but these are the common ones. Regarding this player, who shall remain nameless, I wonder if you could guess who I am talking about for the very last time this coming season? (I am intolerant of constant onfield error that does not require further elaboration or experiential latitude.) Have a nice day.
  17. This is representative (the H&A season results) of the extremely favourable treatment that the Cats receive from the umpires at home and against the 'anticipated losers' who play against them. Must keep the Geelong-based turnstiles ticking over and those within residual reach when they play.
  18. In a two-way discussion of some length, it was determined, unanimously that: it is terrific to have AVB back on the field - and let's hope that he can be there every week without risk; AVB's role in footy for the Demons is to put people on the ground; and AVB must chase at all times to scare the living daylights out of some recipient or several across a game, once he has put two or three down on the ground so that they have to live with the fact that they are not Demons!
  19. If that was not a deliberate, maiming action then why did he commit to harming Clarry well after he watched to ball pass out of his reach? Deserves two weeks and a strong reprimand - it was the epitome of dangerous play on purpose.
  20. From time to time, Hibbo shows a little bit more resolve, more concentration, more desire to do stuff for the team. He will get back to this more consistent play, surely. He does feed out a good ball and can run with purpose to set something up. Whereas the other one, well, I was very surprised that he got into the team/onto the field. One spoil, one kick, six leaks or non-contested regionalisations do not make a guernsey in my opinion but I have said that type of thing many times before. May, Hore and a utility backman will make a whole difference down there now that Nev and HIbbo are getting on in years. I'd also expect a rather quick rise from a couple of our new young'uns - the backline seems to be a potential breeding ground at the moment - certainly in times of need.
  21. Very good signs from these three, as well as the other improvements. Great signs of depth and competence for the coming season.
  22. Soft, indeed! I drive from Adelaide (from the southern coast 40 kms southwest of the city) to Melbourne for many games during the season, a round-trip of about 22 hours, at least, with the handbrake providing particular instructions on the route, the speed, the distances to go, the meal breaks, the traffic flow and the price of fuel - every five minutes for the entire journey. . How's that for being an avid Dees fan?
  23. It is a reward for the players like a golden halo with reath. However, it is also a black mark for injury prone MFC players and thus, should be avoided.
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