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Deemania since 56

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Everything posted by Deemania since 56

  1. Too right! Wouldn't it be fun if - one day - the AFL required the green snot goblins to apologise for their game-affecting influences? It would need to apply to - and promote interpretations of - incorrect decisions as well, as occasionally used to occur on World of Sport (Sundays, Channel 7, years ago).
  2. I'd think Brown would be an asset; however, there are two things I do not like about him, as follows: he fakes, attempts to fake, collapses on contact in front of umpires, rather than standing his ground to gather the ball; and he too infrequently goes to the barber shop, floppy, floppy, fuzzy-flop, flapper. He can kick them, but his possession rate is reducing.
  3. The all-day runner, Tomlinson. If sighted by our defenders, he could open a reasonable gateway to the forwards, rather than our reliance on Gawn EVERY time.
  4. Tend to agree; I'd also think that Salem could be rested this week - for him, there have been a few pedestrian efforts across the last couple of games (and all players in a competitive, almost full list, should be 100% mojo-equipped). That could provide a role for someone on the bench at half-back flank. Jetta possibly could be reviewed, as well but he did a fair job across the game last week - it was not just as decisive as we know The Jet to be on game day. My preferences for the bench / onfield rotations would therefore be: Jones, Jackson, Tomlinson (particularly for flank run and carry), and Neal-Bullen. Brayshaw would be my preferred slot for Salem on the HBF. Another reason for these selections, in my view, is that these players could provide multiple roles in various positions against varied opponents across the ground. Smith is also worthy of consideration .... However, whilst this is the nominated team on a Thursday night, the actual playing slots will vary somewhat.
  5. Spaceman Tomlinson is my choice for AVB out on a wing; let's hope that across the game, May or Salem (whoever kicks out after an opposition point) actually sees him and avoids the '...kick it to Gawny, no matter what...' syndrome. Tomlinson and OMac could be an effective partnership in this regard, making considerable 'metres gained' in attempts to drive forward. OMac is one of the better kicks in the team and provides another defensive option in this regard. This gives Gawny some reduced effort and workload. Gawn needs support, as many have noted already. He is essential to ruck against Stephan Martin, and then marking around the ground in a variety of areas; Jackson could stay in the selections to provide relief for Gawn against the BL ruck No. 2, and there is a place for him in the side as a forward (marking and goal-scoring). If TMac is selected - he should be played at CHB - his days as a forward are nearly spent, preventing the development of the Weed, and now, perhaps that of Jackson.
  6. I reckon AVB is the Team's 'big brother'. For any opposition, Vanders is a ballistic missile whose feathers one would not like to rustle. This sentiment also applies to opponents who may be playing well against the whole Demon team - Vanders will get 'ya and then you'll be sorry. Vanders is a tremendous confidence booster for our younger brigade. He goes in to support any team member in whatever way he can. I feel that Vanders does these jobs just as well as the smaller but equally lethal Ray Biffen used to do before his run of back injuries, and the positively bullet-proof game of Rod Grinter, and the rampaging Todd Viney. Very proud of Vanders as a Demon - and very respectful of his journey back into selection for the Team.
  7. Possibly because their skills - and then their combined skills at the midfield assisted enormously by the skills of Gawn - enabled them to relax a little, to make up for the occasional error with high possession counts, including occasional brilliance in their respective contributions - leaving truly hard work behind, so frequently. We have all seen poor decisions being made by each of them, less than absolute effort being applied, statistics-building for the sake of reputations being upheld somewhat, not by reliability every contest, turning into capabilities half-completed as if '...it's going to look easy to do... (something that we have all seen). A little bit of salt needs to be expended by each of them and done so in a collective sense, as well - as these three midfielders are as good as any in the competition and capable of outstanding outcomes as we have all seen from time to time. A new exemplar has arisen from the mire of indifference - Petracca! He now refuses to give up - he hears the challenge of perpetual onfield effort and reason. He is a pillar of the whole team having seen the workrate of Gawn week in, week out. Let us hope his performance quality continues to shine now and in the future, while the others catch up to their rightful standards.
  8. Thinking man's football - as good as Stan Alves' blind turns, almost. Amazing evasion, with great potential. (Grab him by the collar at training one night, Stanley, to teach him your magic with the baulk and blind turns. He has the footwork skills and the pace.)
  9. AVB does good things to the psychological well-being of opponents and hits hard so they do not forget. The Hawks tried to 'skirt' him, avoiding contact as best they could. With game time, I'd expect AVB to be even more active and yet he made good ball collections across the game in the whole four quarters. Tomlinson is our space man; on the flanks, he finds space to receive, and apply run and carry plus disposal deep into the forward set-up. His positioning in this regard is very good. He was not 'seen' on many occasions in our game against the Suns - and many turnovers resulted - but with our latest forward line, there are astute runners and collectors moving to space instead of the static edifices of which we are all familiar. (I'd like to see the Weed stay close to goal when not competing for area marks, purely for his 'feed' value in that zone.) We did miss Hunt's pace and carry against the Hawks. Spargo, not yet at the level required for a small. Lockhart could be overlooked at selection for a while as he gathers more diverse skills and anticipation. It's all a field of options - but things are looking up for the Dees. Great game from Hannan against the Hawks; his contributions were timely, thoughtful and competent. He is such a good kick at goal! Conventionally and when executing those bananas, and when looking for a 'target' receiver.
  10. King is special - absolutely a developing star. How did we allow it to happen? What were the circumstances?
  11. It must be remembered that we are not so terribly weak in the forward line - what is required is rather straightforward: better links between the midfield and the movement of the whole forward line to receive, and more forwards moving to space for a Sherrin deposit from downfield. That is not chaos. That is how we can win the game - and wear out the Squawks' backline. I am more concerned about the snot goblins aiding and abetting the Squawks' dignity and reputation as a 'glamour' team.
  12. A tad cynical in reference to a beloved son .... hope he plays well, but not too well. It will be interesting to watch him as an aside to a terrific Demons' win. We play well against Whoreform, quite often.
  13. The run, and the potential carry, the leap and the potential run-down are areas in which I feel that Frosty might intercept our game plans quite a bit in this game against Whoreform. As a combatant to these qualities of the Ice-man, I'd reckon that Smith would be the first choice and Jackson would be the second - mid-to-deep forward.
  14. Brown's experience could be as good as notably humble reputation as a player - and that former quality would be useful to a young team.
  15. At that, I just wonder how Frosty will play - he's been impressive so far this season.
  16. The season being the season that almost never was, showing signs of form slumps across the combatants and questionable form lapses, I'd see this not as a Premiers year for the beloved Dees let alone a finals year at all but moreso, a fantastic opportunity to blood all we can blood into a multi-strategic skills machine of thinking footballers. This is the time to maximise our participation and standards thereof for the game.
  17. Yes, a better game from OMac. Hope to see more of these if selected.
  18. Those concerned just do not like to be so obviously outshone by an articulate young athlete.
  19. Agree strongly with this, as a forward, he has some great attributes that will possibly come to the fore with game time - already he is making noticeable improvements as a defender - but most likely will never be a 'killer defender'. However, I suspect that his game-time apprenticeship will serve him well, and will assist him to realise that in a thinking man's game, he could well be a 'killer forward'. The opportunity for him should continue. He can mark, he can kick set shots a distance, he can be highly mobile when not locking down an opposition forward as his first priority. He is developing the goods, without doubt.HIs Geelong contribution was quite evidentiary, as was his form development earlier last year.
  20. Sadly, the excellent and isolated space that Tomlinson created out there on the flanks at critical moments was ignored by May at kick-ins, opting instead to '...kick to Gawn no matter what...', and we were very lucky that against the Suns that Maxxy was able to mark almost unhindered. From these marks, Maxxy then had to create the play by foot or handpass, an additional load in congestion that was unnecessary, whereas Tomlinson had a blank canvas to goal that a smart Demon could escape into down the field for an open i50 avenue. Gawn is highly reliable, of course and thank Heaven he is the bloke he is - and put in a great Captain's game to prove it to us all - going for his marks under some duress on many occasions. May, on occasion as an alternative, could draw and then dummy the opposition towards Gawn but kick it to the Flank/Wing/Tomlinson/opposite side for a freedom run or pass upfield. A little two-eyed evaluation from May in this regard would add heaps to our ball progression as we have the smarts up forward to enact the transfer.
  21. It was - for him, typically - very effective when needed and made a real difference to the outcome as a contributor. We must also remember other than being a good opportunist and runner at the HF to deep forward areas, he is also capable of getting up there to take the 'timed' leap into the blue - marking sometimes spectacularly, from nowhere. I'd like to also note about his value (and accuracy) with the check side/banana kick from the pockets - in two games, two miraculous goals and one each from either side of the sticks. Value this lad ...
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