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Rodney (Balls) Grinter

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Everything posted by Rodney (Balls) Grinter

  1. I think Bernie kits a few nails on the head with his comments re umpiring, fowardline wastefulness, disappointment and the attitude our players need to have in his comments on the club web site. http://m.melbournefc.com.au/news/2016-07-23/bitterly-disappointing-loss-says-vince I also think WC did yesterday what we should have done when we lost the ascendancy Vs St Kildia and thrown more players behind the play, played a tight back line and clog up scoring some more. Hopefully all this and the issues Bernie raised in terms of lowering the eyes a bit more come with a bit more experience/maturity next year and we walk away winners in these games.
  2. Yes, I did too, but probably not as much as WC supporters enjoyed watching some of the same from our blokes. I think I recall watching T Mac and Wagner turn over a few crucial kicks trying to switch across or back half which resulted in easy goals for them. I like the way both the aforementioned go about their footy, but if we are to be a good team and consistently beat top eight teams, then these kinds of sloppy skill errors are things that all our players need to get out of their games.
  3. Many seem to have written off Lyndon Dunn, but I'm not sure I'd be so quick to lock that in. On the side of the againsts, he didn't seem to me to have the same impact last year as compared to what I think was his best year in 2014, his performances at AFL level in 2016 haven't been particularly convincing and he was pretty poor that last game we played against St Kilda. Probably the worst thing is that he looks to have slowed. On the side of the fors, he has shown his best footy can be pretty good, can be solid in defensively (particularly one on one) and has been capable of beating some of the games premiere forwards. He is a booming, reliable kick out from full back and has that thing which a lot of our list don't - experience. He did play pretty bad that game against St Kilda, but wasn't Robinson Crusoe there and it was only one game - everyone plays one every so often. His numbers for Casey last gamewere pretty reasonable, so I'm hoping it's a sign of a return to good form. Key defenders don't grow on trees.
  4. Whilst I obviously don't have the inside connection or recollection that you do, what I was meaning by the Fitzroy and perhaps the Sydney relocations to some extent, was that these clubs were able to retain more of their identity than what we would have in the proposed merger with Hawthorn. I know many an older Roy boys and Bloods supporter who are able to still proudly support their respectively relocated teams than I think I'd be able to if we jettisoned the demon, threw yellow in there and added some stupid Hawk. I do recall how hard Fitzroy fought to keep their club afloat and that they did pretty much fight until the death. What I'm saying is that though I actually voted for the merger at the time (along with might I add the majority of MFC members), in retrospect I'd rather fight to the death for club survival or wait another decade to actually see us win a premiership (though I sincerely hope that's not the case) than to cave into a merger and try to buy our way to success that way, at the same time as selling out the soul of the club. Joe showed the sort of passion for the club that many at the time did not (including a number of former club champions) and put his money where his mouth was to boot. I don't forget that.
  5. Perhaps something along the lines of Chef from South Park singing about chocolate!!? Haha
  6. On a lighter note, perhaps the Demonland page sponsors could help?! Is it just me or is the internet becoming more pervasive than ever.
  7. Melbourne supporters do owe old Joe and Don Scott some fair gratitude. Without these two guys, we'd all be following the Dorks or some other gastly almalgimation, not sitting on the cusp of a resurgent, competitive Demons team. At the time I was actually pro-merger because I was so desperate for that success, but in retrospect I think I'd rather the club go bankrupt and team be forcefully relocated to the Gold Coast or Tasmania or something similar to Fitzroy than merge with any other existing team. My view is that at the very least old Joe deserves some dignity and respect from Melbourne supporters from what he did and tried to do for the club. I don't recall the politics which resulted in his departure from the presidency, but I think at his core he's one of us - a die hard, heart beats true for the red and blue type of guy.
  8. Fair call. I did notice him do a few good things on Saturday night and perhaps with a bit more fitness back he is spending more time back on the ball. But if you look at his figures for previous weeks (practically the rest of the season), they are well down and I think he has been given chances that others haven't. One thing he does do is give a big/strong physical presence. Hoping he has turned the corner and get's back to his 2015 form.
  9. Not sure the outs (BenKen perhaps?), but I'd like to see both Oliver and Brayshaw back in the side, probably with Wagner and Bugg. Like their hardness. The coaches said they were going to bring in fresh legs against Port, then didn't and paid the price IMHO. So I defiantly agree with rotating players. I didn't notice Billy Stretch play particularly badly against Freo, like his attack on the man/ball and good foot skills, so not sure he'd nessasily be one I'd be thinking of leaving out of the side. As much as I like him as a player, I'm not sure that Vanders does enough to warrent his spot sometimes. But all in all I'm counting on the fitness department to monitor and make the right call on who needs the rest, advised also by who the coaches think they need for team balance. Also I have no idea why anyone would think that someone who has racked up their high jumper number in possessions at 90% efficiency along with a bunch of 1%ers after spending 11weeks knocking on the door and has a mature body is going anywhere close to getting left out of the side this week.
  10. From what I understand, Casey had a bye when we played the Dockers, so you don't get much better rest than that. i.e. no slight intended. Despite the bye factor, VFL is still a fair step down from AFL intensity and even had they played,bringing in players from that level should still be fresher, particularly since the MFC would probably also make the call on Casey to manage gametime for any likely AFL inclusions.
  11. I saw most of the same pros and cons in his game last night that many on this forum did. I think the real indicator of where he goes after this year will only be evident after he has strung together two, three or more games back at AFL level. Perhaps some who get the benefit of watching Casey play have a better insight into that, but I think it is pretty hard to otherwise. Many players need one or two games back at the highest level to build confidence and adjust to the faster pace of the game (Patraca being a prime, somewhat exadurated example), I will be keenly watching over the next few weeks to see if Jack can tidy up some of his disposal and do some better things with the ball. Thought that some of his recovery, second and third efforts were great and would have please Roos and Co no doubt.
  12. Agree with everything stated above. I can not for the life of me see what would be wrong with bringing back a proper reserves team for every AFL listed club (make it national). Would even up the gap between the rich an poor clubs and give supporters the best opportunity to watch up and coming talent on their clubs list. With all the from the AFLPA about how the players should be getting a bigger slice of the new trillions, I can not understand why it would not be affordable.
  13. Stoked with this news. Let's hope that we see a return to his best form in the next few weeks. I think he has been a bit off his A game of late; perhaps the contract talks were a distraction. Big job to do this week on his old mate Eddy.
  14. Have defiantly been impressed with Wagner this year, but clearly Grimes is a better option this week! On my off the cuff account, we have had a pretty charmed year injury wise this year. All teams need depth and if we could retain Grimes on a modest contract, could he be worth retaining on that basis? Granted he would be taking a list spot with which we could be developing another player. Glad the club has been fairly good at the whole list management game over the last few years. Guess we will all see soon enough.
  15. Not that Tex has fully delivered on what he has shown in glimpses, but you would hope that the Crows are not amongst those opposing the northern academies. Would be a tad hypocritical. Or were the schoolarships a concession to compensate for the lack of father-son opportunities for the Crows?
  16. Personally, I thinknJack deserves more than sinply 2 farewell games, I think he really deserves the chance to play in the next couple so he can have a chance to play the back part of the season and prove if he still has worth at the elite level. IMHO Grimes is better than others who have been given games this year such as Mitchie, who has never played a game that locks like he could make it. Conversely, I seem to recall Grimes playing games where he was among the BOG (our underdog win against Adelaide a few years back would be one that comes to mind). He may not be in our best players skill wise, but I think he could still play a role. I actually thought that he should have played against Sydney, in place of somoeone like Stretch to get another mature stronger body around the contest.
  17. Though I was disappointed to see us loose Howe (clearly quality player ability wise), I think we have come out in front from last years trade period, when you consider the gains of Kennedy, Bugg, the ellivation in picks that got us Wied/Clarry and we are yet to see what Jake can do for us next year. The outcomes thus far of Howe's practical defection might also serve as an example to other Melbourne players in a similar position. However, overall I'm not completely in favor of the present free agency set-up. Some have said that the compensation picks should go, however I really think they need to stay. What I most dislike about FA is that the recruiting club gets a free shot at getting to recruit talent without having to give up anything in return, which heavily favours the already powerful clubs like Hawthorn. It would still be free agency if the recruiting club had to give up a draft pick of approximate/equivalent value, as the players original club does not have to agree to the player leaving.
  18. And probably saw more goals kicked in it than when he was there!! Not sure he'd fit into our forward line these days?
  19. Is it just me? I'm taking a lot of joy out of watching C.Petraca get better at the top level every game he plays... Similar could be said for big O.McDonald. Also thought that Kent earnt his spot today, along with a few others.
  20. I know one shouldn't gloat, but today's game highlighted a few trades that might be regreted (from different perspectives): 1. J. Howe to Collingwood - go suffer Jezza (don't care where). We'll keep Kennedy thanks very much; 2. A. Trelor to Collingwood - all of a sudden Sydney doesn't look like such a bad place to be; 3. C.Silva for B.Vince - best trade ever. Let this serve as a reminder!
  21. Not sure what we'd want to offer the club with which we are trading, but two things we should be able to offer the player(let's hope): 1.Competitiveness/hope; 2.'Cold hard cash' (thanks to Essendon/Jake).
  22. Not so sure of all the talk of Viney being an almost certain inclusion. If his injury is only 75% healed, personaly I'd almost rather he missed another week or two than play out the season carrying a niggle which didn't properly heal and his form and devlopment suffer as a result. I'm sure that the club medicos are on top of it and will make the right call, just saying having him for this game doesn't mean as much as having him full fit for the rest of the season and I think the teams depth is at a point where the longer term perspective is more paramount.
  23. Interesting that you have Grimes in your side, when many of the punters on this forum have written him off. What's your rationale there? Personally I thought Kent had a good physical presence last week, did a few other good things and I'd still have him in my side, though Harmes was no better than Kennedy got dropped for the week before and so I think he'd be the similar sized/type player to make way for Grimes.
  24. Nervous yes, but seemed to have a pretty screwed on, down to earth and in for hard work kind of attitude about him, that kind of attitude could take him far. I know that most AFL recruits these days seem to talk the coaching propaganda babble, but I thought he came across as pretty genuine. Watching him play, I think he certainly puts in effort. Melbourne has recruited and reaped the just reward for it's fair share of talented show ponies in the recent past, so to me, there is something encouraging about where this guy is coming from. Will be interesting to see how he goes in a few years time if he can develop Tommy's kind of strength and endurance.
  25. Any thoughts on key back line match ups? It's really the Hawks smalls we need to worry about more than their talls. I recon Hunt could be the guy to curtail Rioli as he should have the pace and agility to go with him. I'd be a bit concerned that he doesn't have experience, though playing on one of the guns of the comp could also be a good learning experience for Hunt. Jetta to play in their other very dangerous small forward Poppy.
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