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Rodney (Balls) Grinter

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Everything posted by Rodney (Balls) Grinter

  1. Nevery thought I'did say this, but I'd rather Adelaide on top. The AFL mandatory Second Sydney Fake Team Giants don't deserve to be there.
  2. Whitfield couldn't get his boot on it half a second before the half time siren - suck on that one drug test dodger!
  3. Can they leave it to 5 seconds to play this week, GWS seem to be good at winning them and Richmond obviously like loosing them. Haha I really shouldn't be crule or arrogant about such a matter, that loss to the Dockers last week reminded me awfully of the one we lost to the Saints a few years back.
  4. Lol, I guessed as much, but thought I'did just play it out for all it was worth and you didn't disappoint BBO. Must be one of the most common artifacts on good old planet Earth...I know of plenty!
  5. OK, thanks, I stand corrected, it was a while ago now and I was sitting a long way away right up in the old Pontsford Stand.
  6. Would have loved to have been there!!
  7. What's that saying - "You can't polish a turd"
  8. For all his bluster and bravado from David Swartz after some of our bad losses in recent years, I (perhaps unfairly) hold him and others responsible for our fate that day, after they failed to fly the flag after Brad Green was ironed out by Michael Long. Every time Swartz opens his mouth on matters like the team showing some heart, I just think he is so full of it. I loved him as a player at his peak, but I have lost so much respect for him since.
  9. GWS playing to another bumper home crowd of 2,000 at Spotless Stadium. Seriously, the presence of a team with no suporter heartland like this is soul destroying for the whole competition. Please relocate the entire team (including their players) to Tasmania, where they would actually be appreciated and supported. I wouldn't begrudge the Tasmanians for enjoying some well deserved success and state representation. Just one thing, they could leave Tom $cully in Western Sydney, he is the perfect fit for that souless place.
  10. Mike is well past his prime and should be put out to pasture completely. While I was certainly interested, humbled and inspired by Daniels courageous openess on his gambling issues, it dominated the interview and got so repetitious that in the end I almost switched off and lost interest. There was so many good footy topics that could have been explored, from someone whom I remember as a somewhat non glamorous, but capable and reliable footballer at a time that we had a really good team. Was glanced on that we had won 6 games in a row leading up to the 2000 GF and that we had a pretty decent chance, but then left there with barely anything more said. Could have explored that game so much further. Personally as a supporter, I regard the 2000 GF as the one that got away. I really do think it was conceivable that we could have done a Hawthorn 2008 to Essendon, as we were about the only team that got close to themy all year and I thought we actually had the troops that could have pulled it off.
  11. Absolutely, personally I'm an interstate member based in Brisbane, so some years like this year I don't get the opertunity to watch a game using my membership (unless I was to travel to Melbourne to watch us at the mighty G). I actually rejoined the MFC membership after one of our atrocious losses to West Coast in 2010?/11? on the basis that I thought it was when the club needed my support most. All serious supporters of the MFC should have some kind of club membership (personal finances permitting). Of course, one of the highlights being a Northern member was watching the mighty Demons smash the Suns up here last year on the Gold Coast - was one of the biggest wins I witnessed over the last half decade or so. Most times I have traveled to Melbourne and watched us there, we loose, so I think it's in the best interests of all that I just stay up here when we play!!
  12. Oh yeah and please keep Bernie in the mid field or forward for the most part. I think he can be an effective sweeper down their on occasions, but I don't think it's his best role and the backline functioned so well on the weekend in his absence, why break away from a winning formula.
  13. Agreed. I think we have really hit a critical mass of quality players down there with Frost, Salem, Hunt, Hibbard and Jetta. With this quality core, I think it takes the pressure of Oscar a bit and I even thought he was pretty solid on the weekend. Having both Hunt and Frost with blistering pace makes it pretty had for the oppo to shut down both. Was really impressed with how our back line got on top of Adelaide's forwards. From the mid way point of the second quarter, it was as if Tex and Eddie were non-existent. As others have said our mids also probably played a role in this, but it would have been easy for us to have leaked a few goals from entries here and there to keep them in the game - didn't happen. So much for being dominated by the Crows talls!
  14. Agreed. I think there may a little less of the mercurial and more of the percentage plays from Jeff this year, not that he isn't capable of the odd freak goal every now and then, I think he is just summing up the situations better and as you say doing the team thing. His passes to setup team mates in better positions epitomise this, he had a few rippers on the weekend. I think there is also a little less of him trying to take on the world and fail with his run and carry, which I think is also assisted by the team having others in good positions to palm it off to, where's in previous years it might just have been Jeff out the back with nothing else between him and the goals. Would love to see the stats on his goal assists over the years if anyone hasees access to those. Have always been a huge Jeffy fan and great to see he's back in good touch.
  15. If it's OK to indulge in a bit of light humor on a serious topic, I was reflecting on how inappropriate my avatar/profile name is for this thread!! Glad they picked it up early and hope Jesse makes a complete recovery with respect to his health.
  16. I actually didn't mind some of Swan's appearances on the Footy Show though, he came across as a pretty good sort of knock about bloke who's a bit alternate and out there, not afraid to be himself, with a sense of humor. A bit like a poor man's, less extraverted Max Gawn. Pav on the other hand really does nothing much for me at this point.
  17. Clarry used up all the miracles for the night with his goal.
  18. On another note, he may not have set the World on fire with big bags of four or five goals, but my take is that Jeff Garlett is back to his best this season and has been consistently good in most/all games that I remember (probably our most consistent small forward). His forward pressure was pretty good (again) on the weekend with six tackles and my perception is that he has got better at distributing the ball/setting up other players inside 50 and certainly his set shot goal kicking has been pretty solid this year, where previously I thought it was a bit of a shortcoming. He has been important to our team so far this year and I'm looking forward to a day when Jeffy really turns it on and has a day out.
  19. The lead up to the Healy call was that Brown also gave us a bit of a plug for having an unsociable midfield and that Clarry had gone to another level since he'd got off the chicken nuggets!
  20. I actually liked Gerard Healy's quote: "so summing up - message to the Adelaide Crows midfield, get harder and get off the chicken nuggets...it would seem if you want to take it up to the Demons"
  21. Amazing how tight the half of the ladder is at the moment. Assuming Port continue on their merry way and beat the Suns, they will go from just outside the top eight, to just inside the top four based on just that one result.
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