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Rodney (Balls) Grinter

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Posts posted by Rodney (Balls) Grinter

  1. 1 hour ago, Deestroy All said:

    That was brilliant. Loved it. 

    Complete opposite to what I expected, he loves to talk! I look forward to the follow up next week. 

    He was quite the performer on the footy show in his day too if I recall correctly, so I'm not suprised that he loves to talk.

     I actually think it's more surprising in some ways given his personality that he has become such a public recluse, but there is probably some ultimate wisdom and also something to be admired in that.  So many footballers these days seem to think they can have a second career as B grade celebrities, but in the end, bar the talented, inelegent and articulate few, they just end up wearing thin on the public thay once adored them.

     Living somewhat close to Northern NSW, I'd love to find out the fishing charters he runs though.  A day spent fishing with Jacko would be an awsome experience and I wouldn't even care if I didn't catch anything as per usual.

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  2. “I would like to point out that this decision has been some time in the making –myself and Josh have been having conversations for a while now. In the end, the well was dry. I couldn’t live the trademark anymore as a player. I didn’t want to waste a year remaining on the list, both personally and for the team.


    One H. Lumumba would have done well to take this one out of Colin's playbook.

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  3. I take my hat off to this bloke, the way he conducted himself on and off the footy feild. A more loyal a servant the MFC will not find.  For a few years there in the middle he was a pretty handy defender.

    All the best for the future Col.

    • Like 4
  4. 5 hours ago, poita said:

    The reports from Casey were promising this year, but the arrival of Lever makes it harder to see where Keilty fits into the picture. Hopefully he can continue to improve and put pressure on the likes of Frost & the McDonalds.

    Can Keilty play ruck?  Perhaps there is a longer term prospect for him to play the sort of key position support/backup ruckman role like Pedersen?

    As much as I'm not looking to replace Pedo in the short term, Cam is getting pretty close to retirement age.  Particulaly with Watts leaving, we have less forward line depth as well, until Weiderman matures a bit more and is capable of playing a key role down there.

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  5. Love the dare and agression with which he takes on his imidiate opponent and really breaks open the game.  Can be really damaging by foot when he is on.

    Not sure that he will ever be a power house like Clarry in the guts, but I think Harmes is just the sort of player that could hurt the oppoasition, particularly when he plays as part of a dominant team and they have their hands full trying to keep a lid on our guns.

  6. 5 minutes ago, grazman said:

    I doubt he'd agree to that, Geelong/Port he's a reasonable chance of playing in finals.  Brisbane and Gold Coast not so much.

    Ture.  He's a reasonable chance of playing finals at Melbourne though too, so it really depends somewhat on the finacial attractiveness or otherwise of the deal as well as how repairable Watts feels his professional relationship with Jones and Goodwin is. 

     Do the MFC and some of it's supporters want Watts gone so badly we would be prepared to pay out the difference in his current contact terms and what he might get at another club, just to see him gone?

    All pure speculation, I'm just reading into the scenario.

    • Angry 1
  7. 23 hours ago, Redleg said:

    If we got pick 15 everyone would be happy,  but if it is 30 not so happy. Does that not tell us that we are reasonably happy to let Jack go, it is just the price.  

    I think most people would think it a reasonably acceptable propersition, without nessasrily being happy about it.

    I'll only really be happy about this or otherwise in retrospect, which is a prvillage I know our coaching staff and list management don't really have.  Assuming we complete the trade amd Jack were to move on to for fill his talent potential and play a pivital role in a flag for Port I'd be pretty [censored].  A range of other scenarios are possible which would determine how I ultimately feel about this trade.

  8. 9 minutes ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Port supporters on bigfooty reckon Watts and 36 for picks 30 and 33.

    So a lower end second round draft pick and also a 3 pick upgrade in the late second round as steak knives.

    Is this fair?

    I'd actually say that the above proposed trade is a reasonable equivalence to the Bernie Vince for pick 27 trade we did with them a few years back.  Though I do worry/wonder with all these free agent compo picks getting thrown in if 30 and 33 ends up more like 32/33 and 35/36.

    I also wonder if there could be a last minute twist to the Jack Watts trade scenario, with him ending up at the Gold Coast or Brisbane?  Not sure what cap space Port would have left after Rocky and Motlop, but I can't see Watts agreeing to move for less money and as I understand it Brisbane/GC are the teams with both a need for more mature players and the draft picks to trade with.

  9. 22 hours ago, jnrmac said:

    This is vying for the award of most unhinged comment and that's saying something.

    Watts by the way averages 8 kicks per game. 

    'Unhinged' - ease up cowboy.  It was an analogy, not every aspect to be taken 100% literally.

    Yeah, so would you take Jack Viney's 15 kicks per game at 40% efficiency over Jack Watts 8 kicks per game at 90% efficiency?  (9 turnovers Vs 1).  Actually I'd take both, because they play different roles within the team,  but I think there's more chance that Jack Watts improves his training standards and intensity than Viney or any of our average kickers and decision makers bring that part of their game up to Watts standard.

    In so many of the games we played this year, we dominated time in forward half, but lacked the polish to make good decisions and execute with ball in hand to enable us to penitrate foward 50.  Watts is elite at this game and also at finishing off when he gets the ball inside 50.  Might help next year with Lever if Salem can be pushed further up the feild, but gaining Lever and loosing Watts could be two steps forward and at least one step back.

    • Like 3
  10. On Wednesday, October 11, 2017 at 8:59 AM, poita said:

    Yet another small forward with no tricks. Doesn't get enough of the ball, doesn't kick enough goals, presumably makes a few tackles because he spends all day chasing.

    I think this was a poor draft selection and I would say he is 99% certain to be delisted at the end of next year (so why give him a second year?).

    Please someone correct me if I'm wrong on this, but I think all players probably get  minimum 2 year contract comming out of the national draft, probably as an EBA condition?

    My impression from afar is similar with respects to Johnson, but we will see what another year brings - can only hope.  Comparisons to Hunt seem a little off the mark, as my recallection is that Hunt seldom played in his first year or so, due to back problems, but that once he got back to some fitness, he showed clear potential.  The current better comparison might be McNamar?  (Though given McNamar came with a history of injuries and spent all this season injured for us, I'm not holding out much hope).

    A actually think last year's draft and trade period was a fair waste for us.  We picked up Hibbard and Hannan, but the impression I get from match reports etc is that it's unlikely we picked up any other players of value through the conventional draft/trade period (perhaps Tim Smith), but might be saved by picking up Maynard and Joel Smith as Cat B rookies and what they look like as players.

  11. 6 hours ago, DV8 said:

    And stigga this is the problem with watts, & with too many around the club.

    He wants to be around, for where others carry the club too.

    He doesn't want to miss out on all the festivities, If or when.  He is not a lifter, he is a leaner.

    His mindset should read, "I am going to shape this club towards winning and success.

    He just wants to be at the party with the boys.

    Nup, sorry but huge problems with these statements - total BS.  

    Jack was there and stuck with the MFC through some of our darkest times.  Unlike the Weed who has had the luxury of developing in the twos, it's well documented that Jack was thrown in the deep end.  Jack probably could have picked his club in 2010-2012 after his first contract ran out and bolted for the doors to a club that won more than 2 games a season.  We need to repay that faith.

     His efforts this year in the ruck against Geelong and Richmond show he'll push himself to the point of exaughstion as good as most on the team.  Delivered in spades on Queens Birthday and really helped lead us out of the wilderness that day, which I actually think was a bit of a turing point in the direction of our season at the time.  He played as hard and we'll as all on the team against the Bulldogs, after which his season kind of fell apart a bit, but he wasn't the only one in that camp.  And all his career Jack has played with the pressure of being that No.1 pick saviour under which we have seen others like Tom Boyd fold.  I think it takes pretty decent mental toughness to play under the pressure and keep picking yourself up after the at times constant criticism that Watts has, so to call him a leaner is way off the mark.

    If Jack is around longer, for any success we have, he will have earnt every bit of the party that ensues.

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  12. 5 hours ago, Redleg said:

    To me it looks like Jack would prefer the Cats, but they are playing a game saying they can't get the deal done. We have obviously asked for their 20 and they have refused.

    Port has made him an offer and we would accept their 29.

    If Jack says Port the deal will be done instantly.

    I think the Cats have told him to hold on, to see if they can bluff us, or find out the Motlop compo.

    If we hold firm I think we either get 20 from the Cats or 29 from Port.

    I think we would be duding our selves for those trades when Devon Smith and pick twenty something went for pick 11 and thirty something from Essendon.  Please don't anyone try telling me that Devon Smith, who didn't even make their best 22 for their prelim is anywhere as good as Watts.

    We now have essentially two second round picks after the Lever deal and will end up not having had a first round pick in three years if we don't get up there again this year.  If anything good comes of trading out Watts, my take is we need to somehow work a first Rd pick in there.  Our recruiters seem to be pretty good at finding dimonds in the rough, but I doubt Clarry or Weid would have been there in the second round of the draft.

  13. 2 hours ago, Wiseblood said:

    Rubbish comparison and you know it.  Oliver is a kid who needed to learn a lesson.  Not only did he learn from it, he smashed it on the track and we've seen the benefits of that.

    Jack is a 9 year veteran who still needs struggles for consistency in many facets of his game, both on and off field, when he should be setting the example for the kids.

    I agree, it's not a direct comparison on all fronts, but it's more about not cutting off your nose to spite your face and over reactions to the situation.  Similar analogy would be those that were saying it was Tommy Bugg's last game after his brain fade against Sydney/Mills, that wasn't his first chave either and had been comming over a course of weeks.  Haven't heard Bugg's name mentioned in any trade rumors.

    I thought on the whole Watts season was pretty acceptable.  Pleanty of other players who struggled in the second half of the season returning from injury - Gawn had minimal impact, Jones was hit and miss, Garlett (and half of the team) horrible agianst Collingwood, Salem had to be dropped and Viney after all his heroics probably pushed his body too hard and broke down again as a result and was unavailable through that for crucial games.

    If you want the young guys to learn how to kick for goal, don't expect them to looking up to Viney.  Jack Watts definitely sets the standard there.  Though Tom Mac Donald is probably now getting close to Watts in front of goal, I don't quite think he is there - I recon Watts would have taken and nailed that shot from 50 against Collingwood in Rd 23, just like he did with a number of similar shots to win us the game against the on Queens birthday Monday.

    • Like 2
  14. 4 hours ago, jumbo returns said:

    These young men have hardly had a life

    I observed a young T Cloke growing up and watched him as his spirit, creativity and sense of fun disappear, as his footy consumed him 24/7

    This could be JW's version of teenage angst

    One of the thinge I despise about this so called professional era.  These guys are entitled to have a life, have different personalities and not be robots all the time.  I think Roos understood that and managed his team accordingly, but I'm not sure that Goodwin does.

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  15. 3 hours ago, SFebey said:

    Oliver is the hardest trainer at the club, never stops trying on-field. JW, well....the opposite.

    I'll accept that everyone will apply themselves on the track like Oliver, Jones and Viney when they can all kick like Jack Watts.  From what I understand (and I think his playing body shape would back this up), Jason Dunstall was never a very good trainer at Hawthorn, but I don't think he ever would have been put up for trade mid contact (or ever) and the first bloke you would pick at full forward any day of the week.  Not that Jack has the hundreds of goals to his name that Piggy did, but it's not like Jack's played in side as dominant for his whole career either or has exactly the same attributes.

    Basically horses for courses and I really do feel like Jack is being made into a scape goat.  In my veiw, the whole episode has been poorly managed by the club, particularly post season, with Jones, Goodwin and Co comming out and publicly criticizing him.  I do feel like the club is making a huge mistake putting up a player who has put faith in the club over a long period up as a bargaining chip mid contract - hardly the sort of thing that will encourage mutual commitment to the team by talented players in the future.

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  16. On Tuesday, October 10, 2017 at 8:10 PM, Jara said:

    Some excellent points, but I'm so sick of hearing players, coaches etc banging on about the disappointment of missing finals. They can't be that disappointed, or they'd do something about it.

    I agree, but on the positive, at least we are now close enough to be disappointed.  In years gone by, we were so far off the mark, this kind of talk wouldn't have occured.  It would have been more like "we had a few (three or four) wins during the year and got to within a few points of winning a few others, which shows what this team is building towards, but we also had some were really disappointing performances (referring to 100+ point losses) and we know we have to get that out of our game"...no mention of finals.

    But I agree that Jones in disapointent in particular sounded pretty scriped, robotic and insincere.  I'm sure that it was sincere, but it didn't really come across with a lot of passion, as I think Jones is probably pretty fatigued of telling that story.

  17. I actually think that picking up Maynard and Joel Smith somewhat makes up for us trading away our high picks and this recruitment of young top end tallent from the draft over the last few years.

     Some really screwd recruitment through alternate pathways.

    I'm hoping they prove me wrong, but I don't think we picked up anyone of great potential from last year's draft other than Hannan.

  18. 12 hours ago, faultydet said:

    For god sake put this news in the Trade and Draft thread.

    Some real news to talk about.


    Maynard is a hard bastrad. Our footy department have had enough of being pushed around.

    I like it.

    If he is already 26, our guys must have serious faith in his ability.

    That's quite old for a rookie spot from outside the sport.

    Would love to read a rundown from the coaching staff as to what his attributes are that demand another 2 years 



    I think you answered your own question.


    His rate of development last season was huge and if it continues, he could form a vital and much needed midfield grunt and depth.  With Bernie's days in the midfield pretty much over and my perception that Jones has past his peak in this area, my view is that we desperately need some more players to stand up and for fill those roles.  I think Jake Melksham plays the shutdown hard tag on gun oppo midfielders pretty well.  If Maynard can be as good an extractor as his VFL contested possessions and put that hard physical pressure on the opposition's mids, it would somewhat free up those with a bit more class and skill like Oliver, Salem and Brayshaw to play more of a role in moving and distibuting the ball out from the guts more effectively.

    I'm also of the view that you can't have too many hard tough midfielders, like the Brisbane Lions of the early 2000s.  This guy certainly fits that mold.

    • Like 1
  19. 1.  Clary - so raw and unpolished with the microphone, how it should be.  Interesting the reference to Billy Stretch's example again.  Watching his highlights - please kick the ball more than you handball next season;

    2.  Vines - sensed an envy of Clary, comming from the ultra compeditive beast within Jack.  Probably shouldn't have come back so quick from that injury.  Stop talking about us being a young club full of kids - enough mature blokes around now that are and should act and play like men (yourself included), please stop this crap excuse now;

    3.1  Jones - is his best footy past him?  Smooth talker.  Good mates don't stab each other in the back in public.  Please keep that son interested in footy;

    3.2   Lewis - Definitely red and blue now, even though he thought we supporters wouldn't like him.  Thanks Todd.  Fox footy, please stop showing him in that yellow and brown [censored].  To be honest when we played the Dorks late last year, I thought he was washed up, so glad he proved me wrong.  Been exposed to the Trac.  Also having twin boys, need to get another 80 odd games onto this bloke too;

    5.  Nev - Great human, now understand why he didn't feature in JLT.  Softly sopken, buy highly respected;

    6.  Goody - Lost me a bit with the explorer analogy.  Need to employ your hall of fame speach writer for the club B&F next time:

    7.  Trenners - love this bloke.  Didn't the other former Melbourne skipper win this award last yeat?  (Things might not be looking up for you Nathan!?).  Probably walked into the club a professional according to Gawny.  Spoke about playing with and for your mates - something I think almost gets lost in this era of ruthless proffesionalisim.  Dropped a few F bombs and I didn’t know anyone still drank Melbourne Bitter or is that an another analogy? (Please don't take that seriously, Jack was nothing but glowing and respectful of the MFC and completly dignified in his behavior);

    8.  Wattsy - proverbial elephant in the room (but not in a negative way).  As mentioned by others, seems to be great mates and loved by his team mates.  MFC showing the AFC how not to be a petty bunch of sooky la la's.

    • Like 1
  20. 26 minutes ago, Diamond_Jim said:

    spot on G .... it was a horrible season ... hard to believe that with five games to go we were still on track for a possible top 4 spot.

    Just unforgivable

    Yep, soo many games we should have, could have - North (twice), Hawthorn, Freo, Collingwood.  I can understand us just scraping in against Carlton the second time given how injury depleted we were at the times, but to not beat the Lions by more when we were clearly dominating and even going back to Rd 1 when we were 50 points up to let St Kilda get back to within 30 or so, shows a lack of ruthlessness to me that in the end cost us finals.  

    To me, horror starts against North, Hawthorn and Collinwood (twice) then brain fades against Freo and North are what cost us a finals spot, to me that reeks of bad coaching and leadership.  I haven't heard Jones or Goodwin speak in recent times, but have they taken ownership for these failings as freely as they have expressed their displeasure in Watts?

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