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Rodney (Balls) Grinter

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Posts posted by Rodney (Balls) Grinter

  1. On 1/27/2018 at 4:14 PM, Dr. Gonzo said:

    I hope this dies a quick and painless death, what a debacle. I hope we are fielding 34-43 on the list including rookies.

    To be honest, that's about my only interest level in this, to see what sort of early form/promise some of our up and comming players can give a glimpse of for the season proper.  Even less value than JLT though.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Clint Bizkit said:

    I would argue that a mostly red jumper is just as light as royal blue but that's neither here nor there.

    The whole AFL policy on clash jumpers and even white shorts is a mess, how they haven't fixed this is a joke.

    Agree with all of the above in a general sense.  Would be ok with a predominantly red with navey clash jumper next season so long is the design is generally attractive and sufficiently aligned with MFC traditional emblems/designs, should the AFL be willing to accept that under another interpretation/rethink of their requirements.

    White shorts are ok, but we should NEVER EVER AGAIN acept white as part of our playing jumper design.

  3. For our guys to start playing like men, consistently playing all four quarters and playing out the whole season strongly.  All these things together and finals look after themselves.  Mostly, for us to look back on this season as the one where the MFC started to assert it's self as a dominant on-feild force on the comp, to be feared and reconed with.

    Jessy Hogan delivering on his promise to become the dominant power forward of the comp, supported by Tommy Mac who will start drawing comparisons to Nick Riewolt, with his althletisim and marking ability, cumulating with an inspirational performance from Max Gawn (who I wish to be provided in advance of new umpiring interpretations) to smash the Saints 

    In terms of beating teams, beating them all has a nice ring to it, but if I have to rationalise, I'd take in order of priority:

    1.  Thrashing Norf;

    2.  Thrashing Collingwood (and make Howe wonder what might have been had he stuck fat);

    3.  St Kilda (per Norf, we owe them at least a decade of defeats... throw most of the comp in that basket as well);

    3.  Sydney;

    4.  Thrashing Hawthorn;

    • Like 2
  4. 4 hours ago, BAMF said:

    Love it.

    Nothing will be better than our home jumper, and I still prefer the red back but this is just so much better than any white one we have had. Particuly the bali knock off from last year which was horrendous.

    I do have a soft spot for our original red clash jumper but understand that it will not solve all the problems.

    Also would be a fan of an inverted home top with mainly red with a navy yoke. Even if the yolk was more of a traditional V. Much like the kangaroos new clash strip except red with a blue V.

    North fans got to vote on their clash and chose the below.


    The Roos just want it to look more like a MFC jumper - need to replace the white with red, sorry Norf, no dice.

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    Wear it in a classic win next year a la our win against WCE last year and history will start to be rewritten. 

    I mean, we've been wearing our traditional jumper for the last decade during probably the bleakest period in our clubs history. Doesn't mean I want to see us do away with our traditional strip.

    Every time they replayed that Tommy Mac goal in the week following our win over West Coast, it gave me the irrits seeing that white jumper.  Was stoked for the win and what a great game Tommy, Viney and several others had played, but those white jumpers were just so in your face not MFC, that it really took some of the enjoyment out of it for me.

    • Like 1
  6. 5 hours ago, La Dee-vina Comedia said:

    It's hard to imagine any number other than #2 being affixed to an original royal blue era jumper. If anyone out there had a different number it would be interesting to know which one and why.

    As to the new clash jumper, why has it taken a decade or so to work out that a royal blue jumper could actually work as a clash jumper? It looks good, doesn't antagonise the fans and adds a nostalgic element.

    In all honesty, my era of becoming a serious MFC supporter immediately followed royal blue jumper era in 86/87 and I think the number 2 jumper I has was a bit of pre loved hand-me-down or op-shop special so it's hard for me to comment with authority, but my old man reckons that for the preceeding period of doom and gloom, wacko Jackson gave him the only reason to turn up to games, so perhaps there were a few with 25 on them.  Before that big Carl Detterich had been a bit of a favorite in 10.

  7. 7 hours ago, Demon Disciple said:


    Nope. It's just like how they started with the AHG sponsorship, that was a blue background too, but was eventually superimposed onto our jumper.

    I'm guessing it will end up something like this.


    I just whis they could [censored] off the New Balance 'NB' from just under the neck.  It makes the jumper look too busy and I bet that they are not contributing anything like what Zurich is.  I'm not about to loose any sleep over it, just anoying.

  8. 22 minutes ago, Demonland said:


    Most exciting news all day.  Stuff about the new sponsor is great and important, but really doesn't do much to excite the passion in me as a supporter.  Well done to the club for listening to it's membership/supporter base and making this happen and also for the AFL for finally comming to their senses as well.

    Right from the start of this ridiculous clash/away jumper policy the AFL brought in 10 - 15 years ago, it felt like a foreign (Americanised) sporting culture was being imposed on our code with the (selectively applied) predominantly white emphasis.  I'm pragmatic enough to realize the need for a clash jumper of some description, but really the AFL should have thought long and hard before it let clubs like WC, Port and Freo adopt new jumper designs that clashed more heavily with existing teams jumpers than the jumpers approved for those teams when theyou first joined the comp, so much of this was the making of the AFL.

    The new 'Royal Blue' clash looks great compared to the white/Bali jumpers.  It actually looks a few shades lighter than the original royal blue ones, though my royal blue one with the number 2 got pretty sun faded in the end.

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  9. Is it just me or does anyone else think the boys look ridiculous in those bra thingys?  Guessing they have something to do with the GPS.

    Also interesting to see Maxy in the visor again, if I'm remembering correctly, it reminds me of the time his role model Big Jimmy wore the (floro?) cap during a game.  lol

    • Like 1
  10. On 1/12/2018 at 6:45 AM, Demons11 said:

    The only issue I see with these predictions, is that none of these experts would have picked Tigers or the Bulldogs to win a flag 

    Agree with Richmond, at the start of the season, most 'experts' and the general public had them finishing bottom half of the ladder last year.  But the Bulldogs had been building and increased competiveness for a few years.  They were the yard stick of the comp for the first half of 2016, although they did fade a bit in the second half of the season.

    One of the things that I think is apparent in the AFL at the moment is that to me there is not a clear  dominant super power like Hawthorn, Geelong and to some extent Sydney were over the preceeding period.  Adelaide were the closest thing to that last season, but we'e no where near as dominant and in the end capitulated.  

    It will be interesting to see if any club can achieve a position of dominance in the forthcoming period, unfortunately I can see GWS being such a club if they don't have such a torid year with injury.  I suspect that GWS have also got a decent chance of sustained succss  as they seem to keep loosing good players, but must be stockpiling decient young draft picks whenever they loose talent like Adams Trelore and will no doubt continue to enjoy discounted access to talent by the AFL through their academy etc.  ... but I hope I'm wrong, because I can't stand them.

    • Like 1
  11. Said Harmes last year and have trouble going past him again this year, based on a hunch more that any external rating of his ability.

    This guy has some great all round wepons.  Probably one of the strongest one on one marks in the team and at times his kicking can be supurb.  Love how this guy breaks lines and takes the game on with his physicality and don't argues.  He showed in patches last year, against the Suns in Darwin and that first quarter against Port that he can be very damaging and dominant player.  If he can rise to putting in those sort of performances for four quarters and week in week out, he could become a real star of the comp.

    He has the tats going like Nathan Jones, who I think he looks up to as a role model, so if he can translate that into similar on feild performances, we would have a quality player on our hands. 

    • Like 1
  12. 19 minutes ago, Dr. Gonzo said:

    His goalkicking killed us in one or two games (the North one in particular?) But I think he started turning it around and he has shown he can hit the scoreboard.

    Some were calling for him to be dropped but others argued it was worth persevering. A few comments doesn't make it universal.

    In my recollection, team in general played like crap against North and we probably didn't really deserve to win.  But Bugg did have a number of fairly regulation shorts at goal which could have (and really should have) swung the game in our favor, which has stuck in my mind ever since (it still really gates with me that we lost to North twice last year, when they were crap for most of the year excpt pretty much against us).  And he certainly had the yips for a big part of last season.

    But overall, I think he has the ability to reliably hit the scoreboard as demonstrated by his goal kicking in his first year with us in 2016, when he kicked 7 goals 2 and always looked sure and sound in front of goal.

    • Like 2
  13. 35 minutes ago, old dee said:

    So he ran well for a couple of KM. That makes him a middle distance runner. A good AFL player is way more than that. Lets see what he produces in games

    I think it shows fare effort and dedication beyond just the talk that some might accuse him off.  Comming top of the squad is no mean feat either, though, he probably would have come second to T Mac any other year in the absence of ankle surgery.

     I agree that that the real measure will be in performances from March onwards, but by all reports, I don't think as supporters we can ask much more of Bugg than what he is presently doing.  Speaking of which would we prefer, from our players - Tom Bugg or Jack Watts work ethic this time of year?

  14. 3 hours ago, Lord Byron said:

    The sting went out of our season immediately after that punch. Tomas brings an edge to the group. That's why he will be in our 22 at the start of 2018.

    But now they will come after him, harder and in numbers. It will be interesting to see what he is really made of.


    1 hour ago, Sir Why You Little said:

    Best 22 no doubt. 

    The side lost a lot of its intensity once Tomas was out of the side

    Coincidence or one of several contributing factors I think mostly.  I think the wheels fell off our season last year when we lost Jonse, Watts, Viney, Tyson (did we also loose Salem?) and Bugg in consecutive weeks, whilst still down our AA ruckman and key forward.  Three six day breaks in a row took it's toll too I recon.

    Asides from that, I generally agree and I like what Buggy brings to the side.  Listening to Todd Viney talk on our late 80s/90s side, he put it's success down to having a mix of good footballers and 'junk yard dogs' and Bugg fits somewhere in between this, but probably closer to the second group.

    Calls on his kicking are also a bit off IMHO.  He definitely had the yips in a few games last year (his poor goal kicking was probably one of the things that lost us the first game against North), but over the journey, he has an approximately 50:50 goal kicking record which is probably around the league average mark.  In 2016, he kicked 7 goals 2 and on that basis I think he has the potential to be a good shot for goal - most of it is probably in his head.  His 2016 was also better statistically all round than his 2017, but again it's a bit hard to know what that measure actually means in terms of actual contribution to the team on a number of levels.  On the one hand he had more possessons, tackles and played more games 2016 (though were he not suspended he may have come close on the games column in 2017), but on the other hand I think we were a better team in 2017 than 2016, which would make it harder to get games and win possessions.  Raw stats don't always tell the whole story on effectiveness and contribution to the team either, but my recollection is that he probably did make more of an impact on the team for much of 2016 than 2017.

    Overall, I'd say his hardness and compeditiveness are a real asset and the guy can play footy.  Some have written him off as just a depth player, but I don't think that should be underrated.  Sides rarely are able play their absolute best 22, so how deep they bat can make a few games a year difference which is either making finals, or finishing top 4 and setting up your season.  Asides I actually think when he is in form, Bugg is better than just depth and can be a match winner.

    • Like 2
  15. On 12/20/2017 at 10:56 PM, BAMF said:

    1) Viney head to head Joel Selwood

    2) Vince tags Dangerfield

    3) Jones head to head Ablett

    4) Scott Selwood tags Oliver

    My god. That would be great.



    Assuming he is fit, I think that Milkshake proved himself as a genuine quality tagger, when it was asked of him last season and I think he gets the bulk of the job over Vince, though I would still throw Vince in there to get under Danger's skin at opportune times.  I recon Lewis would be good to have a go at Ablett when called for too, particularly if Lewis plays majority back and Ablett as a majority forward (I don't believe this Chris Scott garbage that he will play midfield).

    I really don't see why we should be concerned about this game.  If I remember correctly, we were well with this mob last year, despite loosing Max early and with no Pedo to chop out in the ruck, it was up to a very undersized J Watts to ruck practically all game.  No Hogan either and basically only an underprepared Weid as our one and only key forward target.  We also wasted countless opertunities moving the ball forward and we were still in the game at 3/4 time.  I was more surprised that we lasted until 3/4 time before being overrun, as it's pretty hard win being one man down for majority of the game in today's football.

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  16. It's that time of year when I'm starting to crave and pine for some footy, but trying to make a saga out of this incident is so borish and desperate it really makes me wonder.  Got virtually inconsequential written all over it.  It's the sort of article the Caroline Willson would write, laced with rumor inuendo over a storm in a tea cup.

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  17. 14 hours ago, hemingway said:

    Personally, I think he injects a lot of enthusiasm, energy and personality into what can be a dreary lot of MFC talking heads.

    And could not get a more loyal club man.

    Despite his obvious disappointment he took his retirement as a player on the chin with great class.  

    Though I think he makes some cringe at times (myself not included) with his pre  MCG game banter, I don't know why anyone would really ever seriously  knock this bloke.  So much more respect for how he conducts himself than I have for the Ox.

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