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Everything posted by biggestred

  1. As far as im concerned, hirds willingness to inject himself and his players with drugs not yet approved for human use totally casts doubt over his playing days.
  2. If essendon lose this case, they still have the right to appeal to the high court don't they?
  3. http://m.foxsports.com.au/more-sports/the-main-stories-of-essendons-supplements-saga-finally-converge-in-federal-court-stoush/story-e6frf56c-1226999186301 Good summary
  4. i dont know about that - the tour appears much cleaner over the last year or so average speeds are down average times are up still massively skeptical but im not sure its the doping conference that it once was.
  5. honey, i took some more melatonin and im coming home!!!
  6. If it turns out as we all suspect and essendon have systematically doped their players they SHOULD be kicked out of the league for a couple of years. However the 9 games is too valuable. They will come up with some solution so that club can keep playing. Might involve them having to get complete unknowns to play but they will figure out a way
  7. Anyone heard from kyle reimers since spike mcveigh attacked the bloke? http://mobile.news.com.au/national/former-essendon-player-mark-mcveigh-launches-attack-on-those-lying-about-bombers-doping-probe/story-e6frfkp9-1226572094386
  8. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/asada-warns-court-case-wont-stop-essendon-showcause-notices-20140711-zt4qq.html
  9. Essendon supporters mate cats fans seem like angels. Hell they make pies supporters look like decent blokes
  10. "@Melbchief: ASADA says even if it acted unlawfully, public interest dictates Essendon doping case should proceed. http://t.co/nnd66CRuRD"
  11. Chip tweeted it as asada says it's in the public interest that the case should continue regardless of its legality
  12. The big question is when did hirdy write this letter? 2013?
  13. yeah well thats right. If i asked you to go to the supermarket and get smarties when i meant m&ms, youd go and get smarties! i cant turn around and then say, sorry, i meant m&ms so the smarties i ate dont count!
  14. The only problem with this is that it is thymomodulin that helps with the immune sytem, whereas thymosin beta 4 helps repair damaged tissue. i can see why the essendon apologists would say that he just had the names of his substances mixed up of course, if he had them mixed up from the start then he has still given the players TB-4! of course, if he has given them TB4 instead of thymomodulin and had fantastic results then he probably thinks it worked brilliantly and that he is a genius.
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