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Everything posted by titan_uranus

  1. I wonder if what he says about Carroll is true. I was feeling that maybe dropping him was in some way related to his discipline/off-field behaviour. Hopefully he is just injured though, because I was wondering why PJ got the nod over Carroll to replace Rivers
  2. I thought Hurley was a defender. But yeah, you're right. I personally think Newton is not up to it, so maybe that's why Zomer is on the rookie list. Still need to draft a replacement though.
  3. So sad. Even though we all knew it was coming, it still isn't easy to take. Such an inglorious end to such a fine career. Goodbye Neita
  4. When I've seen Bell take kick-outs we usually screw them up. Not sure if its his decision making or whatever but I never like seeing him take them. Btw, I heard on the radio that one time no-one went to take the kick-in: afraid were they!?
  5. Who took them yesterday in the absence of Wheatley?
  6. Buckley's never going to make it if we continue to bring him in for 1 game then drop him again. Jamar was back to his usual self yesterday, so he should go before Buckley.
  7. Haha...actually thats a good point, they'll get some confidence from this one.
  8. Yeh, especially when 31 goals are kicked, 10 by Sautner so of the remaining 21, 14 or so are from MFC listed players but none of them are in our best.
  9. Good point. What happens if Garland plays like he has in every game except the last one? Still, gotta try sometime, Carroll's definitely not the future. Maybe a run with Sandy this week will re-align his priorities re:his off-field actions
  10. So happy Shane got selected. Look forward to seeing the debut of the year.
  11. I agree. Why should we make 4 changes to a team that finally came together for a win last match when previously getting belted would only see 2-3 changes? I don't think it would be productive to drop players for the sake of being dropped. Give the current team a chance to gel together.
  12. Doesn't that mean it wasn't Cameron's decision?
  13. Good review, pretty much spot on I reckon. Port Adelaide will easily make top 8, Brisbane a good chance too. Essendon will do better when their injured players start returning, but still bottom 4 material.
  14. Yeh I agree. As for the football, it was quite a waste of time.
  15. I actually see people in the city wearing the MFC members tie. I think it's a good thing for this year, but obviously one tie is enough.
  16. I'm glad to see Cheney in the team. I know nothing about him, is he a chance to get selected for Melbourne this year?
  17. God I hate Leon Davis. Apparently he gets a game this weekend...I can think of at least 50 players more worthy than him.
  18. Meesen's not getting a mention here - do people not rate him, or does he need more development, or should we never have taken him or what?
  19. Players I defend: Sylvia - I keep telling myself that he'll come good Rivers - doesn't need defending though PJ - always thought he was better than what people gave him credit for Players I don't defend: Newton - never thought he was anything more than his mark of the year. Bell - just don't think he's very good, should have shown more by now CJ - why is he on our list?
  20. I don't think we were the worst team of the past decade; rather, we played the worst football seen of the past decade. This is the team that made 3 consecutive finals series, and, with Essendon, was the Victorian team with the most finals appearances between 2000 and 2006. Compare that with Richmond, Carlton and even Hawthorn's last decade, and I think we come out on top. Still, I understand what he's getting at.
  21. I agree. However: This is what I think should happen. Try PJ as no. 1 ruckman, Jamar as no. 2 and play White around the ground. White can kick goals and can take a decent mark so could make a makeshift forward. He's also been playing loose in defence through the year so could go there as well. I still think White is too hampered by the centre circle thing whereby he can't time his jump properly.
  22. Yeh, after Sunday's game my first thought of Warnock is that he could play on buddy. Josh Gibson isn't the world's greatest defender but he was tried and succeeded, so i would throw him in the deep end I dunno about Whelan on Williams, we've tried this one many times over the years and never seems to work (though I have no better ideas except maybe Bell). Even if we quell Franklin and Roughead, Williams could easily chip in with 5.
  23. I've never left a game early - defeats the purpose of going in the first place. I wasn't exactly confident that we would win on Sunday, but nonetheless I wanted to see how the team reacted. Plus its not like there was going to be a huge crowd on the trains either.
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