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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. Well this is my first post and and I desperately need to vent after 51 years of supporting my beloved team. If I were in charge I would have censored every player after last weeks escape against the giants. Everyone started saying how good we are. On the official mfc website it was all we have turned the corner ; we are better; we are winners. Maybe just pull our heads in until we have strung together more than one bloody win. After todays loss all that talk about improving doesnt seem to add up. If i were in charge I would find us another decent option for our forward line. We need a star like Daniher not hogan who thinks noone else can fill his shoes. We all want him to be a star but we all saw how just simpy lazy he was today. I love Watts because I know he tries but its sad that he can never play two really good games in a row. Colin Garland just isnt a contender. Hes like Howe and plays a good game in six. Lumumba, I love his attack but just once he needs to look around and not run everytime like someones put a firecracker up his a@#$. Pederson is not the second forward we need by a long shot and is really there to make up the numbers. Poor Gawn had a shocker and I dont think kent has ever played so poorly. Perhaps we (especially the club) should all just settle down and wait until we have won at least two games in a row before we all keep patting everyone on th back. I know as supporters its hard. we love our club. we crave and hope for improvemnet. But the players and coaches need to be honest and not get ahead of themselves or our ablity like we did after sneaking home against the giants by 2 points and gws poor kicking, Thanks for listening.
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