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leave it to deever

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Everything posted by leave it to deever

  1. Gee Demonland has been very polite and civilised since the flag😀
  2. I love Bts form where he leaves comments half finished....."and the Melbourne fans are going absolutely". Didn't mind the bang bang but only because I was so caught up in the emotion. Wasn't there one bang to many or was the fourth a metaphor for the flag? Probably not.
  3. Didnt see this thread coming but Id give him ten more years.
  4. As for me Petty might not be better. But given his talent he might be good there. I just think its great to have options and explore ideas. Remember the injuries we had in 2019? Petty may well be a better defender and if it aint broke........but Tmac has shown some history of changing form and Weid is not a proven forward. Even if hes only needed as a stop gap its worth knowing he could do it. But yea as it stands I would prefer Petty down back over Tomlinson. Footy is a harsh mistress.
  5. it probably comes from wanting to utilise the talents of both of them. Never hurts to have options and its important to explore them like moving Tmac up forward.
  6. And Kozzie. The four firing worth the price of a ticket anytime and balances out us having the best backline as well.
  7. Bizarre that a player that was almost unloaded set up our premiership with his earlier games this year. HIs dip in 2020 form also a catalyst for recruiting BBB who was no slouch this year either. toms form dropped off again at times the end of this year but played a huge part on other games. At his best hes one of the best forwards around and I hope he can return again at this level next year. An in form Tmac and co is a 100 point game every week.
  8. The next few years of the current bunch is going to be very interesting.
  9. Yea, was a look that seemed to say a lot. Mostly it encapsulated the fact that about 15 mins ago they could see a flag looming to it being taken away from them. None of us have really seen a last minute of a quarter of footy like that. I think the dogs fans would have had trouble processing it. Suffice it to say, they must have felt this was the end of their 2021 footy dreams. That it just happened so quickly and seemingly out of the dogs players hands would have been quite surreal. If I was a dogs supporters i would have been frustrated giving up a last minute goal (Tracs) but the other two would have seemed very unreal. Im pretty sure it knocked the stuffing out of the dogs players because we scored two more quick ones in the first two of the last that seemed quite easy. Im not sure why I was so worried after Bonts third and the dogs 19 point lead. I think it was that they had scored so many goals in a row and we gave up such an early break. But prior to that we certainly had plenty of shots on goal that could have been majors. We were inaccurate, where the dogs snaps (and there were a few) all went through the middle. Despite the 19 points we were at least equal in terms of shots if not more. But the dogs had a lot of luck, including the Lions games with many calls going their way. I think they must have felt a three quarter time it had all gone. On some level the Dogs must have believed we were the better team and that minute was a wake up call to the fact. Its one thing to win a flag but to win it like that almost makes it worth the wait. But Ill take another next year,
  10. Will never get old. Gotta love BBs run up. Does the job. Our shooting at goal has been pretty suspect all year but boy oh boy did we fix that in the third. So funny that Bt said ....gotta get the next one or two.....Still on the fence bw Tracs worm goal and Frittas fourth. Before it all arupted, I childishly removed myself from the family viewing and sulked into my bedrooom(after Bonts goal), licking my wounds and feeling a sense of doom. Didn't last long......I was dancing on the coffee table during the break.
  11. Was playing his best footy ever before his injury. Deserved to play in a Gf. Hope hes on the mend and gets a grand final birth in 2022.
  12. Nice sentiment mate. Rotten run of luck the poor bloke . Im still surprised we let him go and I wish him much success elsewhere. Talented player.
  13. Sorry that this video relates to the prelim but its just so funny. Bloke starts off trying to present a balanced analysis of his clubs efforts and then keeps just slamming them, Not too dissimilar to some Dees fans of old.
  14. Another astute pick up by the club. Although given the plethora of midfield talent we have may struggle to get games. Thats ok.
  15. Yep but just to mix it up a bit, I've been watching the prelim a couple more times because it was just such a sweeter team to smash. I'm not sure Geelong will get over what we did to them this year. Unless they recruit an entire new player group which they should probably do anyway, I think they will be traumatised for a very long time and I look forward to the the next time we meet them. I think Max should be able to wear some sort of superhero cape in our next game against them.
  16. Thanks for that. Whoops. Yep haven't lost a game yet with him in. That's a bloody good list of eight at 21 and younger. All of them very talented players. So its exciting times. I would argue the two to really go to a new level would be Kozzie and Jackson. No surprises there. I hope we can hold on to them. But I have give a shout out to Petty, when poor Adam went down I was quite worried about losing such a great defender but young Harrison has been awesome .I wouldn't mind seeing him spend some time up forward. I reckon he would be a great at CHf. Have we missed anyone else?
  17. In watching the replay for the I( cant. remember now how many times), I have to say I thought young Sparrow did a really good job. He didn't amass a large number of gets but was very effective with the disposals he had. Played a very good against the Lions final. Hes a very strong player for his age and I am looking forward to watching him improve. He and Jordan could be perhaps be close to the next Oliver/Petracca combo but the odds of that are slim. Nonetheless they are both very good players and have some great role models to follow. Gee we have some great young talent. I also forget that Petty is only 21. So 21 and under is him, the two others just mentioned, Rivers, Jackson, Spargo and Kozzie. Not too shabby. We are very well placed with the ages of our players to be dominant a long time.
  18. Given the horrible effort of the umps last time we played the dogs with the 25 to 11 count on a wet night and the dogs free kick differential plus the dogs throwing that doesnt get pinged I was concerned the umps would get too involved. I think they did a very good job and while I still dont understand why the dogs get so many frees, Im very happy the unmps didnt make this the case. well done you maggots,
  19. Strawbs was one very tough player. So much talent in that team.
  20. If we played dogs first game would it lead to us playing them twice? Probably wouldn't matter but I'd prefer the double game against a bottom side. One thing for sure Dees fans from everywhere will come out of the woodwork to see the flag unfurled. So looking fwd to 2022 season with the curse being crushed. Back to back baby.
  21. Yep. Did their homework and followed through.
  22. Love this bloke. Incredibly fit and runs miles above his opponents, What a great score for the club he has been. Probably almost as fast as his look alike in Hunt. Has also scored his fair share of goals. Dropped off a bit after his concussion but rallied late and was his damaging best come finals time. Seems to fly under the radar but I get the feeling it wouldn't bother him at all.
  23. We were getting greedy. It was just mesmerising stuff though. I love how Tracs confidence has grown and why should it not. Most of the year he was channelling his inner dusty martin with his own dont argue. Hes just not afraid of being tackled and backs his own strength and always manages to get a handball off if stuck. He may not be our fastest player in a long race but hes certainly got some explosive acceleration off the mark and uses it very well. His worm goal was incredible and I think Trac turned and celebrated before it had even got home, Now thats confidence.
  24. I think most people have been supporting us. It seems the crowd was pro Dees. The drought of flags creates sympathy and support. Much like I was excited for the dogs to win a few years back and then the Tigers. But we are all a fickle bunch. I know I was getting tired of the tigers success just as I dislike the cats. Too much turns one off. Which is a strange tall poppy thing I guess. But certainly we love an underdog (no pun intended) and of all teams to smash in a GF I was hoping it wasnt the dogs as I feel they have been suffering like us. I wouldn't begrudge them a couple more cups but I want us to get them first. Aside from the glory of it all its great for fans to see a non dominating club get up. Its tiring to see the same old clubs get the glory. On this basis I have a soft spot for St kilda. I imagine if we win three or four on the trot we will become unliked but I think we can handle it. I wonder how this club compares to other very successful premier teams like the Lions etc? Are we good enough to create a legacy of three? I know we do with the players ages and I guess a lot will depend upon injuries and perhaps recruiting. But with our dynamic midfield and up and coming young recruits I believe we really will be contenders again over the next five years. How exciting the next few years will be. Imagine winning back to back flags. It would also be great for many of us to actually see it happen at the G as well. I'm keen to see how Fritta and BBb go next year too. It will also be exciting just to see how many of our young players will progress, there's a couple there that will be superstars of the game I reckon. What a strange feeling it will be when the season starts next year and we watch with confidence and expectations of winning. Oh yes indeedy..... its a great time to be a follower of the grand old flag.
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