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Deemented Are Go!

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Everything posted by Deemented Are Go!

  1. Just got home from a gruelling work week , feeling a bit crook, struggling to keep my eyes open... carn Dees wake me up!! ??
  2. Ahh yes. Google search showing plenty now, including DL posts on the topic from 2011. I averted my eyes for fear I turn to stone.
  3. Biffen, forgive my ignorance, but what’s the go with Pert and a penchant for a fancy desk? Dr Google is giving me nuthin. Thanks in advance
  4. Can you extrapolate please, I can’t figure it out!
  5. Well that’s a bit boring, I reckon the all-suffering Dees supporter would need something a little stronger. “...uppers, downers, screamers, laughers...”
  6. Wasn’t Bex made out of cocaine or heroin or something?
  7. Sorry, should have punctuated or emoji or something. in all seriousness, a good grinding win when we weren’t at our best. 6 in a row baby!
  8. ....I like it...won’t somebody think of the children!
  9. My Filth supporting father took me to this game as an 8 year old. I still remember it like yesterday , we were standing at the last q Dees scoring end with the handful of Dees supporters. He’d oblige my support of the Dees by occasionally taking me to non-Filth Dees games. My old man would disappear for most of the quarters to sink beers and leave me to my own devices. But even he was glued to the contest in the last q and jumped around like crazy with the other Dees fans when we got up. He even got me to hang my scarf out the window as we made our escape down Mt Alexander road! Thanks dad, that one game made up for the years of childhood trauma of being dragged to Victoria Park every other weekend!
  10. Ugh. Today I’m attending a 3rd birthday party with the family. Starts at 1.00. Goes for 3 hours. It’s at a kids play centre. Thankfully the Dad is a Dogs fan. I’m hoping we can hatch a plan to somehow watch the game. Then again, wouldn’t want to spoil his kids’ birthday party by souring his mood! Sigh, looks like DLand game Day thread followed by replay tonight again.
  11. Hearing the words ‘devastating’ and ‘frightening’ to describe our game style was hard to comprehend!
  12. Just finished watching the game. Holy sheep s**t! A few observations: Don's Lollies - Couldn't help but notice the hedonistic amount of confectionery in the Adelaide coach's box. Pyke had a massive bowl of lollies right next to him; open bags of snakes, jelly babies and other sugary, artificial fruit items strewn over the desk. All before the first bounce. Talk about thinking you've 'got the lollies' before the game's even started. His early sugar high then descended into a messy comedown by 3 quarter time, the diabetic hallucinations riddling his brain as he tried to stare into the players' souls. All to no avail. Ease off the lollies, Don. Hand Job - Man, how good were Hogan's lightning hands today? Might have had a few private lessons from Clarry. Impressive. Work For It - One image that stuck out to me in the first quarter was that of Hunt and Pedo doing running exercises during the game. This sums up the current mentality of the club for me. Kick back, watch the game in front of a fan and cheer on the lads? Nah, go and run laps and prove you're going to bust the friggin door down like Jack Nicholson with an axe if you want to get a game. Ruthless. Nice Try - To the marketing/comedic genius in the crowd with the dodgy hand-written banner hanging on the fence reading 'Jesse Hogan - come to Freo': poor effort. At least wait till we play the Dockers. Or not beating up on teams by a bazillion points. Or not when he's still contracted for a further 18 months. Jackass. Shut Up - To he clown in the crowd (or was it on the PA as a 'crowd engagement'?) squawking like a crow after every Adelaide goal: stop it, you're embarrassing yourself. Clown and/or club The Big Sticks - I love how we're bucking the current AFL-wide trend of missing goals. Innovative. Keeping Up Appearances - A poster on the Game Day thread commented that they thought Viney has put on a few kegs. That could be true, but I tell you its his haircut. He's trimmed away the boyish longer locks to a more meat-and-potatoes, I'm a captain, get-the [censored]-outta-my-way, Sergeant Hartman kinda look. Hard ass. Trying to Pick BOG - Good luck. What a friggin awesome moment in time for our club. Start dreaming a bit people, [censored] is getting real. GO THE MIGHTY DEES
  13. 15 mins into watching the game. Wow. Ball movement, spread, marking...all of it! So good. Then I saw Hunt and Pedo running laps while the game is on. THAT says it all to me...
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