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Delusional demon 82

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Everything posted by Delusional demon 82

  1. I think we cant really assess roosys performance until at least end of next year (to be honest it will be in 3-4 years time as frustrating as the last 8 years have been I still think we are on the right (yet slow and patient) track for sustained improved performance, not just shooting up the ladder for one year with a ganeplan only to fall back down (look at Port and watch the bulldogs once teams work out how to better deal with their running game next year) we want to ingrain a winning culture like sydney, geelong, hawks etc where we're consistently contending. This all comes back to strong club culture and having on field leaders which we haven't had anything close to since 2008. I think the main reason st kilda and dogs seem ahead of us now is their +30 yr old leaders are leading and this is where our current inconsistencies arise. This comp is so hard to win and what seperates pbly 3rd from 10th is more to do with what's between the players ears their intensity & confidence. Roos was brought in not to fast track a rebuild but to get it right off field and create a consistent winning and on field leadership culture. Goodwin (and us) will reap the benefits of the last 2 years ...
  2. Just on our record v the bulldogs am pretty sure we've also beaten the dogs at docklands in 2001 (rd 22) and 2005 (rd 2) - I remember going both games, unfortunately the former was the last time we saw the wiz in the red and the blue if I remember correctly ....
  3. Pretty sure we've also beaten the dogs at docklands in 2001 (rd 22) and 2005 (rd 2) - I remember going both games
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