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Everything posted by Mach5

  1. Christ some of you people are insufferable. I merely wanted to give an indication that things are actually moving along, that this isn’t all just media speculation, meetings are happening and serious decisions are being made - i.e. this isn’t the Chris Judd saga where our name is thrown in there to add more interest, or one adventurous journo joined the dots based on little evidence, then the rest jumped onto a rumour to fill column inches. But I’m not going to spill all the beans. You’ll find out when you find out.
  2. Not sure what you’re trying to say here... None of the developments were anything to do with a public announcement and wouldn’t have been picked up by the media immediately. It appears others have confirmed bits & pieces, but the fact remains that my source is impeccable. I don’t push for details though, cos I’d prefer the well doesn’t run dry.
  3. Twin brother, taken about 50 picks later, and nowhere near as good.
  4. It’s easy to see from highlights why he’d be a great fit for us. Consistency may be an issue. Ideal player to push Lewis out of the side, footy smarts pending. Gotta admit, I liked the look of him as a draftee, but have seen precious little of him at the suns.
  5. Welcome to the new AFL. You gain a good reputation on the outside and maintain a good culture on the inside if you genuinely care about your players and try to facilitate trades to meet their needs, but also prepare to ensure you get maximum return. It’s simply smart business and I feel we are ahead of plenty of clubs in this regard. We won’t have many players moving on who harbour resentment, and that is good for future business.
  6. I think he’s simply not the type they need, or he doesn’t fit the list profile. Dew would want to build the list in his own image, and maybe his talents are not what he values. They also need bulk list turnover to effect a cultural-shift, and are light on assets to do that.
  7. Be my guest. Clearly someone in one of the other threads has heard similar.
  8. I’d assume it’s the only way he comes. Long been a fan, although I’d question his hardness.
  9. Major developments this evening... won’t say much more as I don’t have all the details.
  10. Surprised if the suns are happy to let him go. Great talent, poorly developed; much like young players on our list in years past.
  11. To be fair, I found it inexplicable that they weren’t able to properly exploit Lewis and always felt a good team would find a way. His crab-like lack of mobility means he has no other option than loopy handballs if you play him in the right way. Brain-fades were just icing on a [censored] cake.
  12. Tyson out, Smith in, and we will obliterate the Eagles.
  13. The balcony is available for those lining up, however these seats are the very first to go. I wouldn’t get your heart set on it. And of course, you need to be a full member.
  14. The only thing that worried me about Frawley leaving as a FA was the compensation. I didnt trust the AFL, but they came through. Having said that, I’m not entirely sure we deserved it based on the mythical equation. He wasn’t offered the world, even though it would be a lot to most.
  15. Can’t say I disagree with him, in that he said they would if we played like we did last night. However I think the Eagles style works better for us. We shall see.
  16. I’d rather be In Jones’ shoes personally, but I think if he didn’t leave as a free agent, it’s likely we would have traded Frawley anyway in a list rebuild. Not that we have traded many players out that wanted to stay, but he’s not what we needed.
  17. It’s not hard, it’s just irrelevant. All players develop at different rates. Surely Jetta as a prime example would indicate that not performing at a high level in your first few seasons is not a definite indicator of future competency.
  18. Mis-read the thread title as “Don’t believe in Nasher” I came in here purely to see what you’d done to produce such a response... true story. Good video though. Carry on.
  19. Wouldnt be surprised at any club, but the real surprise is a player doing it LEADING INTO the match, so it is still in the system on game day, rather than in the post match celebrations. I have no doubt cocaine is performance enhancing if in the system during a match.
  20. Would depend on who is in power, but in all likelihood this is correct. Probably won’t be named after him, but it’ll be the physical embodiment of PJ’s legacy.
  21. Don’t forget the salary-cap cheating. Yay! Cast them all in bronze!
  22. I think it comes down to a sheer lack of respect for North. Why would anyone want to go there? And I just feel that Gaff is about more than money.
  23. Our initial offer was 7 years, before he had an amazing season & pushed his price up. I’m told our offer is the same as West Coast’s, not sure if that extends to the length of the deal.
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