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Everything posted by joeboy

  1. Unfortunately Oliver is often very demonstrative when he’s not kicked to.. I agree it’s not a good look, particularly coming from someone like him who usually only has eyes for Trac at the expense of a better option
  2. Are we the worst ever top of the ladder team?
  3. Gawn - intimidated by Mumford Viney - was a liability Harmes - fumbled and slow Oliver - season worst game Petracca - prolific without effect McDonald - our best tall May - tight as ever Hibberd - always under pressure Salem - continued superlative form Petty - never imbued confidence Hunt - not Usain Bolt Langdon - couldn’t get involved Jackson - couldn’t impose himself Pickett - hit the wall Spargo - schoolboy footballer again Neal-Bullen - did nothing regularly Sparrow - overawed and overwhelmed Fritsch - only some cameos Lever - easily our best Brayshaw - loose and unaccountable Jordan - had little involvement Rivers - was rarely sighted
  4. The Essendon coach actually admitted they didn’t lose the game because of the umpiring
  5. Petracca - made good decisions Salem - cool under pressure Gawn - dominated the centre Langdon - dominated the edges Oliver - reverted to handballs Jordon - some important touches Brayshaw - 4 consistent quarters May - was a dynamo Harmes - disciplined and important Hibberd - tough but fumbly Hunt - importantly limited Tipa Viney - a promising return Lever - impassable yet again McDonald - limited but important Neal-Bullen- was rarely noticed Rivers - brave and involved Sparrow - one valuable goal Jackson - had limited involvement Fritsch - was rarely sighted Spargo - effective with disposals Petty - continued doing enough Pickett - simplicity can work
  6. Gawn - dominated the middle Petracca - wonderful all game Oliver - incredible second half McDonald - great forward presence Sparrow - some important touches May - fought back impressively Neal-Bullen - limited but important Brayshaw - limited but important Harmes - excellent tagging game Spargo - wasted no possessions Pickett - gotta love him Jordon - important in close Salem - surprisingly quiet again Fritsch - a quiet game Rivers - played with confidence Jackson - an almost game Hunt - not his best Petty - confidence is everything Weideman - had little input Hibberd - tough and tight Lever - better second half Melksham - was rarely noticed
  7. Fritsch - some impressive cameos McDonald - same as Fritsch Weideman - 1 effective quarter Gawn - fumbled but important Pickett - continued quiet phase Harmes - outstanding tagging role Petracca - valuable team game Jordon - played his part Spargo - fantastic first half May - seemingly no errors Salem - off the pace Jackson - had little influence Lever - genius at work Brayshaw - limited but important Oliver - continued being prolific Hibberd - tough as nails Langdon - surprisingly quiet game Melksham - did just enough Rivers - season best game Hunt - was rarely sighted Neal-Bullen - great first half Petty - confidence is growing
  8. Oliver - incredible second half Langdon - disposals were ordinary Gawn - reduced to mediocrity McDonald - last year’s version Weideman - was virtually unsighted Fritsch - was totally unsighted Harmes - keep it simple Petracca - prolific not outstanding Spargo - had little involvement Rivers - unsighted after first Pickett - couldn’t get going Melksham - selfish and limited Neal-Bullen- a limited player May - season worst performance Jackson - fumbled and disappointing Lever - regularly stood up Brayshaw - couldn’t hurt opposition Hibberd - loose and limited Jordon - needs a rest Hunt - back to irrelevant Petty - provided little defence Jetta - offered us nothing
  9. Gawn - dominated hit outs Oliver - dominant but wasteful Jordon - tackles with venom Salem - maintained elite performance Langdon - some useful endeavor McDonald - great first half Harmes - bullocking and important Neal- Bullen - toughness a feature Brayshaw - one impressive quarter Petracca - sufffering contract fatigue? Hunt - run was impressive Lever - all Australian form Fritsch - quiet but deadly May - always so reliable Pickett - quiet but exciting Rivers - energetic and important Spargo - a clever footballer Hibberd - tough and uncompromising Weideman - not totally convincing Petty - did his job Brown - dropped for Jackson Chandler - little to commend
  10. Yes, the lights were flashed after every Demon goal, along with a ‘roaring’ sound. Not original, but quite impressive at night
  11. Gawn - is something wrong? McDonald - Weid hates him Brown - will be better Petracca - not as dynamic Spargo - applied some pressure Melksham - had little influence Fritsch - uncharacteristically quiet game Pickett - was well held May - always in control Salem - dominant and prolific Harmes - an impressive return Jackson - was surprisingly quiet Lever - was an onlooker Brayshaw - mistake riddled performance Oliver - prolific and important Hibberd - mostly in control Langdon - performed as expected Jordon - impressive first half Rivers - not his best Hunt - was rarely sighted Neal- Bullen - a nothing game Petty - rarely exuded confidence
  12. Gawn - uncharacteristically quiet game Hibberd - finally got going May - not his best Tomlinson - a sad story Lever - great second half Salem - cool under pressure Rivers - loose but energetic Baker - little to commend Langdon - kept on giving Petracca - no votes today Oliver - better second half Fritsch - our most important McDonald - important in defence Spargo - great with ball Pickett - genius at work Brown - a limited debut Jackson - enjoyed more responsibility Jones - composed when required Hunt - was rarely sighted Neal-Bullen - had little involvement Jordon - calm and tough Melksham - selfish and limited
  13. Gawn - superlatives are insufficient Brayshaw - team before self Fritsch - was probably hampered Hibberd - licence to attack Hunt - continued backing himself Jackson - our impressive wonderchild Jones - was just going Jordon - important in close Langdon - all Australian form Lever - playing impressive rebounder May - our miracle man McDonald - creating selection dilemmas Melksham - was rarely sighted Neal-Bullen - rough but ready Oliver - prolific and impressive Petracca - sublime ball handling Pickett - rarely got going Rivers - boundless youthful energy Salem - Outstanding all game Spargo - impressive aggressive efforts Tomlinson - reliability a feature Viney - great tagging game
  14. I feared for my life and I was only watching
  15. Daw is easily BOG in my opinion yet he only seems to be casually passing the time. Imagine if he were more than carefree.Perhaps that’s why North moved him on
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