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Posts posted by Demons11

  1. On 7/14/2022 at 12:19 PM, Whispering_Jack said:

    For many years, I bemoaned the lack of good literature about the Melbourne Football Club and since the flag, there have been some good additions to that category. Now, there's a great new book out written by journalist Ian Munro, a Demon fan from way back (and I believe a Demonlander too!) who examines the highs and mostly lows of the era between 1964 and 2021 and tries to make sense of the 57 years of heartache that accompanied that time.

    Here's the link to the website if your interested in buying what should be a welcome addition to the bookshelf of those whose hearts beat true ... Between the Flags

    “There have been idle moments during retirement where I have flirted with the idea of writing my version of Melbourne’s history since I was a boy in the 1950s.

    After reading “Between the Flags”, I’m mighty glad I refrained. Ian Munro’s work is a magnificent review of all the trials and tribulations at Melbourne in the 57 years between premierships, culminating in the 2021 flag. I loved the detailed history, the author’s passion, the colour, and, finally, the explosion of unbridled joy that came on Grand Final day in Perth.”   - Mike Sheahan, journalist.


    Got my copy delivered yesterday.  Thanks for the heads up 

    • Like 1
  2. 1 minute ago, Macca said:

    I seem to remember that in early 2020 (the year that Jackson was drafted) there was all this talk that both Freo & West Coast were going to draft this new 'Wunderkind' player that was this tall ruckman/utility/midfielder (Jackson)

    Of course we gazumped both WA clubs by trading up to pick 3 in the draft to secure Jackson ... in that same draft Freo has picks 7, 8 & 9 so maybe they've had their eye on getting him back since that time (the one that got away)

    I believe Freo actually offered 2 of those picks for pick 3 to try and get Jackson 

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  3. 4 minutes ago, Nascent said:

    Appreciate you sharing your intel mate, please don't be deterred by a doubter. Yourself and posters like @Demon3 and @goodwindees (among others) are half the reason I keep coming back everyday to hopefully get some insight into all things Melbourne. Shame about Jackson but the writings been on the wall now. Simply must get the best compensation we possibly can.

    Silver lining is getting the opportunity to access high end draft talent and salary cap space to go after a quality free agent in the next year or two. 


    • Like 3
  4. 5 minutes ago, sue said:

    No need to be so narky D11.  There have been lots of posts saying he is gone where the poster implies they have inside knowledge or use the word official loosely.    It's unreasonable to say 'officially' until it is announced by the club or player. And it is reasonable to ask anyone posting the basis for their statement. If by 'offically' you mean you have a reliable inside source that tells you it has happened, you should simply say so.

    The club or player won’t announce it until seasons end and as an interested supporter as many others are, I got the mail and was happy to pass it on.

    I had mentioned already that official was probably the wrong word used but I’ll choose how much info I pass on. 

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  5. 2 hours ago, Dwight Schrute said:

    Has re-signed apparently. Manager flew to Melbourne to officially sign off. Rumours he will announce on Gus and gawny which is hilarious. 

    I’ve now seen multiple people I trust hearing this so very confident 

    Great news! 
    Gawny said he had to announce it on the podcast. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Demon17 said:

    What on earth does this mean?


    You need to post better than this and context.
    To Whom, is it signed?  Is he leaving Australia,.....?

    If not then its absolutely not official.

    Is it subject to a suitable trade etc.?

    Please advise better than the above.

    🙄 I’ll get a copy of the contract for you next time.  Just passing on the news mate.  Geeze. 

    • Like 1
  7. 11 minutes ago, Demon3 said:

    Yeah I know what you mean mate. 

    Yep I am disappointed. The club simply has to get the best deal possible and that has to be 2 First round picks a s a minimum.

    Hopefully they go hard and try to get a player and a pick.   

  8. 9 minutes ago, stynewillalwaysbeonthevine said:

    What can we get from Freo in return if Jackson leaves?

    As a starting point is has to be 2 first round picks, with 1 inside the top 5. 

    Or a 1st rounder + a player. Could we go for Rory Lobb and a top 10 pick?

    What happens if Freo can't satisfy the trade - given luke is not contracted to us?  

  9. 23 minutes ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Nathan Jones (who played 4 games with LJ in 2020) who is more qualified than anyone else in the media to comment on Jackson had some thoughts on SEN tonight:

    1) the money being bandied around is ludicrous for LJ

    2) LJ is far too an inconsistent a player to warrant such money.

    3) LJ coming to Freo has the potential to be a culture killer for Fremantle. Not sure if he was referring to the magnitude of money that would be going to the one player or the player himself being a culture killer.


    👍I’ll need to give it a listen 

  10. 46 minutes ago, Petracca said:

    Brayshaw is a restricted free agent, Why cant we be the first team to use the rule and match any offer he gets and he has to stay with us. What's even the point of restricted free agency? 

    Because our cap won’t allow us to match the offer 

    • Like 1
  11. 1 hour ago, Dwight Schrute said:

    This is just completely untrue. Especially with Luke Jackson probably leaving we will likely match any offer that comes for him. This is about role, and I see brayshaws point. I think if he leaves he will be an elite mid at another club 

    Completely untrue. 

    I have been told that until Jackson makes a decision than they have no more money to up their offer to Gus.  Don’t forget Gus is on an incredibly high contract that he signed in the year he came 3rd in the Brownlow.

    • Like 3
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  12. On 7/14/2022 at 12:19 PM, Whispering_Jack said:

    For many years, I bemoaned the lack of good literature about the Melbourne Football Club and since the flag, there have been some good additions to that category. Now, there's a great new book out written by journalist Ian Munro, a Demon fan from way back (and I believe a Demonlander too!) who examines the highs and mostly lows of the era between 1964 and 2021 and tries to make sense of the 57 years of heartache that accompanied that time.

    Here's the link to the website if your interested in buying what should be a welcome addition to the bookshelf of those whose hearts beat true ... Between the Flags

    “There have been idle moments during retirement where I have flirted with the idea of writing my version of Melbourne’s history since I was a boy in the 1950s.

    After reading “Between the Flags”, I’m mighty glad I refrained. Ian Munro’s work is a magnificent review of all the trials and tribulations at Melbourne in the 57 years between premierships, culminating in the 2021 flag. I loved the detailed history, the author’s passion, the colour, and, finally, the explosion of unbridled joy that came on Grand Final day in Perth.”   - Mike Sheahan, journalist.


    Thanks for the tip, I brought one today 

    • Like 1
  13. 42 minutes ago, Lucifers Hero said:

    DJ, I agree but I said Lobb and Logue for WBD's first.

    Lobb is interesting.  The Giants gave up Lobb and picks No.14, 43 and 47 to Fremantle while they received picks No.11 and 19.  It is said he is on about $700K having an excellent season.  WBD would have to pay him in that vicinity so a first round pick would need to be in the discussion.  Can't offer that money then propose a 2nd round pick.

    Of course you can. Lobb is 30 next year and has played 2 good seasons in his whole career.  He might be very late 1st rounder but a 2nd rounder gets it done 

    • Like 1
  14. 1 hour ago, Nascent said:

    Herald Sun alleging that the dees do not want Lobb as part of any trade and that the dockers are likely to go hunting for draft picks. Lobb linked to bulldogs who could end up with a top 10 pick. Guess they're suggesting that freo may try and acquire pick 10 for lobb, although surely that trade would need freo sending picks back to bulldogs as well to balance. However, freo do not have a 2nd and 3rd rounder this year due to last years trade period. 

    Paper states that if Jackson does request a trade to freo then Lloyd Meek 'appears certain' to become a demon.

    Lobb is not worth a top 10 pick 

    • Like 3
  15. 1 hour ago, Demon Disciple said:

    He doesn’t deserves anywhere near 750k, heck, the Swans offer of 500k is generous imo.


    How many $$$$ do you reckon he actually brings through the door? 

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