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Posts posted by Demons11

  1. 9 minutes ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    If Petty is out along with May, I'm more than comfortable for T Mac to play down back along with Tomlinson who appears an obvious in. T Mac is an excellent one on one defender who is hard to be out marked.

    Of course allowing T Mac to go down back  is predicated on BBB and Weid having more than 3 possessions between them, and dare we say it, Brown kicking a goal or 2 which is what we brought him in for from North.


    I’d just bring Tomlinson in but I’d say T Mac will be needed forward with the way Weed performed on the weekend .  

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  2. 1 hour ago, Queanbeyan Demon said:

    Some super bizarre observations in this thread. So in the spirit of '09, here are my well thought through changes:

    Out: everyone

    In: anyone who can get a kick. 

    And Goody is skating on thin ice. 

    We have some very average supporters.   When we had May and Petty on we were 5 goals up.  Both down for the 2nd half and Trac sick and people are jumping up and down like we are 1-10.  Give me strength!!

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  3. 13 hours ago, Garbo said:

    Any idea what the issue with Petty is, if he is out plus May we really going to struggle to contain the swans. If Trac still has issues he shouldn’t be playing next week either. One thing is certain we need to come into next week with no passengers.

    Salem and Landon straight back in if fit for Melksham and Dunstan , Tomlinson for May.

    Wish I had ideas with the fwd line as a whole, like what I see with bedford and Pickett is fairly productive, everyone else is problematic to some degree or another.

    Trac was sick, so I doubt he will be an issue. 

    We have lost 1 game for the year and we had an off day.  Your forward line comment is ludicrous. 


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  4. 8 minutes ago, Demon Dynasty said:

    Not sure if he's been in qualifying form but surely Baker has the nod given Lingers is out.  If Melky goes down (someone steps on his small toe....cough) then yipeee for Bakes

    Baker is not even an emergency, so that won’t happen.  Melksham is also a far better option than Baker 

    • Like 7
  5. 1 hour ago, Jaded No More said:

    Everyone needs to stop feeling sorry for other clubs. The weaker other clubs are, the better positioned we are.

    I sat next to enough arrogant North fans on Saturday to know that when we are down the bottom again they won't show any mercy towards us. The way they tried to physically attack us during the game, knowing full well they couldn't win on skills, talent or execution, just shows you the sort of club they are.


    What rubbish, a strong competition is better for everyone.  

    • Like 7
  6. I sat on a presentation with Goody and Trac before rd 1 and Goody mentioned that Trac had mentioned to him that he was worried about his goal kicking.   So it seems they are aware of it and I dare they say they have been working on it but his confidence is shot when it comes to set shots.   His field kicking is still elite! 

  7. On 5/16/2022 at 8:17 AM, Brownie said:

    I think in the end it will be about family or staying with the club he loves. Doesn't strike me as a pure $ guy.

    Makes sense to delay it to see if he can snag another flag. Maybe he'll hang in here with us with the lure of pulling off a trifecta then?

    He was the rock in the grand final last year when we were challenged and his season has been fantastic this year. Makes sense to shut the noise out and sort it out at the end of the year.

    Just love the bloke.

    I still don’t understand the family comment, his Mum and Dad live in Melbourne and they also host lots of the Melbourne first and 2nd year players.   The family pull is not the reason he will leave. 

    • Like 3
  8. 7 minutes ago, Maldonboy38 said:

    I will never forget the first contest in the 2021 GF -Viney breathing fire absolutely flattens McCrae. I was out of my seat. Brilliant.

    It set the tone for the whole game! 
    I also heard a story that he asked Goody and/or Richo if he could run through someone and get reported 🤣🤣🤣they said no 

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  9. 3 hours ago, Redleg said:

    Forget that Chandler is a Demon and look at the tackle.

    He brings down Foley at full pace and as shown from the behind vision left side, lets go of him before they hit the ground. It’s not a bump, or a sling and is one action at full pace, where he released the player before ground contact. On that basis he has done everything reasonably expected of a player.

    According to Simpson, Foley is fine and I am unsure as to whether he was concussed.

    There is absolutely no basis for a suspension or fine on that tackle and I would say that about any player.

    That said, the MRO has proven itself to be inconsistent and hypocritical in dealing with incidents.and nothing would surprise me. Given Chandler is not a star player he will be treated differently and harsher than if he was one.

    If suspended we should appeal. 

    At first look I thought he was in trouble and I have to say I haven’t seen the other angle of Chandler letting his arms but it was mentioned by Daniel Harford on his brekky show and if the case I think he gets off. 

  10. 17 minutes ago, daisycutter said:

    what did he do wrong?......it was just momentum that took them to ground....single action tackle

    It seemed that way initially but I think once he pins he has a duty of care to not slam his head into the ground.  I’m happy to be wrong on this one and you might be right as I think it was similar to Riolis early in the season. 

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