Don't shoot me but I look at this subjectively, Pert would have sounded out other CEO's regarding Oliver with Lamb's blessing (otherwise Lamb's tenure is not looking good). Any deal with any club of such a large extent, that would impinge on their salary cap would have to go via their CEO and Board, this cuts out all the argey bargey for their recruiting manager, trying to do a deal and the Board quashing it. Meaning the Board and CEO would know prior to doing a deal with Oliver's management group and Melbourne, that they would be likely to ratify such a deal. The Cat's CEO would have gone to their recruiters and set some parameters for a deal. Like I said don't shoot me.
Not sure I like the way Pert has gone about this though, it got out to the media very quickly.
I personally would like Clarry to stay but it looks beyond him to change his ways.