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Everything posted by KysaiahMessiah

  1. I'm a demons plus member and reserved a single seat ticket but cant go now. Its level 2 Ponsford, bay N29. Happy to pass on to someone who can attend. Hope I can say this? No money involved, I'll just send the digital version to someone who can use it.
  2. Only 3 top eight sides from this year in first 10 rounds looks ok
  3. Not sure he can be a winger anymore. He's no longer a two way runner like Langdon. Pacy half forward is probably where I see him, not sure if he'd be worth the risk.
  4. Some on Carlton BF mentioning Oscar after their delistings today, I assume replacing Macreadie ?
  5. Only an extra year, but hey, keep working and building :)
  6. McDonald’s time with Melbourne comes to an end Melbourne has delisted defender Oscar McDonald
  7. I think he's one of those who "catch it at its highest point" :) joke, I hate that phrase !
  8. If this is true, looks terminal for FIGJAM
  9. I'm not doubting their quality, and their potential to be premiers, but rating their trade period so highly when they paid 3 first rounders for Cameron and have nix left for the draft makes no sense. The fact we procured a forward with similar, if not better, career stats for essentially pick 36 (once all points are added) doesnt make 3 first rounders look that good anymore. They' re all in, and it may work, it may not. I definitely rate our Trade Period above theirs.
  10. Agree 100%, hilariously AFL article today rated Geelong trade period above ours.....
  11. Tweet removed ? Against AFL rules ?!
  12. So it is, apologies Still, I would have thought it deserved a bit more than a passing mention...
  13. https://www.theage.com.au/sport/afl/afl-trade-period-live-day-six-20201110-p56dbb.html No mention of BB trade ??!!
  14. And no trades tomorrow can be announced until after 3pm
  15. Macca I agree mostly. People didn't have the experience under Trump to judge him. Now they have. Agree Hilary Clinton wasnt the right candidate. However I think Biden was just in the right place at the right time. I'm not 100% sold that the vote was for him. I think the change was coming regardless of candidate, based on Trump himself.
  16. I agree. But lots of those who vote for his side of politics are. (admittedly lots arent) My point was not to tar all with the same brush
  17. This thread totally mirrors the "Divided States of America". Lets get one thing out of the way, I tend to vote conservative. And actually I don' t think I'm very far removed in my idealogy from most in this thread. I think Trump is a d#ck the way he has reacted. I'm for equality, be it race, or social status, sexual preference, and anything else that makes you a human being. I'm for a fair go for all, the person is whats important, not their race, nor their religion, their sexual preference, their wealth, etc. Just on wealth the condemnation of those who have succeeded financially irks me. Not all, but a lot have done it through hard work or the generational hard work of their families. I don't begrudge anyone. By the way I'm not wealthy. Inside my family there are polar opposite views, we discussed the recent Forbes rich list for Australia, one was horrified at the wealth of those listed and considered it ill gotten, and condemned them, another said essentially "good luck to them" I'm not young. I'm not elderly. I have children ranging from 27 to 12. The thing that disturbs me most in this world is that some cannot accept others opinions and therefore seek to belittle, censor, and condemn those with a slightly different view. Referencing the above wealth discussion, I'm pretty proud that my kids have wide ranging views on these things, and other pertinent topics in our world. It means I havent indoctrinated any of them, although I'd like a bit more tolerance :) There are good people on both sides of politics, in Australia and in the US. People shouldn' t condemn those with slightly opposing views, nor try to tar others with the same brush, based on their side of politics, because there are many many facets to how you see the world and how you vote. We are too quick to label the right side as fascists and neo nazis etc, and the left as communists. The fact is most of us are somewhere in between. So why cant we consider others views reasonably without these labels?
  18. His uncle nearly killed troy simmonds, I've detested him ever since. The hit today looked bad but wasnt much damage done, he'll probably get a fine.
  19. I just watched this again, 7 times, and got a chill every time!!
  20. Thrown to the wolves on debut, but I loved him as a player and the QB goal was one of my alltime favourite live highlights watching MFC. Good luck Jack, and thank you.
  21. Garry Lyon - "Jesse Hogan has never been a key forward, he's never been a full forward or a centre half forward, he's a half forward flanker. He's never been a contested marking forward" Wowee
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