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Everything posted by Phadraig

  1. That's a bizarre thing to say, how many years do you have to support Melbourne before your opinions become relevant? You sound like one of those old codgers who yells out to just kick the ball long all the time
  2. He said it gets extremely hot
  3. Here's the direct link to the .PDF https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/3920195/Final-Draft-of-the-Climate-Science-Special-Report.pdf
  4. I thought we were ok for the first 3 qtrs and was pretty confident of a win going into the last... how on earth do you only kick one goal with that wind. I hate watching football at that stupid ground.
  5. I'm not watching but there has been 20 plus free kicks in the first quarter, wtf is going on?
  6. Advanced stats from the Afl app if anyone wants a squizz
  7. 61 free kicks... terrible to watch
  8. For anyone like me who has a tough time remembering the previous seasons and all that happens there is a chap on youtube who goes deep into explaining each episode and how it relates to what happens in the books. His channel is full of cool GoT stuff, here's his episode 1 recap of season 7 :
  9. http://imgur.com/a/rleX3 Here's the stats from the Adelaide game
  10. Brisbane are getting reamed by the umpires
  11. Blow the siren please
  12. Someone tackle walker for god sakes
  13. How is that not a free to Hibberd
  14. Would have been around 40 meters out almost straight in front. In hindsight he definitely shouldn't have played on haha
  15. Why do they get Hamish to interview the auskick kids, he is terrible at it
  16. A joe the goose for Weeds 6th
  17. Cox kicks one on 3QT and it's a 22 point lead
  18. So you don't have to deal with the terrible AFL site media player
  19. Edit: Someone has grabbed them Super late notice but I had to pull out of going today at the last minute, would anyone want 2 tickets to medallion club seats? Would just have to come pick them up in the Brighton area. Free of course
  20. Rance just flopped, hit him in the chest from what I saw
  21. Can't stand Mathieson
  22. Nothing at all in the Franklin report
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