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Uncle Fester

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Everything posted by Uncle Fester

  1. Goal of the year, mark of the year, the Chas, the coaches award, AA spots.... We play for one thing, and that it to be the best team. The rest are just fun facts. The real fact is that the goal kick started us to smash a team that we probably should have gone down badly to. I'll take that over a fan based (sigh) voting system.
  2. Plenty will try, and plenty will die trying. You either have it or you don't. Plenty of kids grew up wanting to be a Flower or Ablett. Plenty of others wanted to be a Bradman or Warne. Talent does what it can. Genius does what it must. Some things can never be taught now matter how great the teacher.
  3. Creates. Always creates. Something good seems to happen when he is around.
  4. Ollie, Ollie, Ollie Oi, oi, oi
  5. And why wait for a revolution?
  6. Yep. Billy is very much the smiling assassin. Gets the job done, and you don't really notice what an impact he had until you see the stats and / or watch the replay. Sorta like Clarries hands
  7. If Trac can have a day out a couple of times this year, in the way he did against Carlton in the pre-season, then I'll crow. Until then it's cameos and potential. Don't get me wrong - he has all the tools, and I have very high hopes for him, but he needs to show it for 4 q's regularly. (Hoping tomorrow is the start of it!)
  8. I think Tracc and Clarry are going to give us highlight reels for many years... usually one setting up the other... Thank the ghost of Norm that Picket rang the club and talked them into picking him.
  9. I have a couple of Collingwood supporting mates (yeah, I know... shoot me now) and for the last decade they'd rag me about living in the past, QB is your GF... blah blah blah... but when we started beating them... well, the tone has changed. Now they are talking up the importance of QB, and how they will get revenge this year. It's their GF at the moment. Or at least SF with Anzac as the GF. As an aside I'd always love when they say it's our GF. I reply that our GF's against them brought us six flags and them one. Real GF's. They go quiet at that point.
  10. No. Leave the game alone. Every freaking year the norbits that run the show want to tweak it, and they always get it wrong. Always. Leave it alone. It ain't broke, don't try and fix it.
  11. I hate Choo Chho. His name should be Clearance Oliver.
  12. Seems fair. Two quality players plus Weed, from a draft we didn't have a lot to offer. And hey, if one of the late picks or someone in the rookie draft turns out to be a gem , then we;ve not just won, but killed it dead.
  13. And there it is. That's the golden rule in the AFL. Not rule of law, not precedent, not even common sense... but what is good for us in the next 24 hours. Drug cheats, FA, PP's, fixtures, MRP etc etc etc ad vomit. Thank god for the MFC, coz otherwise I'd walk away.
  14. Best of luck to all in their future. Thank you for doing something I never got the chance to do.
  15. It is what it is, and it's not new. It's just more pronounced these days. I try not to worry about it. When they were the red and blue they matter. When they don't then they don't. Put it this way: every trade season we all cry out that we want to poach an A grader from somewhere. We went hard after Dangermouse and no-one cried that we were ruining the game by doing so. I don't see anyone whining that we are unethical chasing Dion. Quite the opposite... we all rub our hands in glee. Anyway, we'll offer Jesse a very good contract and he'll accept it on the basis he likes his teammates and the direction of the club, or reject it because he doesn't see anything worth getting fired about... or he might think we are a great club and loves his mates here but simply wants to go home... either way money wont be the issue because I reckon we'd match whatever offer he was given, if only for the marketing angle.
  16. And they are well aware that while they sell papers, get clicks, get ratings today, that it will be a long time before they are proved right or wrong. The goldfishbowl public won't remember what they were told 12 months from now.
  17. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't care one way or the other if that happened
  18. I drew X's over the ones that are gone. Now I can't see my computer screen.
  19. Your first point is the one that stood out most for me: he hits the pack hard - bash and crash style - but always has it in mind to dish it out to a player that is free if that doesn't work. I know... highlights and all that... but its nice to see a talent that knows that instinctively rather than someone that has to learn it as in the case of the Jones boy.
  20. Maybe... and I say this having no dog in the fight as I haven't seen any of this years crop other than youtube highlights, and am not interested in second guessing the professionals... but spending #3 and spending #46 are differnet things. You expect a top ten pick will be a ten year player. You hope a later round pick will one day be a best 22 player.
  21. Just emailed him to tell him I agreed with this.
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