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Posts posted by DubDee

  1. Glad he has been dropped. He has been poor over the last month.  As Goody says, players revert back to old habits or what comes naturally when tired or out of form/under pressure.  jack will always need a kick up the bum over his career, as he just doesnt have natural aggression in him.

    hopefully he responds well and is back for the bears.

  2. the media around this issue has been interesting.  Rocket is a nice guy but I dont get how he is getting away with doing very little on field with a young talented team over 3 years.  The suns made a mistake sacking him?  please! there has been no signs of improvement in 3 years, no game style, no toughness.  of course there is all the off field club issues people talk about but his main role is to get them playing as a team on field and he has failed miserably.  

  3. 1 hour ago, DemonWA said:

    Everyone wants success now, but supporters 'demanding it' (not even sure what this is, other than people being impatient and childish online) won't change the results of the next 3 matches, or change a thing about the way the club heads into next season.

    Yeah no sheet. I'm talking about the club as a whole. Culture and attitude play a massive part in all this

  4. 7 hours ago, rpfc said:

    If we win 13 games and miss out on the finals on % then that is a very impressive failure.

    But does it really matter? What repercussions will occur if we don't make the finals? Public apology? Wholesale delistings?

    Mark the season with whatever grade you want. It won't change the attitude toward 2018 and the future, which - I have to say - is the brightest I have ever seen at this club.

    We should want/demand success now.  we have been looking to the future for too long - and we know the future doesn't often work out how you plan.

    Making and playing in finals will bring much needed belief to the group and expedite our rise to being a quality team

  5. never really understood the footy-speak regarding 'relevance'.  are they irrelevant? relevant to what?

    we are discussing them right now so I guess not?!


    anyway.... nice guy Rocket but he was a poor appointment and a man who lost the passion to coach.  they need a young coach/mentor and they need to create a new identity/enable player power.  they have lots of talent, just need to blend it

  6. Petty it may be, but I am happy to see other top 8 teams struggle with injuries and suspension and not us for once

    Merret - one week, is massive against crows


    Hawkins, Duncan and Selwood, wheels falling off? Cats should fall out of the top 4, not sure id like to get them down in geelong if we finish 8th though

    we need to get into form ASAP - like right now.  come out and smash the saints and get back ontrack.  we can still turn this season around

    • Like 2
  7. On 8/5/2017 at 9:50 PM, Ash35 said:

    Show some class?

    What about my posts was unclassy?

    If you read my post in the game day thread you see I gave a positive spin on Melbournes finals chances.

    I still have you winning your last 3, Essendon will lose to Adelaide next week and you guys should replace us in the 8.

    I have not gloated today, or anything along those lines. Why would I, we are no better or worse than Melbourne, I've never come on here to start trouble. That's not what I'm about.

    But when I see an absolute rubbish post like the very first one I replied to, I will reply.


    My point was when you come on a opposition board when we are gutted post win and your team has taken our spot in the 8, you should expect some unhappy and irrational responses. for you to then argue back with mfc fans wasnt great form in my opinion (even if you are in the right)

    the best thing to do was to wait until we had vented and then come back - again my opinion. you seem a nice chap and your posts are usually rational and reasonable so I dont mean for you to stop posting

  8. 25 minutes ago, Deeoldfart said:

    There's no doubt in my mind that the youth of our playing group, long term injuries to key players and a very demanding schedule in the back half of the season, are taking a significant toll.  We've reverted to some bad habits, and it seems like playing footy has become a chore.

    Excuses?  Of course they are!  

    ....... but also real and understandable imo.

    Yep 8 players with less than 40 games will lead to some poor performances

  9. 27 minutes ago, Ash35 said:

    Quality post, thanks for your input.

    Just to be sure, I'm only allowed to post here when Melbourne win? Or is it only when Essendon lose?

    Not that your not allowed but I would advise showing some class and lettting mfc folks wallow

    i wouldn't consider posting on bomberblitz after melbourne replace the bombers in the 8

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