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Posts posted by DubDee

  1. I agree JV.

    I for one will be bloody delighted when/if we make finals. I refuse to be worried about who we play and if we lose, I want to just take a moment to enjoy it and enjoy the fact that we are no longer a rabble!

    although Im not actually sure how Ill react to Melb getting to finals/being successful

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  2. Collingwood's injuries are piling up, they are already planning for next year. Pendles and Wells would be playing if they were in contention.

    There is also talk of Adams missing the match as he is having blurred vision from some hits. Add to that Reid being horribly out of form it would take a disaster of Melbourne-like proportions to lose this one!!

    they are a bunch of kids and NQRs. Expect Buckly to be signed up for 2 years soon so no  emotion in it either aside from wanting to screw us over

    • Daniel Wells (quad) 
    • Henry Schade (hamstring) 
    • Jordan De Goey (hip flexor) 
    • Levi Greenwood (knee) 
    • Adam Oxley (hip/ groin) 
    • Scott Pendlebury (broken finger)
    • Ben Sinclair (hamstring) 
    • Travis Varcoe (elbow) 
    • Tyson Goldsack
    • Alex Fasolo

    a couple of the above may be played this week - this is going off last weekend.  also Grundy will be back

  3. All those going on about the Lions midfield being one of the best around, where was that midfield during the:

    70 pt loss to WC and 90 pt loss to Geelong, and 80 pt loss to Port?

    they have 4-5 very good players, then a bunch of kids, no experienced fwds and very little depth in their worst 11 out of the 22.

    no excuses

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  4. Viney cannot be rested IMO.  if he is injured then he shouldnt play

    but if he is 80% right and there is no chance of further damage then he should play.  he sets the tone for us in preparation and attitude and we have much less chance of lacking intensity and blowing this chance 

  5. 54 minutes ago, Bring-Back-Powell said:

    Can you not do a conference call rather than flying all the way there?

    haha  I wish

    something about building relationships? no-one has told me what im really going for.  typical corporate BS 

    its 40oC plus and horribly polluted where im going so should be good!  ill bring my asthma puff

  6. have to go to China soon and work have suggested the first week in September [FFS!]

    current flights have me arriving back in Melb in Friday 8th - does anyone know (assuming of course we make finals which is not locked in yet) what the odds would be of the Dees playing on Thursday night?  I know there was some talk of it earlier in the thread

    If I missed our first final in 11 years I wouldn't be able to live with myself. I could possible change it to the following week but you know... then I might miss the next final  **cough**   not jinxing it ***

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