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Everything posted by dieter

  1. If they weigh a whale at a whale weigh station, where do they weigh a pie?
  2. You seem to have nothing better to do except post racist porn which the moderators of this site allow you to do. Don't you have anything better to do? Let me guess: you're retired? A student? In gaol? A public servant with access to a computer?
  3. Likewise...
  4. More like the ftinge lunatic right....
  5. Wow. Truly wonderful stuff. Thank you so much!!!!
  6. I hear Jacqui Lambie is looking for love. You two could spend post coital hours enumerating the vicissitudes of Sharia law.
  7. Good stuff. I takes me hats off to ya.
  8. Good stuff: unfortunately there are way too may bigoted deaf ears on this site, way way too many...I commend you.
  9. Wonderful reply.
  10. 6: Hibberd 5: Hogan 4: Lever 3: Jones 2: Brayshaw 1: Viney
  11. I went to school with the Templars. Are they still locals?
  12. He's a Romsey neighbour, isn't he?
  13. Blah blah blah Biffen.
  14. Bin wondering where you bin, Osama. Obviously haven't learnt anything new since you've been Chateau Incognito. At least I can spar with you and not fear for my jugular, let alone my 'excellent reputation."
  15. Great stuff. Thanks.
  16. I like your angle, Mr dangle
  17. I'm just surprised that a so-called oracle/legend/victim would condone what can only be called spiteful violence. Maybe a brain cell or two have gone missing over the years?
  18. The definition of AFL football in those days was just that: THUGGERY. You want proof? Scott, Matthews, Wallis, The Dipper, Balme, etc etc etc If you had the right mix, skill and thugs, you did well...
  19. Things ain't as sweet as they want us to believe down at Catland. Word is Ablett only returned because he was promised a cool million in a certain will if he returned...
  20. I truly wonder why this happened? They were so bloody good in 2016, injuries galore, yet they prospered. What's gone askew?
  21. Beautiful stuff, Jara. God bless you. I too read the Zable article and will contact him to tell him how moved I was. In a nutshell, Jara, this vile anti-Muslim stuff is the new anti-Semitism. There is implicit irony in this which a read of Koestler's The 13th Tribe and Shlomo Sand's book point out, but, as we see on this site, one can write or say - Hanson, Lambie - any ill-conceived uneducated bullshite about Muslims and get away with it. The great irony about PD's post is that the greatest spreader of Muslim Terrorism in the world is Saudi Arabia via its Wahhabi extremism. And what do you know? Who is ISIS and the USA in bed with in the Middle East, aside from Israel, yes, precisely Saudi Arabia which as we speak is raping Yemen with ordinance supplied by the USA.
  22. I like. I was referring to Port supporters....
  23. E Coli Wobbler material, I believe....
  24. No, there are turnover sinners who need to repent their wicked ways. Lucifer awaits...
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