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pineapple dee

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Everything posted by pineapple dee

  1. Premiership favourites ???? Bunkum !!!! Let's not fall for that nonsense nor get upset when some drone like Wallace takes a pot shot at the club. Wallace is no good at his job, neither is his son setting the umpiring world on fire.
  2. Cox says he was bracing for contact and the tribunal say he wasn't looking at the victim. He was looking at the victim alright and collected him. Cox was bracing for contact because he knew the 'target ' was coming. Target duly goes down. Bit soft really but the initial decision to suspend was probably correct. Why should anyone be surprised about the backflip. The AFL is totally corrupt!!!!
  3. Hore / Frost Friday night. ? A bit unlikely. Too warm for that.
  4. yeah but i was just making the observations without some stupid acronym to preface it.
  5. You can stick this SWOT 'edu-speak' nonsense and gibberish up your clacker. It's as plain as day what our weaknesses are. Too many players flying for marks. Half ars...d efforts to chase and apply pressure to opponents. Lack of patience with the pill in hand. Bombing the ball to an outnumber ( when we are outnumbered ) Hand balling into congestion. failing to honour leads. Failing to stick most tackles because the opponents not sufficiently impeded or their arms are free. Coaches not sufficiently proactive to counter oppo tactics. Opponents roving to the spot Maxy is hitting the ball to.
  6. No, you are spot on about peaking too early. There's no point being in the lead the first time past the post in the Melbourne Cup. St kilda are peaking too early, as are Port Adelaide and Geelong.
  7. Collingwood will beat Richmond, as sure as God made little apples. Collingwood will pump the ball into their forward line so often, it'll be like the little boy with his finger in the dyke. It'll overwhelm them in the end. Collingwood have too many goal kickers and without that reprehensible toad, Rance,to defend, the Tigers have got no hope.
  8. Not a popular viewpoint but I felt a touch of sadness for the pies last night. They fought the good fight. Nice cameo from Jeremy Howe. His game ending score assist was a lovely moment for many a dees fan.
  9. What we want above all else is players that make their opponents earn every possession the hard way.
  10. Could be at a Weight watchers meeting.
  11. Middle one is surely May ,, but where's Petracca ???
  12. We're developing a pretty decent list of players but make no mistake, one of the strongest points about Melbourne is the coach. This is a person who can lead men. This is the most important building block for success. Think about the successful coaches of the recent and past eras ( Norm Smith ) We are so lucky to have this guy in charge.
  13. In the painting area, so relatively safe ( as long as he's not planning on climbing up a ladder)
  14. Ladies and gents. Today I saw Sam Weideman in a hardware store and shook his hand, wishing him all the best for the season ahead. He seems like a really personable and pleasant young man. Despite being bailed up by a bogus looking bloke, he smiled and thanked me. The last Demon player whose hand I shook was Clayton Oliver ( and look how that's turning out ) Could be a big year for Sam !!
  15. Yes, those penultimate 4 games really showed what we could do !!!! OMG ?
  16. I want more Tasmanians. This guy looks pretty tough to me. Hopefully he's a cross between Russell Robertson, Darrell Baldock and Ian Stewart ( without the cross dressing )
  17. Theory 1 Jones was swimming at Cheviot beach and was captured by the Russians in a submarine off Portsea back beach. He is currently on his way to Vladivostok for interrogation. Viney was the one behind the grassy knoll and the Americans have taken him in for questioning. Theory 2 There was a bloodless coup and Maxi, as the tallest player, has deposed Viney and Jones and taken on the captaincy by himself.
  18. Come on Ethan !! Dont criticize the guy because of his looks. We cant all look like Chris Hemsworth. ( well , I do, but not everyone does )
  19. Furthermore, Brisbane chose not to bring him back on as a precaution not because he was out to it. This decision stinks big time.
  20. I've been to both Cranbourne East and Amersfoort. There are an awful lot of Dutchmen there but frankly, I prefer Amersfoort.
  21. I'm going to suggest Biff is a " country " member.
  22. Send an email to Goodwin and cc the selectors.
  23. Can I just say for those who didn't catch it before ( and I swear I will never mention it again ) I did shake Clarry's hand in the Middle Camberwell Woolworths just after he got drafted and wished him luck. Sadly, I have washed that hand since.
  24. Yes Williams was a toad and a thoroughly unlikeable player but he always appeared to have about 20 - 30 seconds to get rid of the ball. In that regard, he was peerless.
  25. Don't tell the wife. She will know just via wife's intuition. Tell the doctor, he will be dispassionate and have some sage advice. If you're near the end and you've got some good stuff, leave it to me. I'll take care of it ( especially the 1930 penny or the Titian. )
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