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Everything posted by ManDee

  1. I reckon Hogan is gone! Looks unhappy, mind you having to wear that jumper and if he's lucky sing that crap song....eeek!
  2. Beeb, if you have been doing drugs and they want to test you, you would become quite anxious I imagine. I would think it is a ruse in most cases. It is a shame that those with real mental health(MH) issues may be tarred with the druggies using MH as an excuse. I would be happy for players evading testing citing MH issues to step out of football for a long time. (12 weeks?) If it really is a MH issue a break would probably do them good. If they have previous non drug test MH issues then a 4 week break.
  3. Jeff White - Darren Bennett - Byron Pickett - Peter Moore etc
  4. In a game or for the season? Preuss is our top goal scorer this year 2. I would happily have a wager that Preuss will kick more than 9 goals for the season.
  5. At tennis playing doubles my son and I use codes 44b 127a 13c etc etc- confuses the hell out of the opposition. Code breaker odd number hard down the T - even number swing wide. That's it! I can imagine sides having massive convoluted signs that basically mean nothing. Or really simple like Eiffel tower - Max in the ruck. Prussian blue block Preuss in the ruck, simples!
  6. I can hear the jungle drums....DON'T STAND IN FRONT OF PREUSS!!! Can you imagine dropping into the gap in front of Preuss on the lead. FMD let him have it.
  7. The brains trust when Gil suggested rock paper scissors.
  8. We had a cleaner, a big French guy, he would come in and eat all the cream biscuits in the tea room. One day I left one cream biscuit on the table, cream removed and filled with wasabi. He swallowed it whole and soon turned green, he never stole another biscuit. Edit- In the 60's the Herbert Adams pies served at the footy were like molten lava inside and if it dripped between your fingers it would burn like hell.
  9. I propose that the MCC add $20* to the annual membership of all members, and that entitles them to affiliate membership of the MFC, this could have a flow on effect of non MFC supporting MCC members to adopt MFC as their second club. Approx 100000 extra members. If you want to join the MCC you get the benefit of the MFC included. The $20 could be $50 but it is compulsory. MCC have, baseball, bowls, croquet,golf, hockey, lacrosse, netball, real tennis?, tennis, squash, target shooting and the Melbourne FC. So the non MFC supporting MCC members are in the MFC anyway. 130000 members hell yes!
  10. Only if we lose. If we win it will foretell a rosy future.
  11. I don't think we should judge people by how much money they make. Is a banker of more value to society than a nurse? As for spending much of your life closeted away having a virtual life behind a screen or worse watching those doing so I say get a life.
  12. https://writingexplained.org/pass-time-vs-past-time-vs-pastime Pass time = verb. Past time = adjective + noun. Pastime = noun.
  13. But, he's not arrogant enough to assume that something isn't worthwhile simply because he doesn't like it
  14. Do you not see the irony? And I think you mean pass time.
  15. Looking at their offerings I thought they were.
  16. Saty baits people. STMJ has swallowed the hook and can't cough it up. We can't expect to agree with everyone here so we should accept the differences. If you don't like them block them, constant bitching is tiresome. Thanks to all those that report on training, I expect you to have biases we all have them. The best bias is we are Melbourne supporters.
  17. I agree beeb but as a car they are ok, Opel build nice cars. Ford did a much better job of phasing out local production, it helps to have the Mustang. Anyway the Opel sponsorship is moot.
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