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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. Melbourne Storm played a whole season for no premiership points. Something would have to be worked out for players who have left the club/AFL, and those who choose to walk, but that seems a reasonable penalty. The final they missed last year could be written off to their own bloody-mindedness. And Golden Boy could be traded to France for a reasonable quantity of Bordeaux.

    Edit: and Cotchin gets Watson's Brownlow.

  2. On a serious note, if Freo wanted him off their books I'd entertain the thought of trading him back if it cost us nothing. i.e - a good will trade of pick 86 for Sylvia.


    Seriously, that's nuts. We're a way off a flag, so the older players we recruit are for maturity, commitment and as role models /mentors for younger players. Three strikes against Col, IMO.

  3. I don't know if this has been mentioned but who does Jeff Kennett think he is?

    Kennett makes Eddie Mcguire and Warwick Capper seem reserved

    Jeff Kennett has probably never heard of Beyond Blue or the countless other community organisations that Stynes was involved with.

    He has taken a leaf straight out of Barret's handbook - he probably never even met Stynes

    What a [censored]! If he thinks Tom Hafey deserves a statue then very well but to go and say someone like Stynes did not deserve one is just plain ignorant.

    Love it, Young Dee. You shot from the hip and embarrassed yourself a bit, Kennett did the same thing and showed what a headline-hunting egomaniac he really is - as if we didn't know.

    Of course Tommy is a legend of the game, and I agree he deserves a statue, too. Using him to diss Jimmy is just low.

  4. Religious vilification is surely out of order, but many organised religions and their associated organisations have perpetrated, condoned and/or covered up vile behaviour. Pointing at you, Catholics, Hindus, Jews, Muslims, Salvos etc. etc. et bluddy cetera. So hh is not entirely wrong.

    • Like 3
  5. HL plays for a club with a long, dishonourable tradition of racism - Nicky Winmar, Damien Monkhorst, Adam Goodes, Alan McAllister and on. His reaction to the graffiti is hypersensitive, but we don't know his experience at the club, nor what he's had to negotiate in reclaiming his identity as the son of his father. I'd welcome him to MFC, and anyone who wants to microwave their membership over it is welcome to.

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  6. "There is clearly something wrong with anyone who wasn't deeply offended by a Rolf Harris costume. Close thread."

    Must be something wrong with me, then. Anyway, the MFC PR flack has put a statement in front of them and said, "Sign this". And we check out the weather in the next teacup.

  7. Spot on Frosty. These blokes were fringe players at best. The Jack Watts, James Frawleys, Jack Grimes' and Mark Jamars' of this world have been near automatic selections for nigh on 4 years now. Who is holding them accountable?

    Jamar will continue until he either chooses to retire or we get a ruckman who outperforms him consistently and is capable of staying on the park.

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