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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. We all know how our past draft picks have worked out. After so many years of mediocracy this time of the year for most of us, is one of hope and genuine excitement.

    If you choose to be so negative about it, then that's also your choice.

    I think you just coined a new word there - a good one!

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  2. Oh oh that's it. You have started it . the PC brigade will be out in force. How dare you...

    Just hang on till I get my PC uniform on, junior. The corset takes a while.

    Drug abuse certainly is a big problem amongst Aboriginal kids, rural, remote and urban. IMO Garlett's behaviour suggests an urge to destroy himself - he wouldn't be the first to commit vehicular suicide, and suicide is well understood to be a major cause of death amongst young Aborigines. It will be terrible if he takes someone with him, I'm sure that's not his intention, but concern about his possible victims from posters who transparently don't give much of a stuff about other people generally, strikes me as ironic (euphemism).

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  3. Bomber has always been an eccentric. Maybe he just doesn't give a stuff about the AFL anymore. That would explain leaving the CA. He's said before he would like to walk away, and he's a wealthy man with significant business interests outside footy. I've been told by an Ess person he doesn't want to pay the fine on principle and he's had enough of Hird. To claim he has mental health issues based upon your post above is drawing a long bow and disrespectful.

    Not that I would doubt an Essendon source, but if Bomber is standing on principle, it's surprising that he hasn't let this be more widely known, if only to glean whatever minimal public support may still be out there. Or maybe he's just gone loopy.

  4. I'm sorry but if I was an MFC player and Jack Grimes was telling me what to do, I'd have real trouble taking him seriously. Imagine him motivating Bernie Vince and Daniel Cross. Cringe-worthy.

    Jack was the captain at an informal training session, doing the job expected. No doubt the players there would also do the job expected. Had they been there, Bernie and Daniel would surely have done the same - take their training seriously. One of the many reasons you're not an MFC player, I guess.

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