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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. It was always a political decision, and now the AFL know it went down very badly with the public and past and present players. Will they persist in order to save face, or reverse a poor and very unpopular decision? I reckon they'll persist, because that's the way they roll. Hope I'm wrong.

  2. I reckon social media would almost literally burn down if it got drawn out to 4 matches after appeal.

    I think we will appeal tomorrow. The AFL will be torn between not wanting to buckle to public demand, and doing the right thing. I think the stubbornness of the AFL will win out and the 2 weeks will stand.

    I don't think the penalty can be increased if the appeal fails - they either overturn the original decision, or uphold it. Two weeks and no carryover points - nicely graded to seem reasonable, minimise the outcry. They hope.

    • Like 1
  3. We get to present a defence before a verdict is given. If the MRP had ruled against him, we'd be appealing and risking a higher penalty. All good so far. The umpires passed it - are they witnesses? - and I'm starting to feel optimistic. I think he'll get the benefit of the "doubt".

  4. Walked back with Jack Viney, everybody who passed, Storm officials, media, staff from physio, all wished him luck tonight, he is hopeful

    All the indicators of public opinion, including a Hun poll, show that the public get the difference between bad behaviour and bad luck. Not sure about the tribunal, though.

    • Like 1
  5. Forget what's said here, it's mostly pretty predictable. I haven't come across any media commentator who thinks Viney should go* - even the Crows fan forum is divided. The MRP have passed it to the tribunal because they are afraid to make a decision, IMO, which allows us to make an argument that there is no case to answer rather than appealing against an MRP decision. Despite the head-high contact and the broken jaw, I think the tribunal may just make the correct decision. They may recognise that a suspension is a bad signal to players and bad PR to boot. Right decision made accidentally for the usual reasons.

    *I'm told Wilson does, but I can't find it.

    • Like 1
  6. People are very impressed with Salem's skills, attitude and judgement, as they should be - but significant illness last year affected his pre-season and he doesn't have the endurance for a full AFL game as yet. He'll be sub or at Casey until fitness staff give the all clear. We'll just have to wait, I hope not for long.

    • Like 1
  7. Well Sherlock, it's relevant for those who seem to think I'm targetting Pedersen due to some sort of preconceived notion he is a spud.

    Jog on x

    Wasn't having a go at your defence of Pedersen, because I agree. It's the self-justification/self-congratulation I was commenting on. I'll jog on now.

    • Like 3
  8. NB. I defended him early in the season based on his preseason form, against a torrent of Pedersen-hate.

    I'm not one to take pot shots at players for the hell of it.

    It's something I've noticed on multiple occasions in recent weeks, and I just hope it doesn't become a strong trend.


  9. Hi, Graeme.

    Unavoidable, he was after the ball. Contact was definitely high, contributed to the injury - MRP don't like that, even though it was apparently unintentional. He could make a good case at the tribunal, but it he's offered 3 reduced to 2 with an early plea, I'm betting he'll take it.

  10. Yes, gents.....let's hang a bloke after how many? 30 games?

    You're all asking for patience with our players under a new coaching regime, surely Pedo deserves a chance to benefit too?

    Verbal report of a single incident at training, seen from the other side of the fence. Of course he has to hang - he might not give us another opportunity for a while.

    • Like 4
  11. I don't understand why Hogan needs to go LTI for Georgiou to be his replacement.

    Doesn't Clark's retirement count for a list space given it was injury related?

    Georgiou replaced Pig Dog, Jetta replaced Mitch. With Pig Dog playing, Georgiou becomes Hogan's replacement.

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