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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. Grimes won't be demoted during the season, nor quietly urged to fall on his sword. Simply not the way Roos works, as mot will surly understand. If his best form doesn't come back he may well stand down. If that happens, I'd expect Dawes and Jones to be co-captains, flat-out committed leads of a flat-out committed team.

  2. Just a few observations upon seeing the replay:

    Melbourne were asleep for the first ten minutes? Didn't sound like that on radio, and seeing it, we were in there working hard, but Port are a good team and the chances went their way at critical moments.

    Garlo is a solid, professional defender with a strong attacking side to his game. Great to have him back, and our defence are a very solid unit.

    Wingard is an extraordinarily dangerous player who was completely blanketed until Schulz took him out of the game.

    Chains of two or three handballs in a pack ending with a pass to a player by himself on the outside - I'm used to seeing that done to us, but yesterday we were doing it. This coming together as a team has happened unbelievably quickly.

    Salem has a pure football brain. Perhaps I'm overexcited, but I think he'll be one of the champions of the game.

    • Like 4
  3. I simply want to understand what the week is ACTUALLY about, because I struggle to identify with racial pride. I find it bizarre, and I think this week actually lacks identity: is it about culture or race? Because they are different things.

    "Pride" movements arise from a history of oppression and shaming. Black pride in America, ga* pride in Oxford St, Indigenous pride here and in other countries all arise because people have been badly treated and told that it's too bad, they deserve it because of who they are - not because of what they do. Rather than hide your identity - pass for white, pass for straight (if either of those are even possible ), people who have been assigned a flawed identity decide to accept heir identity and actively assert that it is not flawed. Racist comments over the fence, or on the field, are attempts to shame people who have felt the sting of that contempt for years, all for the pathetic purpose of putting them off their game or provoking retaliation. Think of Nicky Winmar proudly pointing at his black skin - that action has resounded through Aboriginal communities throughout Australia.

    The AFL has decided that racial insults will only harm the game, and have rightly taken steps to suppress them. The indigenous round is a way of encouraging supporters to recognise and value the part indigenous footballers play in our game - and the part football plays in bonding indigenous communities.

    Edit - strange censorship rule in Oxford St.

    Edit again - REALLY strange censorship rule

    • Like 1
  4. So be it!! Happy for our club if I am proved wrong and will wear it which is more than I can say for some on this site!

    Cheers Sass!


    Such an independent thinker you are! Calling it like you see it, and to hell with what other people think! And calling it and calling it...

  5. I must be wrong then or my television set clearly doesn't show his intent.

    Mine doesn't show intent either. But on what I saw, he raised his elbow and jabbed it back at a player he knew was right behind him. If he thought about it at all he must have known that he couldn't determine which bit of the man he'd hit - therefore reckless high contact, impact questionable. Good record, could get a week reduced to a reprimand, could get two weeks reduced to one.

  6. Geelong are reported to be interested in Ling, and if he can go to his old club I think he will. I can't understand the enthusiasm for Voss - to me he's a busted flush.

    Kirk and Rawlings seem to be the most likely in that both have a good relationship with Roos. Either would do me.

  7. I don't think they should show frank assessments of the AFL players, it may be an advantage to opposition sides if they knew too much inside info. VFL no such problem.

    That's probably the core of it, mandee. In general, the more information that can be released to club members and other supporters, the better - we are key stakeholders. We should be given information unless there are good reasons for withholding it - mostly considerations of privacy and tactics. I expect the club management knew about Mitch's illness for some time before it became public, but it was rightly withheld.

  8. Member numbers are extremely misleading. It includes all types of shifty categories like 3 game members, interstate/overseas members that pay heavily discounted subs, MCC members etc. A more accurate comparison would be to show total revenues received from all membership categories.

    That depends on whether you're counting cash or people.

    • Like 1
  9. On the train home from the game Saturday, very crowded and I was standing in the aisle. SE Asian mum and two little boys sitting down. She motions to one kid to give his seat to a bloke standing there and as he does, the bloke calls him a little (illegitimate) and then asks his little brother "What jungle were you born in?". I said "Did I hear you right?" and was about to give him one of the remaining fragments of my mind, but he wouldn't meet my gaze and when I looked I saw that he was a hunched, miserable looking bloke with all the signs of a pretty hard life. I let it be.

    Edit: illiteracy

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  10. I saw a couple of Dunny's VFL games a few years ago and he just didn't seem to be interested, but last year when things were at their worst he seemed to decided to commit himself fully and he was one of our best. I'm sure Roos is getting even more from him, but he was already on the bandwagon.

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