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Elusive Tunbridge

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Posts posted by Elusive Tunbridge

  1. .

    Perderson played some great footy last season and will contribute this year working on his consistancy fitzy will also stay on imo . Every club has back up players and I believe both could make it in the one's on what we have seen so far .

    Ingenious way of getting around the Pederson censor.

    • Like 3
  2. Sharing the assumption that van Demon will be elevated pronto, the second elevation still remains in limbo. I expect that King will be left to mature and learn his trade at Casey this season, so if there is to be an elevation it's out of Harmes and White. I suspect that Harmes is under the greater pressure to shape up this year if he's still to be with us in 2016.

    • Like 1
  3. Hnmm you are as seriously Biased as I was with my support of one "Juice Newton"!!

    Look, he has played 2 and a half good games in 2 plus years!

    Shhesh he aint and never will, have it!

    Would love to be proved Wrong but I cannot see it! Little pace and not hungry enough!

    Time to move on, He aint the future!

    Of course you would. We all know that.

    • Like 2
  4. I think either Bail or Jones will be retained because I expect Roos to let Brayshaw rip it up at Casey for a few more games. If Pedo goes OK today he'll surely come in for Dawes - no way Jamar will be dropped. JKH only missed because of a late injury, so he'll be back, probably for Toumpas as you suggest.

  5. as woeful as viney's disposal is, at least he attacks the contest. he'd be in my starting 22.

    Not sure about this. He's a terrific "see ball, get ball" player, but he's a long way short of "see ball, get ball, use ball". I don't know how coaches develop better decision making, but if it doesn't happen he's got a limited future.

  6. I remember that, just before Hawke defeated him, Fraser gave an interview in which he talked a little about his childhood, and I believe that his commitment to human rights and opposition to racism was lifelong, and not a late blooming.

    Tony Abbott's tribute to him made no mention of this, but was confined to the narrative of saving the Australian economy from Labour's profligate spending, which was Fraser's narrative at the time. Abbott used the same narrative himself in 2013. Fraser proved to be a poor economic manager, but probably not as clueless as Abbott.

  7. Agreed, Bobby. I also thought Jesse started to work into the game later on, and will be much better for the run - he knows now that he will have to deal more effectively with FBs who try to monster him. I was happy with Frost's game too, and certainly wouldn't write him off as a relief ruck just yet. They've only just started to train him for this role, and it will take a while. In the meantime we have fast, aggressive young tall who's willing to have a go whatever we ask of him.

    But if we can replicate yesterday's teamwork throughout the season, we'll get first crack at the draft for sure.

    • Like 1
  8. These types of posts are hilarious. Its the same as suggesting we automatically become better after each loss as we "Learn" from it. If that was the case we would be damn near unbeatable.

    All it shows is that you know nothing about football.

    Just home from a disappointing game and I've read through this thread. ding, I'm sure you have some opinions about the game, but overwhelmingly you seem to prefer to pour contempt on other posters. Just goes on and on. I wonder about the state of your soul.

    • Like 3
  9. There are always going to be elements of risks on both sides of the deal with any signing.

    The kid is happy at the Dees, we are happy with him. A bloke like Salem re-signing is a good thing.

    The other option is that we don't re-sign anyone for fear of things going wrong.

    This is the essence of it, I think. The first year is tough, and tougher for him because of his golden ticket, but the supporters took to him and he obviously loves playing footy. I don't know how he felt when he kicked the sealer against Essendon, but if you could bottle it we'd all be drinking it.

    We have this ongoing fear that players will leave us for a better offer, but I just don't believe he's going to Scully us.

  10. Your comments re the umpire are interesting. I was with some doggy supporters and they were annoyed at the umpiring as well and thought that there team was hard done. I did not think the umpiring was a factor at all. They missed and paid frees for both teams that the other side would have been howling about.

    I wasn't troubled by the umpiring in general, and I don't think they favoured either side. The HTB interpretation struck me as offering little chance to the player in possession, and I wonder how teams will adapt to it - reluctance to take possession? hurried disposal? something else?

    • Like 1
  11. Roos secured the Sydney coaching job when the players jacked up and demanded that he be reappointed. He's clearly a man who inspires faith in his team, and perhaps we're seeing signs of that here. It's pretty clear that Lumumba came because of Roos. If I'm right, this means that the transition to Goodwin will be a critical moment for the club.

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