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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Clearly you dont Syl. Re read my comments and you just might!
  2. Carroll did not get AA honours in 2006 and its hyberbole to claim how close he was and to make any reasonable comparison with the Geelong backline. Its chalk and cheese. He is a hard working mediocre footballer who gets exposed under pressure. It is telling that the Club sought to trade him recently and there were no takers. Hmmm!
  3. Why did we try and trade Carroll? And why didnt any other Club show any interest? Carroll and Whelan (twilight of his career) will struggle to hold their positions beyond this year. I agree with your 2011 direction though.
  4. Its fine. If anything Woey seems to have got slower since you first put it on Ash! :D
  5. So do the hard yards of analysis and answer the question. "So which stars did CAC not recruit that he had ready access to in the draft, taking into account the list needs at the time he recruited them and the fact that during his time MFC endured two years of draft penalties?" CAC is not perfect and has had his good picks and not so good picks over the years. His strike rate is good against his peers and I believe his best has occurred in the past 4 to 5 years. I think your nexus of the lack of stars at MFC and CAC's recruitment performance is flawed and lack the analysis necessary to back such a statement.
  6. What goes into making a star takes more than just recruitment. Any failure to produce a star hits at all apsects of the Club from recruitment, player development, coaching and injury management. I am not disputing the rather obvious need for stars just your unsubstantiated laying of blame at CAC's feet. So which stars did CAC not recruit that he had ready access to in the draft, taking into account the list needs at the time he recruited them and the fact that during his time MFC endured two years of draft penalties? Like any professional, CAC leaves us a better recruiter than when he started and he has definitely refined his craft over his journey with us.
  7. BBP, Insurance for what? If he is not good enough for AFL.....he is not good enough for AFL. Why fill your list with that? What we found out last year was that our defenders were not good enough and we have cleaned out a couple. You can never have enough GOOD defenders... You can have too much deadwood.
  8. A simplistic and misguided perspective at best.
  9. Very little of note. FCS, he has been with us for 11 years. Everyone needs new challenges.
  10. From the Age: "Although Cameron committed to the Demons along with Melbourne's then football manager Chris Fagan one year ago to a three-year term, he is expected to exercise a three-month departure clause in his contract, as Fagan did back in August when he announced he was moving to Hawthorn. " It would have been pretty poor if he had done it before the trade and ND. I think he has done it on fair terms. Thanks CAC for your contributions and you have taken on a real challenge with the Richmond list.
  11. No. The game represents another opportunity where injuries occur. And if you are going to take on the risk of injuries to key players why would you do it on such a flawed and frivolous outlet such as this? Haven't we suffered enough with injuries over the past 12 months without taking on any additional issues? We struggle to get our best up for 22 H & A.
  12. ONLY 2 players. What did you expect?? On the basis of form and performance we would be lucky to have one in. A complete waste of time as flawed as the Irish series. Give me 22 H&A games that actually mean something to focus interest.
  13. Raises as much interest with me as a grand final sprint. Happy for no demons to play and risk injury in what has been rightly termed a farce exhibition match.
  14. In the eyes of some if Bailey if he is not playing them in the AFL by Round 1 then he is stalling their development. Its the only qucik fire way to bring a young player on!
  15. Neitz selection should not be dictated solely by the number of games or goals he has kicked at the Club. Its an inexact and imperfect measurment. Neitz has been a grand warrior over the course of his career and a good captain. He has been a fine player. But having watched his career over its time, I think Neitz has managed to put together some great games he has put together some absolute crocks. Its the breadth of performance outcomes with Neitz over the long journey that prevent him in IMO being in the greatest 22 produced by the Club. He would be in the mix and make a second 18 but not the top one.
  16. Paddo, I would prefer to develop an alternative ruckman. White is coming towards the end of his career. The pace of the game and the pressures of AFL will dictate when White's career is up..not us. He's a ruckman and if he cant ruck he is gone. We would have done well to get him through 2 years IMO.
  17. Ferguson has been delisted. I am not sure why all the misguided vitriol at White. As a ruckman, his better days are behind him. But from watching the games last year and confirmation through his stats for the year. White was serviceable last year as a ruckman. He is not the best but he lowered the colours of a quite a few through the year. I would have more concerned at the 196+ NQRs who have masqueraded as ruckman without ever claiming the spot. I hope Meesen steps up. If White is that bad (he isnt) why haven't others pushed in front of him? There lies the problem. FWIW, he either rucks or he is finished. He is neither a KPF or KPB. We do need to find the next generation for a player who has served well and is now in his 11th season with the Club.
  18. A team 150 would be interesting but it might be too close to the TOC to make a big issue out of it. Were there any players who were stars 1858-2000? Neitz has been warhorse captain but take over from Barassi? . If he is our football club, we must all be retiring at the end of 2008. B) Agree with that. Neitz has been a great campaigner but is he better than the players on the bench. Its arguable. I would probably swap Viney for him but its 50/50.
  19. I do not care a jot what you do. I'm not the one having a public slap at the Club and then not giving them the benefit of submitting your suggestions to them for considerations. Are you aware of the CLub's assessments of similar or same ventures? Any cost/ benefit assessments on those ideas? Whats the strike rate on such billboards? Why should the MCC provide a facility to MFC and not to other Clubs? Why would the Education department allow such a competition just for us let alone the MFC? MFC works with a limited budget in a competitive market and while it has been accurately pointed out it could improve it does seek to improve its market share. But cheap potshots are not constructive for the Club nor do they improve the achievement of objectives which I would have believed would have been commonly shared. As for the snide comments..."Ive just about given up on this club having any promotinal skills what so ever. This despite our leader supposedly a guru in his industry. Honestly this club couldnt sell a hot dog to an eskimo !!!".... Ever constructively spoken to the Club about your issues and the market/cost pressures or are you pleased as punch with yourself for raising questionable suggestions and having a cheap dip at the Club anonymously on a public site? BTW, I think your idea for an TV ad if they did go down that track is worthy of being suggested to the Club.Go for it.
  20. I would have thought for all the hot air on this thread the best way to attract and retain members is sustained on field success. That where the fire and brimstone should be not in some forgettable 30 sec take on late night TV that is instantly forgettable and you can easily mute. Has anyone done the cost/benefit on the various Club advertising splurges? Its an expensive plunge for questionable outcome. Unless we improve on the field, any serious advertising campaign is going to be of negligible value. The Club is limited in its resources and has spent additional funds on more developmental coaching and staff and that is to be applauded as a way to improve on the field.
  21. Completely agree Nozz. I also find it "great" that when posters proclaim their own initiative they never formally submit those to the Club for consideration. FCS I would have thought it was in the posters and Clubs interest.
  22. Scrape the 8 at best but I am thinking its 9 to 10 in 2008.
  23. Then there should be no excuses for Sylvia. He needs to deliver on his potential being in his fifth season on the list. Lets hope he is mentally focussed and physically capable to do so.
  24. No rumour. It was reported in the The Age on Sunday. Should go for a Jenny Craig endorsement?
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