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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Lucky for you I do. Unfortunately too many posters like yourself taking a person's meritorious playing record as carte blanche to draw idyllic and unfounded assumptions about what the individual is or isnt doing "behind the scenes". Garry does give a good speech and has a lot to offer. Its a pity his contribution is limited. Then again James Brayshaw and Eddie Mc Guire have jobs in the media......
  2. DoF I think that goes for every poster on this thread. While Lyon does have some background involvement, I wonder how close he to the Club. He did not make the 150 walk because of an appointment clash and was only aware of the event recently. Amazing that he only recently became aware. He's high profile and respected, nowithstanding his misjudgement in supporting Newman's behaviour at the TV awards ceremony. If truly committed to the cause, Lyon could offer a lot to the Board and MFC. However, its not as though Lyon has not been invited onto the MFC Board in the past. He has been and refused because of commitments. I do admire Brayshaw for what he is going at North though. Great post Hazy.
  3. In the AFL lets pass on the notion of "fair". The fixturing is not fair full stop. I could not give a toss for where Collingwood play outside of QBW. However how the hell is MFC going to cover the loss of a home game next year which pulls 70,000 and is our only marquee game of the year. Amazing
  4. From Michael Gleeson's article: A positive for the Demons yesterday was that Collingwood president Eddie McGuire said he was happy with Melbourne's participation in the Queen's Birthday clash. He said the Magpies supported the right for Melbourne to retain the match as a Melbourne home game so the struggling club could enjoy a major payday. "Collingwood have supported this all the way, it has always been a Melbourne home game, we forfeited any right to home-and-away on that," McGuire said on 3AW before the Pies' 21-point win. "We continue to support Melbourne. They are a very important club in the AFL. "Next year, we want it to be Collingwood-Melbourne, but today people will march with their feet."
  5. You made two references to business degrees and implied that you need more and that Stynes had that without a scintilla of knowledge of what Stynes actually stands for and who is backing him. And there is no evidence that Gardners move is a ringing endorsement at all and Gardner has made no such statement publicly nor is there any evidence to suggest he does so I dont know where the "obviously" you refer to comes from. What we do know is that Gardner had stated this was his last year and his mid season resignation is provide a smooth transition to the new president. Tony Melb has made a rational and reasonable assessment of the need to have more information before the members which includes credentials that cover more than business degrees. You've reduced his assessment to an issue of business degrees and a sledge at Tony about Szondy was unreasonable and without any basis from Tony's stated point of view. Tony like other posters has asked questions many others would reasonably ask after Stynes has taken out a blaze of publicity on "How I will save the Club?" Stynes has not provided any concrete evidence of how he will do it but its seems more than enough depth for you. So when you decide to label a post a "load of tripe" you might want to consider your offering against it. It comes up far worse.
  6. While you all burn effigies of Malthouse, your anger has missed the real sting in the tail for MFC. The Mike Willessee of AFL football, Mr Eddie McGuire was quoted in the Age today as saying that he did not want to change the QBW away from MFC he just wants to reverse the order of who plays there to "Collingwood vs Melbourne" He feels the Pies kindness toward MFC has gone on too long. So we will still be there on QBW in the McGuire view of the future world, we just dont get a brass bean from it!
  7. Actually, its not. The directors do have duties under the Corporations Act they need to be abide by during this period. Your assumption that the Board is full of business degree fogs that lack passion is silly and misguided. A careful examination of the Board make up would show a diversity of backgrounds and experiences from both commerce and sporting bodies with a common interest. You need passion to support what you do with a sensible commercial understanding to back it up. Arguing one over the other is trite and self serving. I hope Stynes and his board can show sufficient amounts of both in the future. They need to.
  8. He's been doing it for years. And he did it 3 times on Monday. My bet is he would do again and....
  9. Is the loss a result of specific decisions they have made or is more consequential of systemic issues that are not readily within the control of the Board? Rubbish, all Board appointed directors must retire and stand for election at the next AGM. This was done in accoradance with the Constitution If you are so sure, how is that since you dont know who they are and what there commitment is? A more relevant question might have been were Board members otherwise involved in Club duties at that time. Gardner has stated that this was his last season. His departure mid season is to provide a smooth change over. Thank you Jim. Now what your agenda and who is behind you?
  10. I completely agree about the need to avoid bloodshed and an EGM. What is Jimmy articulating as being the "greater good of the Melbourne Football Club"? And given that you are in habit of name dropping Don Argus, I am truly excited that he is coming onto the Board. However, in what capacity is he planning to do so and why is John Phillips mutually exclusive to his appointment? Given Argus has said he is too busy to be Chairman, how much time can he actually commit to being a director of MFC?
  11. Gouga, you will find the answer here. http://stats.rleague.com/afl/afl_index.html
  12. As opposed to not having it. There is alot to like about Miller in regard his athleticism, courage and his attitude. I just dont think he has an adept enough football brain to dominate games regularly. He will have his days in the sun but.... Stuff it. I hope he has a heatwave!
  13. He plays for himself. There is no excuse for not using a lone teammate 20 metres out directly in front. No truly successful side would carry nor forgive such acts I doubt the Coach would have said "Ignore the better option for the team and bathe yourself in glory". Given what Bailey has said in the past I doubt it even further. It was terribly selfish. Its a pity that MFC have become accustomed and accepting of it with Yze and Robbo overriding team rules. It does not happen at the better sides. Every player is under pressure to cement his spot in the team. Why should Yze, a club leader be allowed to play for himself at the expense of the team?
  14. I expect there are very few games he will dominate in. As long as he is serviceable accountable and at least breaks against his direct opponent and provides advantage to the team even I will be happy. If he does better than that....great.
  15. I hope he is more than a figure head. We all need to get behind him and support him for the sake of the Club. It would be nice that above the hoopla he can articulate substantive plans to match the aspirations of many on this Board.
  16. 1. The Chairman is elected by the Board from amongst its numbers. There is no requirement that the Chairman be an elected Director. 2. A person can become a Director by election by the members or by invitation of the Board to fill a casual vacancy. 3. All Board members must be elected by the members. In the case of a Director who joins the Board by invitation to fill a casual vacancy, that Director must retire at the next AGM (usually held in December) and is free to nominate for election at that AGM. 4. A Director is required to retire at the third AGM following the AGM at which he/she was last elected. The only exception to the 3 year rule is that if in a given year no Director retires by application of the 3 year rule or by resignation then at least one Director must retire and can stand for re-election.
  17. Hopefully neither action will be taken and common sense will prevail at MFC.
  18. Its got nothing to do with age. Bodies give up on AFL at different times. Whelan is not by any stretch mid career. He has played only 7 games in 2 years. Wheels is battling a game that is getting quicker all the time. He can afford to miss too much more football.
  19. Bub, if Stynes wants to be appointed to the Board and be elected to replace Gardiner as Chairman then the existing Board are quite within the rights to demand to see his plan and how he seeks to do it. If I was a Board member, I would be unimpressed if there was nothing circulated to review prior to the meeting in which there was vote in regard Stynes becoming Chairman. If Stynes is focussed on a peaceful transition he should be seeking to inform and placate questions of existing Board members The members will have right to vote at the AGM on Stynes and any other director appointed by the Board from here on. However, as Jimmy has taken to play the publicity game he now needs to inform members publicly what those plans and people are.
  20. So it assumes that the current Board have no energy, passion and the time to devote to their task. Fine. And I am all for the change if change is for the better. So what is Stynes going to do to change the status quo and how is going to do better than the existing Board? As far as football being all about perceptions, its pretty much true at the media level. However, if you are claiming that Vlad and co have given their imprimatur to Stynes, I can tell you that behind closed doors, the AFL does not let perceptions get in the way of Club's that are struggling and a free cup of coffee does not do the trick either.
  21. The article covers the topics. I thought Stynes lacked conviction partially because he cant disclose his plans or his team. Nevertheless it lacked the polish and fizz you would expect of someone who is supposed to have a vision. He may well have a vision and a good one at but he has yet to disclose any substance behind it.
  22. Agreed about the Club. Now what is Stynes' platform and how is he going to turn things around? BTW, writing in CAPS implies shouting and does little to impress a point of view.
  23. Stynes has said he has had a coffee with Demetriou. That does not suggest that anything formally submitted. What is the imprimatur of Vlad and the AFL mean? It would be folly and counterproductive for the AFL to weigh into this matter at this point. Its in everyone's interest for MFC to steady its own ship. Would John Phillips be wondering behind all the hoopla what is Stynes platform is? If John Phillips was on an ego trip then his performance on the Board might have reflected behaviours which have not necessarily been evident thus far.
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