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Rhino Richards

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Everything posted by Rhino Richards

  1. Tell that to the people that contributed to the $5million debt reduction and still contribute above and beyond about doing our bit. There are a number. Your comments smack of either ignorance, naivety or parroting in absence of an substantive contribution. Its good you dont pass yourself off as anything. You're doing your bit. However little it is. If the Club is to survive it needs to develop a sustainable business plan not be a perpetual charity that seems have FD/CEO debacles every 3 to 4 years. Any chance the CEO could have been working on a plausible business plan rather than dabbling in the FD? I am sure the Board have been dealing with that.
  2. And on that basis Jimmy should stand aside to deal with his health issues and allow someone with the energy to carry this through. If you buy that the factional issues involving the CEO is causing these problems adnd the problems have been there for a while is Jimmy due to circumstances unable to deal with this? The situation the Club finds itself should have been avoided. And Jimmy's personal battles have created a leadership vacuum that the rest of the Board cant or wont fill.
  3. I'd rather appointment FD personnel based on merit not pangs of guilt.
  4. If Sylvia is a "definite top 5" player then it might indicate where some of the problems are. He has been no better than B to C grade this year. Edit: Just saw rpfc's post. Good post. B)
  5. You dont seem to stand for much or put any contribution of note so I cant see how you could be seen with or with the herd. And dont be so sanctimonious and two faced on the blame game. You are all for getting stuck into supporters for alleged action or non action then you adopt a shallow pious position into discuss the trading of player saying you never criticise. What dross. From Stynes down to the playing list there has been some terrible failings and there is a consistent lack of leadership at a number of levels. I am comforted that you think you never pass yourself off as anything. You cant disappoint.
  6. Bad thread and dumb thought. Stupid actions on the ground dont make up for some dumber actions off the ground.
  7. Caro's normally pretty close to the mark so I dont dismiss her comments out of hand. Robert Walls was sacked by how many clubs?? I am sure he hate coaches sackings.
  8. The leadership was the inherited remnants of past coaching and recruiting. The players you focussed on are the weakness. The younger players are just that and are still learning the caper. In that younger group there is plenty to mould and change. I dont see thats the case with Green and co. We know what we get from them and its not good enough.
  9. IMO Stynes is struggling fighting the good fight on a personal level. He looked terrible at the Press Conference and what little energy he might have seemed more than spent Its an admirable effort and must be most demanding on him that he seems unable to handle the demands of AFL Club presidency (which in truth would test a person in full health). He should step aside to allow himself to focus on his health. Its too bigger to fight the health complication and to address the problems at the Club. He put the Club's and his interests to the fore at the same time.
  10. No they are of the Daniher era. And FWIW, they have played better footy under Bailey than they did under ND. They were part of the wreckage inherited. They probably some of the better parts relative to others that have been jettisoned.
  11. With crud served up like MFC have done on and off the field for the past 5 to 50 years, its both unreasonable and untenable for supporters to have to go further than any other supporter does at another club. Its akin to tossing money into a dark well and it wont continue if there is no success. There is a lot of people that have put alot of forelorn hope in Stynes as the Club saviour. And notwithstanding his brave personal battles, its clear there has been a failure of leadership at many levels but it starts and ends with the man at the top. And please leave out the intellectual condescension remarks. You been regularly shown to short on the fizz when it comes smarts on football...often embarrassingly so. You try to pass yourself with someone with a higher level of insight on matters when its been quite obvious the opposite is the case.
  12. Did LTs report get provided to the Board when it was issued and what was done about it? I know Stynes took hold of the Footy Department some months ago and CC and CS have gone to ground? What was happened since then up to when McLardy called the players meeting last week?
  13. Yes. Fitroy after Melbourne then North. As your reference suggested he has had significant off field issues which made his position at all of the clubs difficult and in two cases completely untenable.
  14. Fair enough. But it does not look good. And while the players should focus on the football, didnt the article say McLardy called the meeting to air grievances? Why did the Board leave it to now given they should have had the independent report on the FD at the start of the year?
  15. Gary Lyon - You are either in officially helping the Club in a transparent or you are out of it. I am not comfortable with him having the ear of the inner sanctum and then making critical public comments about MFC. I am sick of having "mates" who pie float around the place. And I dont want someone who has had no proper coaching experience in the 12 years since he retired coaching us. Its clear we seem to have lacked clear functional roles in the FD with CS and CC. We dont anymore in the place for "friends of the President".
  16. Your order of playing is wrong. Pike was a good footballer who made his position untenable at least 3 clubs particularly MFC.
  17. The Supporters have already kicked in $5million out of there own pockets to get rid of the debt. You cant keep going to the well. It would have been good if our CEO had focussed on a viable business plan rather than messing about in the FD. I would think our great CEO and FD head are root causes of the dysfunctionality. You're out on your planet again 007.
  18. Did you attach a note to the scarf or is there a cryptic clue?
  19. Your first sentence is very pertinent. And some of the perennial post stirrers could take note. They seem to confuse rumour and personal speculation as fact and if they repeat the initial tripe then that acts as confirmation that it is true. Caro Wilson's article in the Age this morning joins the dots on a lot of issues. http://www.theage.com.au/afl/afl-news/how-demons-killed-the-coach-they-loved-but-saved-a-ceo-20110801-1i8az.html This is a calamity that reaches right to the President and the Board. This Club is now entering extremely rough waters.
  20. Must be echoing down your vacant hallways ADC. MFC Board dont see a long future with a saviour CEO.
  21. A 12 month extension is hardly a ringing vote of endorsement of a CEO.
  22. From the reports it would seem that Schwab would have blotted his copy book along time before that. It appeared farcical with McNamee at the time given the Club was broke and had a contractual payout to meet on early termination.
  23. Agree Scoop. It has not stopped your rancid character assassination against a current player who has stuck to his statements. Pot Kettle black at its lowest.
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