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Everything posted by samcantstandya

  1. Iced vo vos r a gr8 biscuit probably my favourite. But Frost wasn't & if he wants more iced vo vos than we r prepared to give than he can go 2 the Hawks & eat all the vo vos he wants. We will as Gloria Gaynor sang survive.
  2. On trade radio they're saying pick 47. Rather he stay than get that late a pick.
  3. Varcoe isn't the answer we need a better longer term one
  4. Don't forget we started the season with 39 on senior list so at this stage with have one extra pick that is 4 picks.
  5. If we don't get Anderson I hope we pick Kemp with one of our picks happy 2 wait for him to recover & develop.
  6. I think we hang on to depth players for too long hoping they 'll gradually become first 22. The reality is if they don't show much in the first 3 y hang on to them. Better to turn over these types for younger talent. The only exception would be rucks & key position players who take a bit longer. However players like Josh, JKH & even ANB have had time & really not impacted how we hoped. We have really limited who we can draft & trade in by the most resignings (Wagners etc). I wanted us to draft high end talent ie pick 2 etc & take a risk on a high risk high reward player like for example a Martin or a Bennell type. I wish we had the courage to draft another Jurrah.
  7. It's hard to understand the rationale.
  8. Josh is so vanilla & lacks pace. Hard 2 understand y they've given him another year. He doesn't make good decisions, but maybe they just like him because he's a good guy. Melbourne have always shied away from recruited talented bad boy types whereas other clubs embrace them.
  9. Let's hope Taylor earns his keep & snags a couple of players who turn in2 guns
  10. Ess r so hard 2 trade with. They want overs 4 their players & want to pay understand 4 the players they wany 2 trade in. As well as dragging things out.
  11. Our chances of luring Elliott just improved. I reckon had they won & haven forbid won the premiership he def wouldn't consider coming to the Dees, but now maybe.....
  12. Doubt we would do it. I agree we should, but we are far too conservative. We couldn't cope with Martin Pike & he won premierships after leaving. We haven't recruited any a Irish players for eons & we tend to pass bad boys who can play for good boys who can't. Where is the x factor????
  13. We must keep Smith he will be gr8 as the 3rd tall in forward line. He'd b hard 4 opposition 2 match.
  14. Walker's retired so that makes 2 rookie spots & 1 cat B spot along with 3 senior spots plus one extra senior spot because we only had 39 on the list. So if we get Langdon, Tomlinson & ??? Elliot we def need to move on JKH & J.Wagner.So we can have at least 2 Nat draft picks & 1 pre season pick. More if Vanders retires.
  15. Either option has its positives.
  16. If they want 2 keep him y don't they demote 2 rookie & free up another spot. If Wagner improves then promote him if he doesn't delist We hang onto ayers for 2 long. JKH 7 years for 39 games as an example.
  17. We have only 3 spots available maybe 4 not sure if we went in2 the season one senior player down???? Either way we need 2 make some smart calls otherwise as it stands we can only pick 1/2 players in the draft if we r committed 2 selecting Langdon & Tomlinson. Surely we need 2 make calls on JKH, Stretch , J Wagner & Vanners. Am I missing any other senior players. I believe ANB is resigned. Ok VDB has a contract but he & KK r no certainties 2 play again. If we delete or trade 3-4 more at least we can capitalise on early draft picks & 2nd pick in the pre season draft.
  18. Did u factor in daylight saving Steve?
  19. Better options out there. I'd prefer the draft.
  20. We need a leaders who inspire & motivate the group. Gawn would be an ideal choice.
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